后控制词表,post-controlled vocabulary
1)post-controlled vocabulary后控制词表
1.This paper introduces the concepts, features and establishing methods of the post-controlled vocabulary and some problems needing attention in the establishment of the post-controlled vocabulary.介绍了后控制词表的概念、特点、建立方式及建立过程中需注意的问题。
2.In order to enhance the quality of keyword index, we can use post-controlled vocabulary, a combination of both natural and artificial languages.为了提高关键词索引质量, 采用自然语言与人工语言结合的后控制词表来提高期刊论文关键词标引质量。
3.By describing the post-controlled vocabulary\'s operating mechanism,knowledge management and applications in Web system with many examples,this article provides technical support and theoretical standard for the use of natural language in various professions.后控制词表是信息检索系统中的重要组成部分,通过大量的实例阐述了后控制词表的运行机理、知识管理、在Web系统中的应用等问题,对自然语言在各行业的使用提供了技术支持和理论规范。

1.The Inner Composition of Knowledge Management in Post-controlled Vocabulary & Its Applications in Web System后控制词表知识管理的内构及在Web系统中的应用
2.On the Standardization and Control of Indexing in Using the Keyword Glossary of Chinese Book Catalogue;使用《中国图书分类主题词表》标引的规范与控制
3.The word "necessitated," however, suggests that choices are fated and uncontrollable.但“必然会”一词表示,各项选择是注定的、无法控制的。
4.The Research and Applications of Chinese Small Vocabularies Recognition for Controlling;用于控制的汉语小词表语音识别算法的研究和应用
5."The word has a double meaning; stemming from its etymology. It denotes not only the right "to copy "but also the right to own and control "the copy"."版权具有双重含义,根据其词源,它不仅表示"复制"权,还表示对"复制品"的拥有和控制性。
6.A Study on Chinese Denoting-person Noun with an Orientation Word "before/after"汉语带有方位词“前/后”的表人名词研究
7.N-Mw phrases can not used after the predicate.形容词/动词后不能用表示具体差别的数量词。
8.Consequences and mechanisms of dialect contact:A case study on the aspect marker zhu著 in some dialects in Jiangsu and Anhui;从苏皖方言体助词“著”的表现看方言接触的后果和机制
9.A noun or substantive following and governed by a preposition.宾语在介词后或受制于介词的名词或名词性词组
10.It clings to verbs, adjectives, some numerals and counts to express that things will happen.它可以放在动词、容词、数名词、量词之后,表示事件即将发生。
11.A Study on Noun Suffix (Quasi-Suffix) Denoting Person in Modern Chinese;现代汉语表人名词后缀、类后缀考察
12.After a possessive, unless it is followed by an adjective在表示属有关系的词之后, 除非这类词后有形容词
13.He presided over a viciously effective police state and came to personify a whole era of bloody despotism during the latter stages of the cold war.他成功的控制了一个集权国家,并且在冷战后期成为整个时代的血腥专制的代名词。
14.However, if before the noun there are numeral-measure words or other words implying the plural, the suffix"们" can't be added to the noun.但是,如果名词前面有数词和量词或其他表示复数的词,名词后就不能加词尾"们"。
15.The master file is used to produce the output tabulations from which the tables in the annual reports are printed.用这个控制档案制成输出报表,然后再以年报形式印刷出来。
16.The suffix"们" can be added to a personal noun to express the plural.指人的名词后边可以加词尾"们",表示复数。
17.Yandong dialect expresses the condition by adding auxiliary verbs to verb or verb phrases.延东土话中动态的表示主要是在动词和动词短语后加动态助词。
18.word(eg away,back,down)used esp after a verb to show position, direction of movement,etc副词小词(如away,back,down)尤用于动词后,表示位置、运动方向等

post controlled vocabulary后控词表
1.Designing a post controlled vocabulary is a important step for realizing intelligent querying.编制后控词表是实现智能查询的重要环节。
2.The paper discussed the history and development and principle and function of post controlled vocabulary,then compared retrieval course having post controlled vocabulary and without post controlled vocabulary,and then analyzed the papers on post controlled vocabulary.在分析了后控词表的历史、发展、原理、功能后 ,比较了情报检索过程中有后控词表进行检索和无后控词表进行检索的区别 ,最后统计分析了我国后控词表的研究现
3)post-controlled vocabulary后控词表
1.Research and Design of the Intelligent Post-Controlled Vocabulary System;智能化后控词表的研究与设计
4)Control thesaurus控制词表
5)controlled vocabulary受控词表
6)word control list词控表

反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control  于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。