组织决策,organizational decision making
1)organizational decision making组织决策
1.Directed towards the characteristics of uncertain environment the modern organization faces, a general mathematical model of organizational decision making is established.建立了组织决策过程的一般数学模型,从决策和信息交流角度定义组织结构及其价值。
2.The structural elements and the process elements of organizational decision making are analyzed, herefrom the decision support needed by organization is clarified.对组织决策的结构要素和过程要素进行了分析,阐明了组织所需要的决策支持。
3.A multi agent system (MAS) is embedded into the study of organization theory and organizational decision making.通过组织与多 Agent系统的比较 ,指出组织问题的研究与多 Agent系统可以相互借鉴 ;对组织决策进行分析 ,指出组织知识、组织智能对组织决策的重要性 ;在此基础上 ,提出在组织环境下基于多Agent系统的 ODSS层次模型。

1.The Basic Conventions for ODM Oriented Multi Agent Group;组织决策任务小组中的基本协调规程
2.Study on self-organization model in operational management of virtual enterprise;虚拟企业组织运作管理中的自组织决策模式
3.The University Management Achievements & the Entropy Value Effect;高校管理系统的熵值效应与组织决策
4.Research on Organization Decision Support System Based on Multi-Agent;基于多Agent的组织决策支持系统的研究
5.Analysis and Design of Organizational Decision making and Its Support System;组织决策及其支持系统的分析与设计
6.The Ideology Barrier of Scientific Organization Decision-making and Deepening the Rational View of Policy-making组织决策科学性的意识形态障碍与决策理性观的深化
7.Limited Rational Knowledge in Organizational Decision-Making and Its Amendment;组织决策的理性限制及其修正——兼谈员工参与决策对组织绩效的影响
8.Study on the Power Distribution of the Organizational Decision-making Based on the Information & Communication Technology (ICT);基于信息通信技术的组织决策权配置研究
9.Discussion on Relationship of Organization Trust,Decision Commitment and Decision Quality;组织信任及决策承诺与决策质量之关系探讨
10.3. Developing Sound Commanding and Decision-making Systems(三)加强组织领导,科学民主决策
11.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes组织行为与人类决策过程
12.On the Relationship Between Types of Decision-making and Organizational Slack;企业决策方式与组织冗余之间的关系
13.Evaluation & decision-making for organization reconstruction based on modular lean production;模块化精益生产组织改造评估与决策
14.Reflections on the Enterprise Organizational Innovation;关于企业组织创新的思考与决策建议
15.An empirical study of decision-making model in BPR of public organizations;公共组织BPR决策模型及实证研究
17.Centralization is the degree to which authority resides at the top of the organizational chart.集中化指的是一个组织的决策权集中于组织结构图顶层的程度.
18.Research on Decision-making of Machine Maintenance Cost Management and Complexity of Decision-making Organization;设备维修成本管理决策及决策组织的复杂性研究

organizational decision-making组织决策
1.Based on the discussion of the characteristics of organizational decision-making, a process model of organizational decision-making was put forward.基于组织决策的基本特征 ,针对以往提出的组织决策过程模型中的不足进行了改进 ,提出了一个由情报搜集、团队设计、问题求解、任务执行和问题程序化五个阶段组成的新型组织决策过程模型 ,并进一步对组织决策过程中的协调问题进行了分析 ,讨论了组织决策过程中需要进行协调的原因和其中的各种协调方
2.This article discusses on the theory and approach of knowledge-management support of organizational decision-making from simply analyzing the current study situation in China and abroad, and on the construction frame of decision support system based on knowledge-management.组织决策的知识管理支持作为一门新学科,在知识经济的今天,对任何组织都是十分有益的。
3)organizational decision组织决策
1.Enterprise portal is a kind of Web technology of decision and collaboration, which has overcome the limitation of traditional decision support systems and met the needs of organizational decision because of its characteristics such as integrity, content management, personality and collaboration.企业门户是一种决策与协作的Web技术 ,它的集成性、内容管理、个性化、协作性等特性 ,克服了传统决策支持系统的限制 ,满足了组织决策的需要 。
4)organization decision组织决策
1.The cooperative engagement and it s the organization decision-making design is one of the task that has been researching in SOS counterwork project.作战协同及其组织决策设计是体系对抗工程中指挥控制系统研究的课题之一,首先从集中式和分散式组织结构分析出发,采用假设检验的方法,探讨了分布式结构假设检验在海军舰艇编队环境评估中的组织决策设计,并从决策设计和算法上对其进行复杂性分析。
2.This paper first studies the complexities of organization decision making process and the emergent phenomenon in it, then analyses how emergent property influences the organization .重大的战略决策往往是组织决策
5)Decision organization决策组织
6)organizational decision-making power组织决策权
1.Based on the matching of knowledge and decision-making power,the distribution of the organizational decision-making power is studied.从知识与决策权匹配的角度,研究组织决策权的分配问题。

合作金融机构决策组织合作金融机构决策组织 【合作金融机构决策组织】合作金融的领导机构。在中国,农村信用社已形成的决策组织包括社员(代表)大会、理事会和监事会。最高权力机构是社员(代表)大会。社员(代表)大会选出理事会主任和理事,组成理事会,负责经营业务,管理财务;社员(代表)大会选出监事会主任和监事,组成监事会,监督社务、业务。社员(代表)大会由理事会召集,每年召开一次;必要时经半数以上社员代表提议,或2/3以上理事或半数以上监事提议,可临时召开。