专利工作,patent work
1)patent work专利工作
1.It points out the problem existed in patent work,and puts forward the development strategy of patent work in Shanghai universities.运用实证分析的方法,研究了近十年上海高校专利数量、质量和科技投入与产出情况,指出专利工作发展中存在的问题,进而提出上海高校专利发展策略。
2.Introducing the developing situation and future calculation of the patent work of Shanxi Province.介绍了山西专利工作的发展情况和今后的打
3.This paper discusses the relationship between patent work and the development of research-oriented universities in view of their three main functions, i.本文从研究型大学的人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大功能的角度讨论了专利工作与学校发展的关系。

1.Patent Work and Development of Research-Oriented Universities;研究型大学的专利工作与学校的发展
2.The Analysis of and Countermeasures for the Current Situation of the Patent Work in China Auto Industries;我国汽车工业专利工作现状分析及对策研究
3.Article 3 The patent administration department under the State Council is responsible for the patent work throughout the country.第三条 国务院专利行政部门负责管理全国的专利工作
4.Rule 80 The Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall provide professional guidance to the administrative authorities for patent affairs in handling and mediating patent disputes.第八十条 国务院专利行政部门应当对管理专利工作的部门处理和调解专利纠纷进行业务指导。
5.Research on Autuality of Patent Work Appraisement Based on Hebei Province;河北省专利工作评价分析及其对策研究
6.A Study on Situation and Development of Patent Work in Shanghai Area Universities;上海高校专利工作态势分析及发展研究
7.On the Present Situation of and the Countermeasures for the Patent Work of the Structure-converted Enterprises under the New Situation;新形势下转制企业专利工作的现状及对策
8.Study on Status quo,Affected Factors and Countermeasures about Patent Work in Guangdong High Institutions;广东省高校专利工作现状、影响因素及对策研究
9.Factors Analysis Affecting Patent Application of University and Countermeasures;影响高校专利工作的因素分析及对策探讨
10.Beginners shall not be issued "Patent Agent Work Permit" until after a full year of apprenticeship.初次从事专利代理工作的人员,实习满一年后,专利代理机构方可发给《专利代理人工作证》。
11.Ad Hoc Working Party of Experts--More Rational Utilization of Wood木材合理利用问题特设专家工作组
12.Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Right to Development发展权利问题政府专家工作组
13.A patented process.受专利权保护的制作工艺
14.Legal protection of product brands and patents产品品牌及专利的法律保护工作
15.Professional Service of Social Work in the Social Welfare System;社会福利体系中的专业社会工作服务
16.international patent专利合作条约专利-国际专利
17.Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights in South Africa南非境内侵犯工会权利的指控特设专家工作组
18.Functions of Patent Priority and Its Relationship with Novelty Retrieval;专利优先权的作用及其与查新工作的关系

patent work of enterprise企业专利工作
3)the characteristic of patent management专利工作特色
4)An introductory discussion on patent work浅谈专利工作
6)Patent operation专利运作
1.Patent operation has uncertain factor at all stages from searching patent inform.随着我国企业对专利认识的深入,必将有越来越多的企业认识到专利运作的重要性并实施专利运作。
