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1)web download rateweb即年下载率
1.Article reprint and web download rate of sport academic periodicals;体育学学术期刊二次文献转载及web即年下载率分析
2.Based on 69 university and college journals of Guangdong Province which are included in Reports on Comprehensive Citations of Chinese Journals and Periodicals 2008,statistical analysis of bibliometric indicators such as quantity of published papers,ratio of funded papers,impact factor,and web download rate are carried out.以《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》2008版中收录的广东省69种高校学报为研究对象,统计分析了各学报的载文量、基金论文比、影响因子及Web即年下载率等文献计量指标,并根据统计数据进行比较,对广东省高校学报进行综合评价。

1.Article reprint and web download rate of sport academic periodicals;体育学学术期刊二次文献转载及web即年下载率分析
2.An Analysis of the Documentary Reprinting Ratio and Web-downloaded Rate of Chinese Linguistics Periodicals Published between 2004 and 2006中国语言学期刊二次文献转载及Web即年下载率分析(2004——2006)
3.Analysis of Secondary Document and Rates of Web-Downloaded of Journals of Universities for Nationalities (2004-2006)2004~2006年民族院校学报二次文献转载及Web下载计量学分析
4.a name that will go down in the annals,ie be recorded in history将载入编年史的名字,即载入史册
5.The model suggests that even with lower interest rates, America's growth rate could slow by more than a percentage point next year.这个模型表明即使利率下降了,明年美国的经济增长率下降也会超过一个百分点。
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7."The following table illustrates how spot rates and forward differential on august 8, 1990 were displayed on the rate board of a bank abroad. "下表表示的是1990年8月8日一家外车银行汇率牌上显示的即期汇率和远期差额。
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10.The Design and Realization of CD-ROM Attached with Books System Based on Web基于Web的图书馆随书光盘下载系统设计与实现
11.The factors that affect the spot rates are as follows:影响即期汇率的因素如下:
12.Analysis on Secondary Document and Rates of Web-downloaded of Psychology Periodicals from 2004 to 2006--Based on CSSCI;心理学期刊二次文献转载及W eb下载率分析
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16.Do you want to update Guide information now? You'll be notified when the download is complete.是否要立即更新指南信息?下载完成后将通知您。
17.Relativity analysis of downloads and citations for scientific papers学术论文的下载频率与被引频率的相关性分析
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3)download frequency下载频率
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1.This paper introduced general situations of several domestic union catalogue center,analysed the book download rate,and provided the basis for the combined catalogue center selection.本文介绍了国内几大联合编目中心的概况,结合样书进行下载率调查分析,为选择加入联合编目中心提供依据。
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