编辑学报,Acta Editologica
1)Acta Editologica编辑学报
1.Analysis on the Citation of <Acta Editologica> in 2001-2004;《编辑学报》2001—2004年引文分析
2.Analysis of citations of Acta Editologica from 2001 to 2005;《编辑学报》2001—2005年引文分析
3.Analysis of citations of Acta Editologica in 2001;2001年《编辑学报》被引情况分析
2)journal editors学报编辑
1.Discussion on the subjective initiative of journal editors at colleges and universities in the information age;论信息时代高校学报编辑的主观能动性
2.Analysis of increasing knowledge point of journal editors in knowledge economic times;知识经济时代学报编辑知识增长点探析
3.Ways to Combine Academic Research with Editing Work for Journal Editors;学报编辑编研结合的意义与途径

1.A Discussion on Four Big Differences Between Newspaper Editing and Journal Editing略论报纸编辑与学报编辑的四大差异
2.Further to Study the Journal s Edition --Comment on "The Journal s Edition Engineering;拓宽学报编辑学研究的途径——评《学报编辑工程论》
3.The Qualities of Editing the Journal of Social Sciences and the Qualification of the Editors Scholarization;文科学报编辑的工作特质及编辑学者化
4.College Journal Editor s Spirit of Striving for Perfection and a Journal of Fine Quality;学报编辑的“求精”精神与“精品”学报
5.Strengthening the Constructions of the Executive Editor s Work System Improving Quality of the Journal Edition;加强责任编辑工作制度建设 提高学报编辑质量
6.The academic orientation of journal resides in its science of editing.学报编辑工作的学术导向寓于学报编辑工作的科学性之中。
7.I was also an editor for our campus newspaper in China.在中国上大学时,我还当过学报编辑
8.Not until after the Sand Is Swept, Does the Gold Emerge --On Journal Editors Being Scholarly;吹尽黄沙始到金——谈学报编辑学者化
9.On Journal Editors Occupational Ethics and Academic Standard;浅议学报编辑的职业道德与学术规范
10.A Discussion on Editors Academic Interviews and the Establishment of the Popular Column in Journals;试论学报编辑的学术采访与名栏建设
11.A Discussion on the Core Construction of Learning-oriented Editorial Department;对学习型学报编辑部内核建设的探讨
12.Tentatively Talking about the Features of Chinese Journal Editing Introduction;试论《中国学报编辑学导论》的特色
13.University Journal Editor: Position, Function & Quality;大学学报编辑的地位、作用及其素质
14."Seeking the Truth" Should be the Leading Faith of the Learned Journal Compile Work;“求真”应是学报编辑工作的主导理念
15.Analysis and Strategies on Profession Lassitude of University Journals Editors;高校学报编辑职业倦怠的分析与对策
16.Discuss on the Lack of Marketing Concept in the University Journal;高校学报编辑应具备的策划经营理念
17.On the Competence of School Journal Editors in the New Times;论新时期学报编辑素质和能力的架构
18.The Cultural Restriction and Value Realization of Journal Edition;学报编辑工作的文化制约及价值实现

journal editors学报编辑
1.Discussion on the subjective initiative of journal editors at colleges and universities in the information age;论信息时代高校学报编辑的主观能动性
2.Analysis of increasing knowledge point of journal editors in knowledge economic times;知识经济时代学报编辑知识增长点探析
3.Ways to Combine Academic Research with Editing Work for Journal Editors;学报编辑编研结合的意义与途径
3)Journal Editor学报编辑
1.On the Role of Journal Editor in Higher Education;略论学报编辑在高校教育中的作用
2.Some Advice about Education of Journal Editor's Competence during the New Era;新时期学报编辑素质培养浅见
3.On information literacy of the journal editors in information era信息时代高校学报编辑的信息素养
4)Acta Editologica《编辑学报》
1.Identification and evaluation of core authors of Acta Editologica by comprehensive index method;用综合指数法测评《编辑学报》的核心著者
2.Distinguishing layout features in Acta Editologica;《编辑学报》版式设计的特色
3.Analysis on the citation of Acta Editologica in twenty years《编辑学报》创刊20年论文引文分
1.This paper expounds the connotation of innovative consciousness, discusses the importance of that the editors of university journal have the innovative consciousness, and probes into the cultivation of innovative consciousness of editors of university journey.阐述了创新意识的内涵,论述了高校学报编辑具有创新意识的重要性,探讨了对高校学报编辑创新意识的培养问题。
2.The quality of the university periodicals determines the promotion of its rank,and the synthetical quality of the editors is the key for ensuring the quality of the periodicals.新时期高校学报的质量决定着学报品位的提升,学报编辑的综合素质是学报质量的关键。
3.A college journal,to some extent,represents that school s research strength and academic level,therefore,its editor,as its subject,will exert an important influence.而学报编辑作为学报的活动主体,他们的编辑活动对学报有着至关重要的影响。
6)journal editing学报编辑
1.On Journal editing in the era of network;论网络时代环境下的学报编辑工作
2.Choosing titles and planning is an indispensable part in college journal editing.选题策划是高校学报编辑工作中不可或缺的组成部分,在高校学报编辑中起着至关重要的作用,它是提高高校学报质量的重要途径,是高校学报形成特色与风格的重要手段。
3.To earn the journal a good reputation and popularity, and to advance image of editorial organization, academic journal editors should study the theory of public relations and apply it to journal editing for the development of journals and the quality enhancement of individual editors.学报编辑应学习公共关系理论,并用它来指导编辑实践,这样可以提高刊物的美誉度和知名度,提升刊物的组织形象,从而有利于刊物的发展和编辑个人素质的提高。

《北京电影学院学报》  创办于1984年,主编汪流。以电影专业、一般高等院校和热爱电影艺术的学生、学者和艺术工作者为主要对象,以展示北京电影学院教学、科研状况,促进中国电影教育及创作的发展为宗旨。学报主要栏目有:"电影理论研究"、"电影史学"、"电影教学研究"、"电影名家名作"、"同窗录"、"毕业论文选"、"影视技术"等。学报还曾组织"新德国电影研究"、"中国电影摄影艺术研讨"、"电影声音论"、"贝尔托卢奇研究"等专题学术活动并刊出专栏文章。