固定费许可,fixed-fee licensing
1)fixed-fee licensing固定费许可
1.In view of establishing a four-stage R&D rivalry model with R&D spillovers in outputs,it analyzes the effect of R&D spillovers and bargaining power upon the licensing gain within firms on R&D subsidy policy in fixed-fee licensing.建立了一个带有R&D产出溢出的4阶段R&D竞赛模型,分析了在固定费许可策略下企业R&D溢出,以及在许可得益上的讨价还价能力对政府的R&D政策的影响。

1.Research on Motivation of Enterprise s Fixed-Fee Licensing Strategy and Government R&D Subsidy;企业固定费许可策略与政府R&D补贴激励研究
2.Licensee shall pay the initial fee in a fixed amount of ____ (Say: _____only) to Licensor in the following manner and percentage"被许可方支付给许可方固定的入门费为_____,(大写:____)按下列方式和比例"
3.How will they fix the licence fees?他们怎么确定许可费用?
4.Overhead variances may be usefully considered as variable overhead variances and fixed overhead variances.我们可以把管理费用分为可变费用和固定费用两种。
5.Broadband FWA Licensing Status in the World国外宽带固定无线接入许可证发放现状
6.Fixed-fee Licensing of Stackelberg Follower and Market Power of Input Suppliers;同质Stackelberg双头垄断结构中跟随厂商的固定费用特许决策研究
7.Fee Licensing in a Cournot Structure andthe Market Structure of the Upstream Industry;上游市场结构与下游Cournot厂商创新者固定费用特许的互动研究
8.The power firm is allowed to set charges to maintain a 13 per cent profit on fixed a ets.电力公司可厘定收费,以维持利润水平在固定资产的百分之十三。
9.a fixed charge for professional services.给专职人员的固定费用。
10.cost of used fixed assets已使用固定资产的费用
11.monthly schedule of fixed charges固定费用月份明细表
12.fixed overhead quantity variance固定制造费用耗量差异
13.schedule of fixed overhead charges固定制造费用明细表
14.CPFF (cost plus fixed fee)成本加固定费用价格
15.Fixed costs are the costs incurred for the fixed resources of the firm.固定费用是指工厂固定资产的那部分费用。
16."Permits, Licenses & Fees"许可证、执照和费用
17.If the License shall~ in submitting reports or in payment of royalties, the License may, as its option, cancel this agreement.如果被许可方未按期呈交规定的报告或未支付提成费,许可方有权取消协议。
18.A payment or fee of a fixed amount per person.按人收费每人应付的固定支出或费用

fixed-fee licensing incentives固定费用特许激励
3)OS licensing feeOS许可费
4)permission fee许可费用
5)license fee许可证费
6)Royalty Fee许可费

固定费率制固定费率制 【固定费率制】亦称“单一费率制”。存款保险机构要求投保银行按规定的比例交纳保险费的一种安排。世界上大多数国家的存款保险制度都属此类。