科学合作,scientific collaboration
1)scientific collaboration科学合作
1.A review on the status quo study of international scientific collaboration;国际科学合作研究状况综述
2.Scientometric Study on Scientific Collaboration Pattern and Its Funcation;科学合作方式及其功能的科学计量学研究
3.This paper is a case study on age structures of scientific collaboration in Chinese computer science.文章是继我国计算机科学领域科学合作的年龄结构之后又一案例研究。

1.Scientometics Analysis on Dynamic Factors of Science Collaboration科学合作动力因素的科学计量学分析
2.Word Frequency Analysis of Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Cross-disciplinary Development;对科学合作促进科学跨学科发展的计量分析
3.Association for Science Cooperation in Asia亚洲科学合作协会(亚洲科协)
4.Scientometric Study on Scientific Collaboration Pattern and Its Funcation;科学合作方式及其功能的科学计量学研究
5.interdisciplinary team approach多学科联合工作方法
6.Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco烟草科学研究合作中心
7.Cooperation across different disciplines can develop new and fringe disciplines不同学科的合作可产生新的边缘学科
8.Analysis of Scientific Collaboration Network Based on "Chinese Science Bulletin"基于《科学通报》的科学家合作网研究
9.Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperatio科学和技术合作常设委员会 (科技合作常委会)
10.Regional Technical Cooperation Network in Africa on science and technology非洲科学技术区域技术合作网(科技网)
11.Science and education: Technological innovation will be advanced, and Sino-foreign jointly run schools encouraged.科教:推动科技创新,鼓励中外合作办学
12.Research of Cooperative Learning in Primary Science Class;小学科学课小组合作学习的实践研究
13.On the Construction of Subject-oriented Joint Information Service Systems学科化联合信息服务合作系统的构建
14.An Archaeological Report of Inter-disciplinary Co-operation: Longqiuzhuang;一部多学科合作的考古著作——读《龙虬庄》
15.A Scientometrics Analysis on China's Disciplinary Distribution and International Cooperation Mode Based on SSCI Paper中国社会科学学科结构及国际合作模式研究——科学计量学视角
16.The Contradiction and Countermeasure for Disciplinary Crossing and Research Cooperation In University;大学学科交叉与科研合作的矛盾及应对策略
17.French Institute of Scientific Research for Development Cooperation法国科学研究促进发展合作学会
18.Enhancing Scientific Research and Comprehensive Faculties of University Students;加强学生科研工作 提高学生综合素质

science collaboration科学合作
1.Network analysis on the science collaboration status quo of the nanotechnology;网络分析方法用于纳米科技领域科学合作状况的研究
2.Study of science collaborations promoting cross-disciplinary development;科学合作促进学科交叉发展的研究
3.By analyzing the 12094 papers covered by SCI for 15 years using the method of scientometrics,this paper shows the law of science collaboration in the field and the effect of the collaboration mode on science productivity by reviewing the status of science collaboration in international nanotechnology from the four facets of scientist,institution,country and subject.运用科学计量学方法对检索到的文献信息进行定量分析,从科学家个人、机构、国家和学科的角度考察纳米科技领域科学合作的状况,探求该领域科学合作的规律,揭示科学合作方式对科研生产力的影响。
3)research collaboration科学合作
1.It is stressed that research collaboration benefits all collaborators and leads to the special phe.本文揭示了发生在比利时、荷兰和匈牙利这三个较小国家的普赖斯奖获得者共生现象 ,通过建构“双核”或“三核”的合作网络模型 ,描述了共生获奖者之间的合作关系 ,说明科学合作能促进学术共荣 ,因而是引发小国普赖斯奖获得者共生的重要原因。
2.With the development of humanities and social sciences, research collaboration becomes a more and more important.随着人文社会科学的发展,科学合作也逐渐成为人文社会科学研究的重要形式。
4)Cooperation among courses学科合作
5)Interdisciplinary cooperation跨学科合作
6)international scientific collaboration国际科学合作
1.Statistics of the co-authorship between country/territory is done under the ego-centric network of international scientific collaboration in China and India.比较了中、印两国国际科学合作的个体中心网结构,发现两国国际科学合作个体中心网具有基本相同的网络密度、中心势以及核心合作伙伴和明显不同的链密度,表明中国国际科学合作的集中性。
2.Based on the statistics and analyses of 168689 articles published in SCI source journals in the field of mechanics, this paper explored the relationship between productivity and international scientific collaboration.经过对近17万条力学SCI专业期刊论文索引数据的统计和分析,考察了科学生产能力与国际科学合作的关系。
