潜在用户,potential users
1)potential users潜在用户
1.An Analysis of the Potential Users and Constraint Factors on the Mobile Learning Based on WAP Environment;WAP环境下移动学习的潜在用户与制约因素分析
2.He should understand his users,especially understand the potential users and their needs.他必须了解用户——尤其是了解潜在用户的需求,并善于从中汇总、取舍,把它们变成产品的特性。
3.This article analyses the situation of the potential library users research,the cause of the absence of the potential library users research,and the relations between the potential users and actual users.通过分析我国图书馆潜在用户研究的现状,对潜在用户缺乏研究的原因,以及潜在用户与现实用户的比较与联系,强调了对图书馆潜在用户开展研究的重要性,并提出了如何实现潜在用户向现实用户的转化策略。

1.The users of HEE exam should include surface users and potential users.高考的用户应该包括表层用户和潜在用户
2.An Analysis of the Potential Users and Constraint Factors on the Mobile Learning Based on WAP Environment;WAP环境下移动学习的潜在用户与制约因素分析
3.A Research on Public Libraries Potential User Structure:Based on Cluster Analysis基于聚类分析的公共图书馆潜在用户结构研究
4.Method of Decision Tree to Sort Potential Users in PEM;一种用决策树技术区分许可营销中潜在用户的方法
5.Interviewing both current and potential users illuminates the effect that experience with the current version of a product may have on how the user behaves and thinks about things.与现有用户和潜在用户进行访谈,可以发现产品旧版的使用经验对行为与观念的影响。
6.The Potential Requirement of Researched User is the Hard Core of Enterprise Innovation研究用户潜在需求是企业创新的核心
7.Positive Research of SMC Model in the Application of Customer Potential Value Finding;SMC模型在客户潜在价值发现的应用实证研究
8.The Application of Improved Decision Tree Algorithm in Obtaining Po tential Customers;改进的决策树算法在潜在客户获取中的应用
9.Research of Potential Credit Card Customers Identification in Commercial Banks;商业银行信用卡业务潜在客户识别的研究
10.The Evaluation and Application Research of Customer Cross-selling Value Based on Customer Segmentation;基于客户细分的客户交叉销售潜在价值估算与应用研究
11.When meeting a potential customer,与潜在客户会面时,
12.Identify types of prospects, customers and calls.识别潜在客户、客户以及电话类型。
13.By putting this information right in the menu, the user may register it subconsciously.通过在菜单中正确放置这些信息,用户在潜意识里记住了它。
14.To find the potential customers on Internet will help to cut down the expenditure of marketing by a great part, which otherwise might be impossible.在因特网上找寻潜在客户能大幅度削减营销费用。
15.The Research on Classification Using Statistic and Its Application to Forecast Latent Customers;基于统计的分类算法及其在潜在客户识别中的应用研究
16.Well, when potential importers ask for price quotes, we set our prices in domestic currency.有潜在客户要求我们报价时,我们用本国货币来设定价格。
17.Periodical effectively communicate with customer, understand a consumption need in time, insight into it latent need.定期与用户有效沟通,及时了解消费需求,洞察其潜在需求。
18.How do you plan to upraise the level of knowledge and the boating culture to your customers and potential customers? Any precise plans of communication?您打算采用什么方式来提高您的客户及潜在客户对游艇知识及文化的认知水平?

potential customer潜在客户
1.The Exploration and Management of Potential Customer on Auto Market Based on Customer Relation Management (CRM);基于CRM的汽车市场潜在客户开发与管理
2.Searching potential customers for products is a useful approach by using PUSH strategies to make customers be actual customers.为产品寻找客户 ,是企业的一项主要任务 ,而潜在客户的发现为企业采取“推”式策略吸引潜在客户成为其真正的客户提供了支持 。
3.Customer equity is the sum of the current customer equity and potential customer equity.客户资产由当前客户资产和潜在客户资产两部分组成,对潜在客户资产测量问题尚未有系统的研究。
3)the average content degree of potential user潜在用户平均满意度
4)potential application潜在应用
1.The principle of catalytic reforming reaction and its influence on ignition, flame propagation and stability have been stated in this paper, and showed its potential application in diesel engine, gasoline engine, flame stability for afterburner, gas fuel with low value and coal gasification.并进而说明了它在柴油机、汽油机、加力燃烧室的火焰稳定、低热值煤气及煤燃烧研究中的潜在应用。
2.Lastly, the potential application of the composite was pointed out.综述了 Fe Al粘结复合材料的液相烧结、无压熔渗和反应式热压制备工艺 ,比较分析了各工艺的特点及所制备的复合材料的性能 ,并指出了这类材料的潜在应
5)imperceptible role潜在作用
6)potential utility潜在效用

《潜在抗干扰性理论》  阐述无线电接收设备潜在抗干扰性理论的名著,苏联B.A.卡捷尼柯夫著。1947年作为博士论文在苏联莫斯科动力学院发表,1956年在莫斯科正式出版。全书共13章,分为4个部分。第一部分是阅读本书的预备知识。第二部分叙述离散消息传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了两个离散值信号和多离散值信号下的理想接收机和潜在抗干扰性。第三部分叙述连续消息、参量传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了不同调制方式(调幅、调频、脉冲调制)和不同噪声干扰强度(弱噪声、强噪声干扰)下的系统潜在抗干扰性。第四部分讨论连续消息、波形传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别研究了直接调制、脉冲调制(脉冲调幅、脉冲调位、脉冲调频)和积分调制系统的潜在抗干扰性。这本书是研究最佳接收理论的重要理论著作。