仡佬族,Gelao nationality
1)Gelao nationality仡佬族
1.The occurrence of fingerprint white lines in Gelao nationality;仡佬族成人指纹白线的研究
2.On the Custom of Gelao Nationality s “Owing Bird on the 1st,February (Lunar Calendar)” ——A Research Report on Gelao Nationality s Bird-owing Custom in Baoxi,Pingshan Village,Shiqian County;仡佬族“二月初一敬鸟”习俗初探——石阡县坪山乡包溪仡佬族敬鸟习俗调查报告
3.The pattern of hair distribution on the phalanges of the hand were examined in the Gelao nationality with a total number of 206 people, inculding male and female cadres and peasants aged from 20 to 60, living in the Daozhen County, Guizhou.观察了贵州仡佬族 2 0~ 60岁农民、干部共 2 0 6人 (男 10 0 ,女 10 6)的手指指毛的分布。

1.The Developing Tendcncy of the Ecology Gelapl s Native language and Some Basic Strategies for Dealing with Its Crisis;仡佬族母语的发展趋势以及应对仡佬族母语危机的基本措施
2.Investigation of "Six mountains and Six Rivers"and the Gelaos Study;“六山六水”民族调查与仡佬族研究
3.The Ge Minority s Literary Creation in the Qing Dynasty From the “Nanyuan History”;从《南园纪事》看仡佬族清代的文学创作
4.Festival and Society: the Cultural Symbol of the Gelao People s "Bird-Respecting Festival";节日与社会:仡佬族“敬雀节”的文化象征
5.Relations Between the Igorot of the Philippines and the Gelao of China菲律宾伊戈洛人与中国仡佬族的关系
6.On the Custom of Gelao Nationality s “Owing Bird on the 1st,February (Lunar Calendar)” --A Research Report on Gelao Nationality s Bird-owing Custom in Baoxi,Pingshan Village,Shiqian County;仡佬族“二月初一敬鸟”习俗初探——石阡县坪山乡包溪仡佬族敬鸟习俗调查报告
7.Ancestor Faith and Nature Worship of Wenshan Ge-Lao andTheir Cultural Connotations;文山州仡佬族祖先崇拜、自然崇拜及其文化内涵
8.A Case Study on the Change of Bilingual Types of the Zhenfeng Gelao People in Pomao Village;贞丰县坡帽村仡佬族双语类型转换个案研究
9.Folk Tourist Resources and Its Development in Gelao s Area in Daozhen County;试论道真仡佬族民俗旅游资源及其开发
10.A Study on the Biligualism among the Scattering Gelao;近现代散居地区仡佬族的双语现象研究
11.The Measure Analysis of Literature Research of China Gelo People(1980-2007)我国仡佬族(1980-2007年)文献研究的计量分析
12.Ethnic, Social, Ethical and Educational Functions of the Gelos Folk Custom "Kujia"(Crying at Wedding) in Daozhen;浅析道真仡佬族“哭嫁”民俗的民族社会伦理道德教育功能
13.Missing the Disappearing Nature--The Ecological Adjustment Setbacks and Solution of the Gelao People in Pudi Village,Dafang County;留恋远去的大自然——大方县普底乡仡佬族生态适应的曲折与出路
14.Studies on Problems of Small Town Governmental Debt in Nationality Regions--Taking Daozhen,Autonomous County of Gelao and Miao Minorities in Guihzou Province As Example;民族地区乡镇政府债务问题研究——以贵州道真仡佬族、苗族自治县为例
15.On the Instrument Function of Funeral Ceremonyat Rural Area in Northwest Guizhou--Take Xiangshui Township As Example黔西北农村丧葬仪式中的工具性功能初探——以大方县响水白族彝族仡佬族乡葬礼为例
16.On the Indigenous Forms of Noncontinuity Education--Taking the Miao Nationality in Shimenkan,the Han in Xuetangkan,the Kelao nationality in Pingjiazhai非连续性教育之本土呈现形式——以贵州石门坎苗族、穴塘坎汉族、平家寨仡佬族为例
17.Modern Gelao People s Folk Law and Their Solutions to Local Disputes;现代仡佬族的民间法与民间纠纷解决方式——以贵州省大方县普底乡红丰村为例
18.The greater part of Gelaos mixes gradually together with the Han Nationality, the Miaos and the Tujias in the locality except a few migrate to Guizhou.这部分仡佬后来除少部分倒迁入贵州外,大部分即逐渐融合于当地汉族、苗族和土家族中。

3)Gelo minority ethnic group in Guizhou贵州仡佬族
1.Initial study on the cultural geography features ofGelo minority ethnic group in Guizhou;贵州仡佬族文化地理特征初探
4)the native language of Gelao people仡佬族母语
1.This article studies the current state of the echo-environment of the native language of Gelao people and its developing tendency, and put forward some measures to dela with the crisis it confronts.本文对仡佬族母语生态的现状以及仡佬族母语的发展趋势进行了论述 ,并针对仡佬族语言濒危的状况提出了一些具体的解决措施。
5)education for the Gelao nationality仡佬族教育
1.After the reform and opening up, education for the Gelao nationality has witnessed great development.改革开放以后,仡佬族教育有很大发展,但仍存在各仡佬族地区发展不平衡,教育设施简陋,手段陈旧,观念滞后,资金短缺等问题。
6)Gelɑozu wenxue仡佬族文学
