核心专利,core patent
1)core patent核心专利
1.Patentometic results show that global software patents appear to grow vigorously since 2000;US & Japan are the two countries which accepted most patent applications;most prolific patent institutions are in Japan;but when it comes to core patents in software field,most of them are in the US.利用专利计量方法,对全球软件专利进行计量分析,计量结果显示,全球软件专利在2000年以后呈现出蓬勃发展的生机;美国和日本是全球软件专利申请最多的国家;全球软件专利的高产机构大部分分布在日本,但是全球软件领域的核心专利大多数却分布在美国;中国软件产业有了一定的发展,但还需要加强和完善立法工作,为软件技术的发展提供良好软环境。
2.In this paper,a patent analysis method,that is,an extension analysis method and its model,is proposed,which describes the status quo and extension direction of the technology by the classification extension analysis of core patent and by the combination of citation analysis method.本文提出一种专利分析方法——延伸分析法及其模型,围绕核心专利进行分类延伸分析,并结合引文分析方法,描述了技术的现状与可拓展的技术方向,并以纳米压印技术为例介绍了应用过程。

1.Study on the China's Chinese Medicine Enterprises' Patent Stratagem Based on the Core Patents Analyzing基于核心专利分析的中国中药生产企业专利战略研究
2.Research on the Application of Technical Innovation Based on the Analysis of Core Patent基于核心专利分析对技术创新应用发展的研究
3.The Research of Key Clauses in Patent Licensing Contract;专利实施许可合同中核心条款的探究
4.Research on the measurement of core business based on patent bibliomatrics method;基于专利计量法的核心业务测度研究
5.Research on Relationship between Patent Strategy and Core Competence;企业专利战略与核心竞争力的关联研究
6.Strengthen Patent Strategy Design,Enhance Key Competitive Force of Enterprise;强化专利战略设计,提高企业核心竞争力
7.Strengthen the Patent Strategy Design and Reinforce the Enterprise Core Competence;强化专利战略设计 提高企业核心竞争力
8.Preliminary Study on the Patent Strategy to Promote the Core Competition of Enterprise;提升我国企业核心竞争力的专利战略初探
9.Considering Core Technology of Corporation from "DVD Patent Event;从"DVD专利事件"看企业核心技术的重要性
10.On Enhancing Financial Products Patent Strategy of International Core Competitiveness Requirement;试论提升国际核心竞争力要求的金融产品专利战略
11.He is bound up in the study of nuclear physics.他专心于研究核物理。
12.The whole thrust of the project was to make money.计划的核心在于赢利
13.one of the major member companies of China Geely Group吉利集团的核心层企业
14.On the Core Courses of Accounting in Vocational and Technical Colleges;高职高专会计专业核心课程设置研究
15.INPADOC Patent Gazette国际专利文献中心的专利公报
16.Patent Documentation and Information Centre专利文献和信息中心
17.China Patent Documentation Service Centre中国专利文献服务中心
18.At the heart of any discussion of the new genetic commerce is the issue of patenting the genetic blueprints of millions of years of evolution.关于新兴的基因商业争论的核心在于几百万年进化形成的基因蓝图是否适用专利权。

core patent classes analyze核心专利分析
3)key specialty核心专长
1.Defines the connotation of core competence and key specialty from a systematic point of view.从系统的角度界定了核心能力及核心专长的内涵,运用核心能力理论,结合装备制造业特点,从企业运营过程中涉及的研究开发、生产制造、营销及管理等四个方面建立了装备制造企业核心能力评价指标体系。
4)core competence核心专长
1.On the basis of literature review about strategic network and strategic ecology, this paper analyzes the correlations between strategic network and strategic ecology, and then indicates that the management of strategic network makes one company better compete with its competitors , enhance its market share and obtain the core competence.在对战略网络与战略生态的理论综述的基础上,分析总结了战略网络与战略生态的区别和联系,指出战略网络的经营可以制衡竞争对手、扩大市场自主权并获取企业的核心专长,最后提出如何在战略网络的经营中融入战略生态的管理理念。
2.This paper analyzes the relationship between the management of strategic network and competition among enterprises,and between enterprise autonomy and the construction of enterprise’s core competence.本文分析了战略网络化经营与企业间动态竞争、企业在市场竞争中的自主权以及企业核心专长的构建之间的关系。
5)center of patent专利中心
6)To be concentered in self专心利己
