科技竞争力,science and technology competitiveness
1)science and technology competitiveness科技竞争力
1.The Study on Science and Technology Competitiveness in Regional Development of Jiangsu Province;江苏区域发展中的科技竞争力问题研究
2.The science and technology competitiveness is a main factor of competitiveness of nations and regions.科技竞争力是国家和区域竞争力的决定性因素。
3.The development level of science and technology competitiveness decides the success or fail of Chinese non- state owned enterprise participating in domestic and international competition.民营企业科技竞争力是民营企业科技总量、经济实力及研发水平与潜力的综合体现,是其持续竞争优势的来源和保证,科技竞争力发展水平决定着中国民营企业参与国内与国际竞争的成败。

1.Research on FDI Effect on Regional Science and Technology Competitiveness in Suzhou;FDI对苏州区域科技竞争力的影响研究
2.On the Improvement of the Current Situation of Sci-tech Competency in our Country;试论提高我国科技竞争力的若干问题
3.The Evaluation and Countermeasures of the Science and Technology Competitiveness of Cities in Henan Province河南各市科技竞争力综合评价及对策
4.Research on the Evolution of Science and Technology Policy and the Development of Competitiveness in Finland;芬兰科技政策演进与科技竞争力发展研究
5.A comparative study on the science and technology competitiveness of university and research institution;我国高校和科研机构科技竞争力的比较分析
6.The Evaluation and Demonstration Analysis of the Science & Technology Competition of New & High-Tech Industry;高新技术产业科技竞争力评价方法及实证分析
7.Strengthening the Sci-tech Innovation Ability to Promote the Competitive Power of Enterprise;增强科技创新能力 提升企业竞争实力
8.The competition of overall national strength is the competition in science, technology and competentpeople, the competition of education.综合国力的竞争是科技人才的竞争,是教育的竞争。
9.The Research of Local Comprehensive Universities Core Competitiveness of Science and Technology;地方综合性大学科技核心竞争力研究
10.Research on Transnational Operation Competitiveness of Technological Small and Medium-sized Enterprise;科技型中小企业跨国经营竞争力研究
11.The Study on Tianquan Technology Enterprise Competitive Ability Appraisal and the Promotion;天泉科技企业竞争力评价与提升研究
12.The comparative research on regional competitiveness of high-tech enterprises of China;中国高科技企业竞争力区域比较研究
13.Analysis on the Cluster Effects and Competitive Power in the Agricultural Science Park;农业科技园区集群效应与竞争力分析
14.U.S.pro-patent policy and the competitiveness of high-tech industry;美国亲专利政策与高科技产业竞争力
15.A Study of China s Scientific & Technological Innovations in Industries and her International Competitiveness;我国产业科技创新与国际竞争力研究
16.Impact of technological innovation on improvement of the international competitiveness of electronic and information industry;科技创新与提升电信企业国际竞争力
17.Increasing the Competition of Hengyang Fruit industry by Promoting Creation of Technology;促进科技创新,提高衡阳果业竞争力
18.Rely on Progress of Science and Technology, Enhance Competition Power of Agricultural Products;依靠科技进步 提高农产品竞争力

