科学与人文,science and humanity
1)science and humanity科学与人文
1.Establishing science and humanity fused harmonious sport——Revitalizing the Olympic culture;构建科学与人文融合的和谐体育——复兴奥林匹克文化

1.Science and Humanism: An Illustration Based on Brain Science;科学与人文:一种基于脑科学的解读
2.Strengthening Scientific Spirit in Merging of Two Cultures在科学与人文的融合中构建科学精神
3.Thoughts on the Relationship between Science and Human Culture in College Culture;对大学文化中科学与人文关系的思考
4.The integration of science and human spirit in education;工科教育凸显科学与人文精神的融合
5.Design:The Third Culture Connecting Science and Arts;设计:沟通科学与人文的第三种文化
6.The integration of science and humanities;科学与人文相融——论结合专业教学进行人文教育
7.Strengthen Dialogue between Science and Humanities;加强科学与人文对话 培养创新人才
8.Development of Humanities Discipline and Cultivation of Medical Students Humanistic Quality;人文学科发展与医学生人文素质培养
9.The Enlightenment of the Humanities Science and its Infiltration in Teaching;人文科学的昭示与教学中的人文渗透
10.The Dimension of Education on History of Science: Cultural Inosculation Between Science and Humanism科学史教育的向度:科学文化与人文文化的融合
11.Scientific Development Concept and Evaluation of the Achievements in the Humanities and Social Sciences;科学发展观与人文社会科学成果评价
12.On the Scientific and Humane Properties of Natural Science;试论自然科学的科学属性与人文属性
13.Unification of "Scientific Nature" and "Humanity" in the Scientific Concept of Development科学发展观之“科学性”与“人文性”的统一
14.Dialectical Relations Between Cultures of Science and Humanity;科学文化与人文文化的辩证关系探微
15.Understanding and thought on of science and literal arts;对科学文化和人文文化的理解与思考
16.An Exploration on the Cause Of Split Between Science Culture and Humanism Culture;科学文化与人文文化分裂的原因探析
17.Engineering Students Loss of the Humanities Spirit and the Humanities Education;工科大学生人文精神缺失与人文教育
18.The Amalgamation of Humanity Spirit and Scientific Spirit in Engineering College工科院校人文精神与科学精神的融合

science and humanism科学与人文
1.Owing to the heart and intelligence action of humane being are the primary in all the culture actions,so explore the essential relationship between science and humanism through mental intention must be a significant way.如何把科学与人文关系的研究引向深入,从人性的深处揭示二者的内在关联,已成为关键环节。
2.His unique explanation and practice of science education thought,as well as the concept of science and humanism should be pay attention at the same time on th.任鸿隽在科学教育上的筚路蓝缕之功为世人所公认,他对科学教育思想的独特阐释与实践,以及在科学教育实践上提出的科学与人文并重的理念,不仅在近代中国教育界产生了深远影响,而且为当今中国科学教育改革提供了极为有益的借鉴。
3)science and humanities科学与人文
4)humanities and science人文与科学
1.The equal importance on the humanities and sciences: the protest of Guofeng on the Japanese invasion;人文与科学并重:《国风》抵抗日本侵略的救亡主张
2.This paper focuses on the harmonious university education connotation of interpretation that the fusion of humanities and science education,Meanwhile constructing university harmonious education that is fusion of the humanities an.研究着重对高校和谐教育的内涵进行诠释,即人文与科学融合教育,同时对人文与科学融合的高校和谐教育进行了理论上的探讨。
3.This paper focuses on the harmonious education on the history of harmony and the connotation of education,that the integration of humanities and science education,while humanities and science colleges harmo.着重论述了和谐教育的历史渊源以及对和谐教育内涵的诠释,即人文与科学融合的教育,同时对人文与科学融合的高校和谐教育进行了理论上的建构。
5)humanism and social science人文与社会科学
6)tridimensional integrate科学与人文整合
1.By using the method of documentary investigation,logical analysis and so on,according to the idea of integrating theory with practice,we suggest that new curriculum reform of the nationwide general colleges and universities must have been transform with student s vitality development and tridimensional integrated base on instruction for PE recently.采用文献资料调研、比较和逻辑分析等方法,在理论与实践紧密结合的观点的基础上,提出了促进我国普通高校体育新一轮课程教学改革应该从大学生生命发展的视角进行人本改造,并在人本改造的基础上,实施科学与人文整合的基本方略。
