R&D人员,R&D personnel
1)R&D personnelR&D人员
1.Concept extension and case study of market distance toward R&D personnel performance appraisal面向R&D人员绩效考核的市场距离概念拓展及案例研究
2.R&D personnel measuring system has experienced 3 stages: German Model, U.R&D人员绩效考核制度以三种模式分别经历了三个发展阶段:德国模式、美国模式以及复合型模式,每一模式都有其合理性和不足。
3.So the R&D personnel is the key factor to influence the success of R&D.高新技术企业的R&D能力决定着企业的竞争力,而R&D人员是R&D活动成功与否的关键要素,如何提高R&D人员的个体绩效,从而提高R&D活动的整体绩效是每一个高新技术企业所关心的问题。

1.An Empirical Study of the Correlation between R&D Expenditure and the R&D Staff ChangeR&D支出与R&D人员变动相关关系实证研究
2.The Performance Appraisal of R&D Personnel in High-tech Enterprise;高新技术企业R&D人员的绩效评价
3.Actuality analyzing and countermeasure research on the R&D personnel of Tianjin colleges;天津市高等院校R&D人员状况研究
4.Design of the Performance Evaluation System for R&D Employees of CI Software Company;CI软件公司R&D人员绩效考核体系设计
5.Study on R&D Staff Incentive Payment Based on Compound Option Model;基于复合期权定价的R&D人员薪酬激励机制
6.Career Orientation and Institutional Incentive of R&D Talents under Innovation-based Economy;创新经济下R&D人员职业取向与制度激励
7.Constructing of the Performance Indicator System for R&D Personnel of High-tech Enterprise;高新技术企业R&D人员绩效指标体系的构建
8.Evaluation of R&D Personnel in High-new Technology Enterprises;高新技术企业R&D人员考评指标体系探析
9.Establishing HQ of the corporation and studying the number of R&DPersonnel on ration;公司总部的确立和R&D人员数量的定量探讨
10.Research on the Performance Measurement of R&D Personel Based on Market Distance基于市场距离的R&D人员绩效考核研究
11.R&D Personnel Performance Evaluation Based on Gray Sample Clustering基于灰色样本聚类的R&D人员绩效评价
12.A Study on Motivation Factors Based on Behavior Characteristic of R&D Personnel基于R&D人员行为特征的激励因素研究
13.A Development of Innovative Capability for R&D Talents in Hi-tech Enterprise高新技术企业R&D人员创新能力的开发
14.Research of Performance Evaluation Based on SPA and Motivation for R&D Personnel of High-tech Enterprise;基于SPA的高新技术企业R&D人员绩效评价与激励研究
15.Evaluation of R&D Personnel s Competence based on AHP and BP Neural Network in the Enterprise;基于AHP和BP神经网络的企业R&D人员胜任力评价
16.Method and Its Application of Performance Evaluation of R&D Personnel in High-tech Enterprises高新技术企业R&D人员动态绩效评价方法及应用
17.Concept extension and case study of market distance toward R&D personnel performance appraisal面向R&D人员绩效考核的市场距离概念拓展及案例研究
18.Study for Selection of R&D Project Cooperative Member Based on Fuzzy Multi-Granularity Term Sets under R&D Strategic Alliance;R&D联盟条件下基于FMGTS评价的R&D项目合作成员选择