scientific and technological competitiveness科技竞争力
1.This essay objectively analyses the causes for the descent of global ranking of Chinese scientific and technology competitiveness,in the light of the global ranking of scientific and technological competitiveness issued by IMD.文章依据IMD所公布的科技竞争力世界排名,客观地分析了我国1998年以来科技竞争力世界排名下降的原因,并通过相关指标的变化,模拟预测了排名位次的移动,围绕如何提升我国的科技竞争力提出了几点政策建议。
2.This paper establishes an index system for assessing scientific and technological competitiveness in the Western region using the national R&D survey data and, on the basis of analyzing differences in R&D investment in various places, conducts an overall assessment of scientific and technological competitiveness in the Western region.利用全国R&D清查数据,建立西部地区科技竞争力评价指标体系,并在对各地R&D投入差异进行分析的基础上,对西部地区科技竞争力进行综合评价,有助于从多角度、多侧面综合评价西部各地的科技竞争力,使有关提高西部地区科技竞争力的对策建议更具针对性。
3.Research and development activities are the key driving force in the progress of science and technology and the universally accepted main indicator in evaluating the scientific and technological competitiveness of a country or region.R&D(ResearchandDevelop即科学研究与试验发展 )活动是推动科学技术前进的核心力量 ,世界通行的评价国家(地区 )科技竞争力的主要指标。
3)sci-tech competitive power科技竞争力
1.In recent years, our country s sci-tech competitive power shows the trend of falling down, the main reason is that the soft indexes are located in the backward position.近几年我国科技竞争力总体呈现下降趋势,主要原因是软指标排名落后。
2.This paper introduces the connotation of sci-tech competitive power, evaluates the sci-tech competitive power of Luoyang City, and advances some suggestions on improving the sci-tech competitive power of Luoyang City.介绍了科技竞争力的内涵,对洛阳市科技竞争力进行了评价,提出了提高洛阳科技竞争力的建议。
4)competitiveness of science and technology科技竞争力
1.In this paper, based on the valuation function model of principal components and TOPSIS, an evaluating system on the competitiveness of science and technology among different regions has been developed in this paper; meanwhile, an empirical research is conducted based on the data of 30 regions in China in 2001.采用加权主成分TOPSIS价值函数模型,建立了地区科技竞争力评价系统,并以2001年我国30个省、市、自治区为样本进行了实证分析,进一步探讨我国科技竞争力分布特点,并提出有关政策建议。
2.0 to evaluate the scientific and technological competitiveness objectively of cities in Henan Province in 2008,and advances the corresponding policy suggestion about the competitiveness of science and technology of Henan Province.科技竞争力是经济竞争力的重要组成部分和关键性要素。
5)competitive power of science and technology科技竞争力
1.International comparison and suggestions of Chinese competitive power of science and technology;中国科技竞争力的国际比较及对策
2.The Competitive Power of Science and Technology is a reflection ot Sci & lech Strengh that decides our economical development.科技竞争力是一个国家和地区科技实力的综合体现,是影响其经济、社会发展的决定性因素。
6)competitive power of science and technology in industries产业科技竞争力
1.Design of synthetical evaluation model for the competitive power of science and technology in industries and to application;产业科技竞争力的综合评价模型设计及应用

不完全竞争的劳动力市场不完全竞争的劳动力市场  不完全竞争的劳动力市场任何偏离完全竞争的劳动力市场结构都会导致不完全竞争现象。在不完全竟争的劳动力市场上,工资率的高低受企业活动的影响,最低工资必须不低于国家有关法律、条例规定的标准,劳动者之间、企业之间存在差异,工会组织和经营者组织互相制约,劳动力市场的运行必须符合国家法律和社会制度的规范,等等。劳动力市场的不完全竞争集中表现为垄断和独占。垄断和独占是两个极端情况,它们从不同侧面反映出不完全竞争劳动力市场的突出特征。当商品市场存在垄断时,垄断者也可能是一个很小的劳动力需求者,它可以按现行工资聘用尽可能多的劳动力,劳动力需求曲线并无多大变动。当劳动力市场存在纯粹的独占时,许多劳动力的供给者面对的只是一个需求者,市场权力会向独占企业倾斜,劳动者处于不利地位,企业所支付的工资取决于它想聘用的劳动者数量。当一个垄断者需要专业化劳动力来生产只有它才能生产的商品时,该垄断者也处于独占地位。在独占条件下,多聘用一个劳动者的成本会超过直接支付给该工人的工资,因此,独占性企业的聘用数量以最后一个受聘者的边际产量收入刚好与边际劳动成本相等为限。独占的结果是其工资率和聘用人数都比竞争性劳动力市场低,所有工人得到的工资少于最后受聘者的边际产量收入,工资率始终小于边际劳动成本,增加的生产值和所获工资之间的差额即独占性收入。由于交通运输业的发展,劳动者地理流动量的增加,劳动力市场的区域范围不断扩大,纯粹的独占现象在西方市场经济国家中也是少见的。