科学信息,Scientific information
1)Scientific information科学信息
1.The rapid development of network medium has broken the balance of the old scientific information media structure, so it is necessary to integrate the rising with the traditional paper medium and to locate all the media respectively.网络载体的迅速发展打破了原有的科学信息交流载体结构之间的平衡 ,因此 ,必须对新兴的网络载体与传统的纸型载体在科学信息交流体系中进行结构与功能的整合 ,对不同的信息交流载体进行新的功能定位。

1.National Center for Science Information Systems国家科学信息体系中心
2.Periodicals of Science and Technology and Scientific Information Attainments of Undergraduates;科技期刊管理与本科生科学信息素养
3.Asia-Pacific Information Network in Social Science亚太社会科学信息网(亚太社科网)
4.Science and Technology Information System科学和技术信息系统(科技信息系统)
5.Information Mechanics in the Visual Field of Potential Science--Information Space-time and Information Mechanics势科学视域中的信息力学——信息时空与信息力学
6.International Information Science Foundation国际信息科学基金会
7.Japan Information Center of Science and Technology日本科学技术信息中心
8.Information Resource Description and Organization of Subject Information Gateway学科信息门户的信息资源描述与组织
9.Establishing A Scientific Subject System for Science of Document Information Management;科学构建文献信息管理学的学科体系
10.Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information加拿大科学和技术信息研究所(科技信息所)
11.Arab Scientific and Technical Information Network阿拉伯科学和技术信息网(阿科技信息网)
12.Informatization of Geological and Mineral Exploration and Subject Construction of Geological and Mineral Information Science and Technology;地矿勘查信息化与地矿信息科技学科建设
13.On the Theoretical Position and the Research Outline of Social Information Sciences;社会信息科学的学科定位与研究思路
14.On Information Management Science s Disciplinary Construction and Several Related Problems;论信息管理科学学科建设的若干问题
15.Airscape on Western Social Informatics and Eastern Social Informatics西方社会信息学与东方社会信息科学鸟瞰
16.Informational and calculative science : the fusion of mathematical technique and informational technique信息与计算科学:数学技术和信息技术的融合
17.Scientech Documentation and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science中国农业科学院科技文献信息中心
18.The influence of E-Science on Modern Science;E-Science(科研信息化)对现代科学的影响

science information科学信息
1.The exploitage of the geological landscape resources science information tourist products, which is digging, distilling, expressing, diffusing it in order to form new characteristic tourist products or to exalt science information content of intrinsic tourist product, is the necessary process of actualizing genuine tourist value of geological landscape resources.科学信息是地景资源的灵魂。
3)information science信息科学
1.On Information Grammar, Semantics, Pragmatics, and Perfect Information——Some Comments on Principles of Information Science (Third Edition);关于信息的语法、语义、语用以及“全信息”──兼评《信息科学原理》(第三版)
2.On the Worldview of Information Science;论信息科学的世界观(I/V)
3.Rethinking of the Definition and Domain of the Subject of Geographic Information Science;地理信息科学学科领域界定再思考
1.Informatics Technique with Fresh setup of World Economy;信息科学技术与世界经济新格局
2.Based on the analysis of the subjects such as market economy, knowledge intensive economy and informatics, this paper deals with the classification method of the literatures related to the hot subjects according to the Chinese library classification.本文基于对“市场经济”、“知识经济”和“信息科学”等主题的剖析 ,探讨运用《中国图书馆分类法》对这些热点主题文献的归类。
3.It is possible to classify numerous disciplines in the modern information science group into six basic levels: information philosophy,general information theory,field information,category informatics,branch informatics,and engineering informatics.现代信息科学已经成为一种新的科学范式。
5)Information discipline信息学科
6)Reservoir data from multiple disciplines多学科信息