R&D TalentsR&D人员
1.A Development of Innovative Capability for R&D Talents in Hi-tech Enterprise高新技术企业R&D人员创新能力的开发
2.How to motivate the R&D talents efficiently under innovation-based economy is the focus of psychologists,economists and some innovation theorists,and the research of career orientation based on psychology and the research of institutional incentive based on institutional economy have been the two important aspects.如何对创新经济下的R&D人员进行有效激励是各国心理学家、经济学家以及创新理论专家关注的焦点之一。
3.On Incentives Mechanism for R&D Talents in Hi-Tech Enterprises;本文在阐述研究开发 (R&D)人员对高新技术企业的作用与R&D人员行为特征的基础上 ,系统地分析了影响R&D人员行为绩效的因素 ,提出对R&D人员的激励需要采取系统的、有针对性的措施 ,使激励机制既符合R&D人员的内在特性 ,又符合企业及研发部门的目标。
3)R&D staffR&D人员
1.An Empirical Study of the Correlation between R&D Expenditure and the R&D Staff ChangeR&D支出与R&D人员变动相关关系实证研究
2.R&D staffs have different behavior characteristics compares to common staffs because of their creative-oriented job,which is mental-labor-oriented,and difficult to control working time and process,difficult to quantify working product.R&D人员因其所从事的创造性工作,使得他们在心理和行为上表现出不同于一般员工的行为特征,主要表现在以脑力劳动为主、工作时间和过程难以控制、工作成果难以量化和工作压力大等方面。
4)R&D staff configurationR&D人员配置
1.In order to optimize R&D staff configuration,this paper put forward perfect pyramid staff system and technical hierarchical promotion institute,various ways of R&D staff training and R&D staff allocation by classifying and grading.目前我国软件企业存在R&D人员储备不足、R&D人员结构层次不合理、R&D人员岗位设置单一以及R&D人员调度与分工不合理等R&D人员配置问题。
5)R&D personal performanceR&D人员绩效
1.Nowadays,most experts focuses on the research involving the performance of R&D departments,projects,and teams,they pay little attention on the R&D personal performance evaluation.本文对国内外R&D人员绩效评价的主要方法进行了总结归纳,评述了当前R&D人员绩效评价研究的难点与问题,指出了R&D人员绩效评价的发展趋势,希望对R&D人员绩效评价的研究有所裨益。
6)R&D human capitalR&D人力资本
1.The Risk Early Warning on Investment of R&D Human Capital in Software Enterprises;软件企业R&D人力资本投资风险预警研究
2.The high risk of R&D human capital investment in software enterprises greathy affects the improvement of R&D human capital value and growth of software enterprise.软件企业R&D人力资本投资活动的高风险性极大地影响着R&D人力资本价值提升与软件企业的稳步成长,在对软件企业R&D人力资本投资风险进行科学分析的基础上,从技术风险、代理风险、R&D人员流失风险和R&D人员配置风险等角度提出了R&D人力资本投资风险分类控制模式;根据各类风险的等级大小,引入企业治理的基本理念,提出了R&D人力资本投资风险分级控制模式。

《论经济工作人员的任务》  斯大林1931年2月4日在苏联全苏社会主义工业工作人员第一次代表会议上的演说,着重论述了经济工作人员必须掌握技术和业务,使自己成为专家和内行的问题。    1931年是苏联执行第一个五年计划的第三年,当时决定这一年工业总产值增长45%,在基本的有决定意义的工业部门三年完成五年计划。这次会议是为了实现这一目标而召开的。    斯大林在演说中认为,要完成第三年度的计划,需要两个基本条件:即要有实际的客观的可能性,同时要有领导企业的愿望和本领,以便把可能变为现实。当时苏联具有第一个条件,但第二个条件还不具备。因此,斯大林强调,管理经济建设的干部必须使自己成为专家,成为内行,必须面向技术知识,这是实际生活所要求的。他说:"人们时常问:为什么我们没有一长制呢?只要我们还没有掌握技术,我们就没有而且不会有一长制。只要在我们中间,在布尔什维克中间还没有足够的精通技术、经济和财务问题的人才,我们就不会有真正的一长制。如果你们不掌握工厂和矿井的技术、经济和财务,那么随便你们写多少决议,随便你们怎样宣誓,也都无济于事,也都不会有一长制"(《斯大林选集》下卷,第272页)。斯大林要求经济人员努力学习,努力掌握技术和业务。    会议根据这一演说精神拟定了经济工作人员的基本任务:掌握技术,提高领导生产的质量,贯彻一长制,实行经济核算,提高劳动生产率,降低成本和改进产品质量。