煤炭科技,coal science and technology
1)coal science and technology煤炭科技
1.Present status and outlook of coal science and technology development in China;我国煤炭科技发展现状及展望
2.Discussions on key development fields of China's coal science and technology at early stage of 21st century;21世纪前期我国煤炭科技重点发展领域探讨
3.During the 10th Five-year Plan period, the Chinese coal science and technology will be developed at three levels: conduction of key basic research on coal development and utilization, provision of technologies with general character and scientific and technical innovations of key technologies to the coal industry, and upgrading of the existing mining technology and equipment level.“十五”期间,我国煤炭科技将围绕煤炭开发利用的关键基础性研究,为行业提供共性技术和关键技术的科技创新,提高现有矿井技术装备水平的3个层次,重点在煤炭高效集约化生产、煤矿安全和洁净煤技术3个方面开展研究、开发、工业性示范和推广应用。

1.Functions of coal technical archives in non coal project quality control as seen from a specific case煤炭科技档案在非煤项目工程质量控制中的作用
2.System and Evaluation Research of the Progress in Science and Technology of Coal Enterprise;煤炭企业科技进步系统及其评价研究
3.Researching the Valuation System of Science and Technology Progress of Coal Enterprise;煤炭企业科技进步综合评价系统研究
4.Developing the Coal Resources with the Concepts of the Green,Sci-tech and Humanity;用“绿色·科技·人文”理念开发煤炭资源
5.Main Achievements of Coal Science and Technology in China s Acient Times;中国古代煤炭科学技术的主要成就(下)
6.Major Achievements in China s Ancient Coal Science and Technology;中国古代煤炭科学技术的主要成就(上)
7.Considering of Surveying and Mapping Service to Coal Production of Shanxi Province;测绘科技服务于山西煤炭生产的思考
8.Pushing Scientific Innovation and Realizing Finely Mining and Recovering Coal Resource;推进科技创新 实现精采细回煤炭资源
9.Review and Prospect of Science and Technology Information Working in Coal Enterprises;煤炭企业科技信息工作的回顾与展望
10.Advanced coal sci-tech achievements of 2002: an overview;2002年度煤炭工业优秀科技成果述评
11.Innovation projects in coal mines:management exploration and practice;煤炭企业科技创新项目的管理探索与实践
12.Technical innovation the thrust for formulating the world s first rate coal mine company;坚持依靠科技创新 打造世界一流煤炭企业
13.Need and Measures for Implementing Science & Technology Stategy in Coal Industry;煤炭企业实施科技创新战略的必要性及对策
14.On Coal Resources Safety Strategy of China Supported by High-technology Development;高科技支持下的我国煤炭资源安全战略
15.A Study on the Technological Support of Industrial Conversion of the Mining Industrial Cities in Shanxi;山西煤炭资源型城市产业转型科技支撑研究
16.Taking a new route to industrialization to develop coal enterprise by technical renovations;坚持实施科技兴企战略 走煤炭新型工业化道路
17.A Study of the Current State of Technical Personnel in State-owned Coal Enterprises and Relevant Issues;国有煤炭企业科技人才状况及相关问题研究
18.Investigation and Countermeasure Research into the Present State of the Qualified Scientists and Technicians in State-Owned Coal Enterprises;国有煤炭企业科技人才现状调查与对策研究

coal sci-tech periodical煤炭科技期刊
1.This paper sums up the standard and non-standard uses of the terms in coal sci-tech periodical(the coal preparation section),and lists up some universal terms as reference for authors and editors.归纳了煤炭科技期刊(选煤部分)中名词的规范与不规范用法,并列出了可通用的名词,供作者和编辑同行参考。
3)science and technology in coal mining in ancient times古代煤炭科学技术
4)promote coal industry by technology科技兴煤
5)coal liquefaction technique煤炭液化技术
1.This paper expounds the necessity and significance of developing the coal liquefaction technique,emphatically introduces and sums up two kinds of the more mature techniques,the direct liquefaction and indirect liquefaction,and their derived processes.阐述了发展煤炭液化技术的必要性及其意义,重点介绍与总结了目前较为成熟的直接液化和间接液化两种技术及其衍生工艺。
6)coal conversion technology煤炭转化技术

煤炭国际贸易(见煤炭市场)煤炭国际贸易(见煤炭市场)international trade of coal:see coal market 煤炭国际贸易见煤炭市场。(international trade of eoal)