二次文献,second literature
1)second literature二次文献
1.This paper discusses the historical development and value of second literature,as well as the dilemma in digital age,and proposes the corresponding countermeasure based on high school library.论述了二次文献的发展历史和存在价值,分析了二次文献在数字化时代所面临的现实问题,并以高校图书馆为依托,提出相应的对策。
2.This paper elaborates definitions and historical development,as well as the dilemma of second literature,and proposes the corresponding countermeasures of second literature construction.文章论述了二次文献的定义和历史发展,探讨了二次文献在数字过程中的困境,并就二次文献的资源建设提出了相应的对策。

1.secondary literature,eg criticism or reviews of an author's work二次文献(如对某作者作品的评论)
2.Analysis on Secondary Document and Rates of Web-downloaded of Psychology Periodicals from 2004 to 2006--Based on CSSCI;心理学期刊二次文献转载及W eb下载率分析
3.Explore in Developmental Pattern of Biomedical Bibliographic Database in Future未来生物医学二次文献库发展模式之探索
4.Article reprint and web download rate of sport academic periodicals;体育学学术期刊二次文献转载及web即年下载率分析
5.Analysis of Secondary Document and Rates of Web-Downloaded of Journals of Universities for Nationalities (2004-2006)2004~2006年民族院校学报二次文献转载及Web下载计量学分析
6.An Analysis of the Documentary Reprinting Ratio and Web-downloaded Rate of Chinese Linguistics Periodicals Published between 2004 and 2006中国语言学期刊二次文献转载及Web即年下载率分析(2004——2006)
7.Methods, The operation data of 56 cases of thyroid carcinoma were retrospectively reviewed.方法:回顾分析56例二次手术甲状腺癌的资料,结合文献进行探讨。
8.Charles Cousin Montauban and the Second Opium War;孟斗班与第二次鸦片战争——新公布的档案文献揭露英军焚毁圆明园之真相
10.Unearthed Documents and the Study of the Literary History of the 21th Century;出土文献与二十一世纪的文学史研究
11.There are enormous numbers of Tibetan-language documents and archives in various categories, next in number only to the Han-Chinese language ones.西藏藏文文献档案数量巨大,门类繁多,在中国仅次于汉文文献档案。
12.There is now extensive literature dealing with the First World War.现有大量关于第一次世界大战的文献。
13.Cultural Contribution of Salt Merchants of Huizhou in the Qing Dynasty (Continued);清代徽州盐商的文化贡献之二:著述
14.Influenza A H1N1 Virus:A report of 2 cases and a literature review甲型H1N1流感二例报告并文献复习
15.Primary renal lymphoma: report of 2 cases and review of the literature肾原发性淋巴瘤二例报告并文献复习
16.The Great Contribution Made by Patriotic Overseas Chinese in the Second Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China;第二次国共合作时期爱国华侨的重大贡献
17.Important Contribution by China Democratic League in the Second Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation;论民盟在维护第二次国共合作中的重要贡献
18.Zhou Enlai s Outstanding Contribution to Defeating The Second of High Tide against CCP;周恩来对打退第二次反共高潮的卓越贡献

Secondary document二次文献
1.Analysis on Secondary Document and Rates of Web-downloaded of Psychology Periodicals from 2004 to 2006——Based on CSSCI;心理学期刊二次文献转载及W eb下载率分析
3)Chinese second documents中文二次文献
1.In this paper, the architecture, main components and the design idea of an automatic generating system of Chinese second documents are introduced.开发了中文二次文献自动生成系统,介绍了该系统的体系结构、主要构成、设计思想及其基本原理。
4)Literature assessment二次文献评价
1.Article reprint and web download rate of sport academic periodicals;体育学学术期刊二次文献转载及web即年下载率分析
6)the Second Literature Database二次文献数据库
1.Anaysis and Research of the Selection Standard of Source Journal of the Second Literature Database;二次文献数据库选刊标准的分析研究

二次文献  对一次文献进行加工整理后的产物,即对无序的一次文献的外部特征如题名、作者、出处等进行著录,或将其内容压缩成简介、提要或文摘,并按照一定的学科或专业加以有序化而形成的文献形式,如目录、文摘杂志(包括简介式检索刊物)等。它们都可用作文献检索工具,能比较全面、系统地反映某个学科、专业或专题在一定时空范围内的文献线索,是积累、报道和检索文献资料的有效手段??