科学学派,scientific school
1)scientific school科学学派
1.Researches on the historical forms of the scientific schools;科学学派的历史形态探析
2.In current science field of our country,the construction of scientific schools apparently has lagged behind.在当前我国科学界,科学学派建设明显滞后。
3.The analysis and abstraction of the connotation of scientific school as well as the accurate grasp of its essential characteristics will benefit the relevant theoretic research and be helpful to improve the scientific research management.对科学学派的内涵进行分析概括 ,对其本质特征进行准确把握 ,有助于相关理论研究的进一步深化 ,有助于科研管理中的操作界定。

1.Study on Development Mechanism and Expansionist Policy of Scientific School;科学学派的成长机制与发展策略研究
2.Christian Scientist; person who believes in this system基督教科学派信徒.
3.Church of Scientology Switzerland, Bern瑞士基督教科学派教会
4.Scientology-Brussels, Brussels基督教科学派-布鲁塞尔
5.The director cast me as a scientist.导演选派我扮演科学家。
6.Post-Modernist Intentions in Philosophy of Science of the Critical School;批判学派科学哲学的后现代主义意向
7.Analysis on the Main Schools of Modern Scientific Philosophy and their Scientific Views;试析现代科学哲学的主要流派及其科学观
8.The Comparative Study on the Viewpoints of Scientific Authority between Merton School and SSK;默顿学派与SSK的科学权威观比较研究
9.From "discipline perspective" to "school perspective"--On school awareness and practice orientation of pedagogical school in China;从“学科立场”到“学派立场”——论中国教育学的学派意识及其实践路向
10.Creating Scientific Literature Theory School:Interviewing Professor Dong Xuewen创建科学的文学理论学派——董学文教授访谈录
11.Tokyo Institute of Technology Group in Japanese Community of History of Science and Technology日本科学技术史界的东京工业大学学派
12.His philosophy of science more or less directly originates form critical school of thought.他的科学哲学或多或少直接渊源于批判学派。
13.This article aims to explain the theory of Edinburgh school.本文旨在解读爱丁堡学派的科学知识社会学。
14.Chinese School:The Theoretical Construction of the Third Phase of Comparative Literature;中国学派:比较文学第三阶段学科理论的建构
15.The Construction of the Discipline of Higher Education Management:In View of the Development of Schools;从学派发展看我国高等教育管理学学科建设
16.On the Scientific Pholosophy Origins of the Western Main Psychology Schools;谈西方心理学主要流派的科学哲学渊源
17.The Base Viewpoints of Edinburgh School in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge浅谈爱丁堡学派科学知识社会学的基本观点
18.(1821-1910) founder of Christian Science in 1866.(1821-1910)1866年基督教科学派的创始人。

Religious Science宗教科学派
3)leader of scientific school科学学派领袖
1.Being suitable to the roles that the leader of scientific school plays he necessarily possess corresponding characters.对科学学派领袖素质的研究有助于提高科研工作的组织与管理水平 ,有助于构建优秀的科研团队。
4)Schools of Soph-scientists哲理科学家学派
5)school of management science管理科学学派
6)Moscow Semantic School莫斯科语义学派
1.This paper makes a brief introduction of Apresyan,the leading Russian linguist of the Moscow Semantic School.阿普列相是俄罗斯莫斯科语义学派的代表人物,其理论语义学思想十分丰富,他在俄语动词的语义研究、语言整合描写、词汇单位的系统描写、元语言理论、句子语义结构的多层次性描写、语义配价和句法题元理论等几个方面均有所建树。
2.Its basic ideas have become the methodological program of the Moscow Semantic School, which emerged afterwards.20世纪60年代中期,由前苏联学者伊戈尔·梅里丘克等创立的《意思(?)文本》模型是一种研究意思及其表达形式(文本)之间双向对应关系的语言学理论,其目标是模拟人的语言能力—文本的生成与理解机制,其基本思想成为随后兴起的莫斯科语义学派的方法论纲领。
