学术刊物,academic journals
1)academic journals学术刊物
1.Differences between academic journals of China and those in other countries and future development of Chinese academic journals;谈中外学术期刊的差异及我国学术刊物的发展方向
2.In respect to the development of academic journals in colleges and universities, the subject, object, aim and focus of the development strategy are discussed in this paper.以高校学术期刊的发展为大背景 ,从谋略的角度 ,对其施谋的主体、对象、目的、焦点进行了深入探讨 ,指出了高等学校学术期刊发展 ,施谋主体要充分明确学术刊物的目标定位和高度重视学术的原创 ,施谋对象要加大对高校学报的经济投入和注重栏目的合理设置。
3.The networking of academic journals refers to the web-based distribution or publication of academic journals.数字媒介形式的学术刊物,除了具有传统学术刊物的特质外,更应是一种学术信息传递方法的创新过程,是学术信息数字化传递后的重新组合。

1.learned journals, societies, language学术刊物、 团体、 语言
2.Analysis on the Contents and Characteristics of the Yu Gong Semimonthly,an Academic Publication in the Modern Times of China我国近代学术刊物─—《禹贡半月刊》的内容及特点试析
3.It is reputed that the learned journal has the characteristics of dissipative structure.分析学术刊物(报)统,具有耗散系统的特征。
4.Besides these, one must also read newspapers, news magazines, journals and the like to keep abreast of developments in the world.除此之外,还得阅读报章、新闻杂志、学术刊物等。 %$
5.He takes several learned journals and manages to be abreast of developments in his field.他订阅了几本学术刊物,对本行最新的发展非常清楚。
6.scientific or technical journal in single issues, unbound or paperbound科学技术刊物,专号,未装本除外(不包括主要用作广告宣传的刊物)
7.We should try to ensure that academic dissertations and journals of value are printed and published.有价值的学术论文、刊物一定要保证印刷出版。
8.Influence of "Journals by Scholars" on the Quality of Academic Journals;论“学者办刊”对学术期刊质量的影响
9.Gitutyun ev Tekhnica (Science and Technology): Yerevan.《科学与技术》月刊:埃里温;1963年创刊。
10.Discussion on Similarities and Differences between News Magazines' Editors and Academic Journal' Editors浅析新闻期刊与学术期刊编辑的异同
11.She has contributed to literary magazines.她给文学刊物投了稿.
12.CA (Chemical Abstracts)《化学文摘》(美国刊物)
13.Editors and academics, through critical quarterlies, through college courses, support its orthodoxies.编辑和学术界人士通过评论刊物,通过大学的课程,维护它的正统性。
14.Research on Academic Quality Assessment and Its Evaluation System of Open Access Journals in Biomedicine生物医学类开放存取期刊学术质量评价及其评价体系研究
15.Research on Creating Famous Chinese International Academic Journals;我国学术期刊创国际学术名刊问题研究
16.On the Subordinate Academic Serials of Non-academic Serials and Library Management非学术性期刊的学术子刊现象及其管理
17.All these problems above are not propitious to the stabilization of the editors and the development of these periodicals.这些问题不利于体育学术期刊编辑队伍的稳定和刊物的可持续发展。
18.The CRC currently delivers four kinds of public research "product" or output.研究成果有年刊报告,技术和工作报告,科学出版物,会议论文等。

academic papers in journal刊物学术性论文
1.s of academic papers in journals play an important role in transmitting the papers.刊物学术性论文的标题与摘要在成果交流与传播中起着非常重要的作用。
3)art magerzines美术刊物
4)academic journals学术期刊
1.Survey on the Editorial Normalization of Academic Journals of Humanities and Social Science in China;中国人文社会科学学术期刊编辑出版规范的调查分析
2.The "four advantages" in digital publishing of academic journals;学术期刊数字出版要做到“四好”
3.The Study on Obstacle and Strategy of Market-oriented Development of Chinese Academic Journals;我国学术期刊市场化发展障碍及策略研究
5)academic periodical学术期刊
1.Article reprint and web download rate of sport academic periodicals;体育学学术期刊二次文献转载及web即年下载率分析
2.Attempt on the Selection of the Academic Periodical Style of Writing;刍议学术期刊的文风选择
3.Verified forms of republished articles in academic periodicals and preventive tactics;学术期刊重复发表的异化形式及阻断策略
6)academic journal学术期刊
1.Content Innovation:the Essential Characteristic of Editing Activity of Academic Journal;内容创新:学术期刊编辑活动的本质特征
2.The credit of academic journals under the vision of sci-tech ethics;从科技伦理看学术期刊信用
3.Pay attention to authors proofreading for academic journals;科技学术期刊应加强作者自校环节

文物刊物  刊载文物考古资料、科学研究成果和学术论文的连续出版物。出版宗旨是:传播文物考古知识,交流研究成果,培养提高文物考古人才,促进文物考古学术研究和文物事业的发展。    中华人民共和国建立初期,创办的主要刊物有:《文物参考资料》(1950年 1月创刊,1959年改名《文物》)、《中国考古学报》 (1951年12月复刊,后改名《考古学报》)和《考古通讯》(1955年1月创刊,1959年改名《考古》)等,至1989年已创办各种文物考古刊物32种(见表)。