作者调查,author survey
1)author survey作者调查
2)investigation of scientific and technical researchers科技工作者调查
3)reader investigation读者调查
1.Importance of reader investigation for sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊读者调查的作用
2.Establishment of reader investigation feedback system in libraries and its perfection建立健全图书馆的读者调查与反馈机制

1.Realization of Readers' Questionnaire Based on Dreamweaver 8用Dreamweaver 8实现读者调查
2.Find out Readers’ Demand,Improve Services to Reader-Investigation and Analysis of Readers in Jilin Province Library了解读者需求 优化读者服务——吉林省图书馆读者调查与分析
3.Establishment of information management mechanism of readers' survey读者调查信息管理与处理机制的建立
4.Empirical Analysis on Methods of Reader Survey--Case Studies of Reader Survey in Guangzhou City Polytechnic Library读者调查研究方法的实证分析——广州城市职业学院图书馆读者调查案例研究
5.The Readers Investigation and Analysis of the Library of Xingtai Polytechnic College邢台职业技术学院图书馆读者调查与分析
6.Survey Analysis of Library Readers in Private Medical College某民办医学高职院校图书馆读者调查分析
7.Design and Implementation of Library Resources Evaluation Survey System图书馆资源评估读者调查系统的设计与实现
8.Establishment of reader investigation feedback system in libraries and its perfection建立健全图书馆的读者调查与反馈机制
9.Analysis of the Blind Spot of the Reader Survey--From the Sociology,psychology viewpoints to discuss the library survey从社会学、心理学角度设计图书馆读者调查问卷
10.On Library2.0 Application:Based on a Patron Survey基于读者调查分析的图书馆2.0应用思考
11.Analysis of Readers Needs for Documentary Information in University Library;读者期刊文献信息需求的调查与分析
12.Utilizing Reaction Of Reader s Information To Manage To Investigate The Results Of Information;利用读者信息反馈 搞好情报效益调查
13.Investigation and Thinking on Readers’ Right Protection in Library图书馆读者权利保护现状调查与思考
14.The Analyses About Reader s Inclination and the Library Resources;读者阅读倾向调查及馆藏资源建设的实证分析
15.Investigation and Analysis for the Student readers Reading Matter of Library of Physical Education Institute;体院图书馆学生读者阅读情况的调查与分析
16.On Reading Guidance of Library from the Angle of Readers’ Reading Interests in Our College--On the Basis of the Questionnaire on Readers’ Reading Interests in Liuzhou Medical College从读者阅读兴趣论我校图书馆的导读工作——以柳州医专读者阅读兴趣调查为依据
17.The Online Investigation Should Be an Important Method of the Readers' Questionnaire Survey in the Library在线调查应当成为图书馆读者问卷调查的重要手段
18.It is not worth while to perplex the reader with inquiries into the aBstract nature of evidence没有必要用对证据抽象本性的调查来迷惑读者

investigation of scientific and technical researchers科技工作者调查
3)reader investigation读者调查
1.Importance of reader investigation for sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊读者调查的作用
2.Establishment of reader investigation feedback system in libraries and its perfection建立健全图书馆的读者调查与反馈机制
4)reader survey读者调查
5)user survey读者调查
1.User Survey and Analysis on the Demand and Usage of Digital Resource in the University Library;大学图书馆数字资源需求与服务的读者调查及分析
2.Based on the user survey and analysis,from the point view of improving books qualities and satisfying the user needs, this paper discusses how to integrate the book collection and how to strengthen the collection development of the library.为了解读者的基本情况和需求,有针对性地改进图书馆工作,该文对读者调查进行了深入地分析,并依据其结论,从提高图书质量、多方满足读者需要等方面的问题,提出了整合改善图书馆馆藏资源,加强图书馆馆藏建设的措施。
6)investigation of readers读者调查
