专利发展,patent development
1)patent development专利发展
1.Countermeasure studies of science and technology development in Heilongjiang Province after the antry of WTO --Countermeasures of patent development in Heilongjiang Province;加入WTO后黑龙江省科技发展对策研究——关于加快黑龙江省专利发展的对策建议

1.Patentometrics and Studies on Developing Model of Patent;专利文献计量分析与专利发展模式研究
2.On the Present Situation of and Countermeasures for the Patent Development of the Scientific Research Institutions in Shanxi Province;山西省科研院所专利发展现状与对策
3.Study on the Developing Situation of and Countermeasures for the Patent of Shanxi s Universities;山西省高校专利发展现状及对策研究
4.Study on the Characteristics, Problems and Countermeasures of Patent Development in China;我国专利发展特点、存在问题及对策
5.Technology Development of Microprocessor from Patent(Ⅱ)--Layout of Cache Patent透过专利看微处理器的技术发展(二)——Cache专利布局
6.Technology Development of Microprocessor from Patent(Ⅵ)--Technology Development on Cache Patent透过专利看微处理器的技术发展(六)——Cache专利技术的发展历程
7.Technology Development of Microprocessor from Patent(V)--Technology Development on Main Patentee透过专利看微处理器的技术发展(五)——浅谈主要专利权人技术发展
8.On patent misuse in patent pool;专利池中的权利滥用问题——美国专利权滥用规则的发展
9.Overview on Development of Patent System Informatization in 2003-20042003-2004年专利系统信息化发展概况
10.Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Right to Development发展权利问题政府专家工作组
11.Analysis of Patent Resources and Its Development Trends in Gansu Province;甘肃省专利赋存状况及发展态势分析
12.Countermeasures on development of Luoyang enterprises patent strategy;洛阳市企业专利战略发展的对策分析
13.Patent Work and Development of Research-Oriented Universities;研究型大学的专利工作与学校的发展
14.TRIPS and Development of Judicial Protection for Patent Right in China;TRIPS与我国专利权司法保护的发展
15.Strategic maneuvering of intellectual property rights: choice of developing countries facing global technological competition;发展中国家的专利战略:韩国的启示
16.Analysis on the Patented Technology Development in Geothermal Heat Pumps Industry地源热泵产业专利技术发展情况分析
17.The patent strategy guided technical standard develops--patent and technical standard connection analysis;专利战略导向的技术标准发展——专利与技术标准关联分析
18.Future of International Patent System and Improvement of Chinese Patent System;国际专利制度的发展趋势与我国专利制度的完善

patent development efficiency专利发展效率
3)model of patent development专利发展模式
1.It is a more than 50 years that the theory and practice of constituting the model of patent development based on patentometric have been developed in some developed countries like United States and Japan.中国自1985年起开始正式实施专利法,理论界、企业管理者、国家专利战略制定者运用专利计量结果思考专利发展模式的问题,至今仍处于初期阶段。
4)Study of Patent Development in Tianjin天津专利发展分析
5)Patent continues unfolds专利续展
6)specialty development专业发展
1.Mechanism of specialty development of PE teachers in university;高校体育教师的专业发展机制研究
2.Related to the post vocational train ing,the teacher s specialty development can break in to five stages of adaptation,exploration,establishment,maturity and stable ness,with each having its special ch aracteris-tics.与教师职后培训相联系的教师专业发展阶段可分为适应、探索、建立、成熟、平和五个阶段,每个阶段都有其特殊性。
