科技成果管理,management of scientific and technological achievements
1)management of scientific and technological achievements科技成果管理
1.Then the author puts forward that intellectual property connotation should be integrated into the overall process of the management in order to establish a new management mechanism,which is beneficial to better integration of the management of scientific and technological achievements and intellect.从实证的角度探析我国科技成果管理实务中存在的问题,在此基础上揭示因缺乏知识产权制度这一核心要素的渗透所造成的各种负效应,进而提出在科技成果管理的各项环节之中融入知识产权内涵,构建科技成果的知识产权管理机制,以求实现科技成果管理和知识产权制度质的融合。

1.To Innovate the Management and Accelerate the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements;创新科技成果管理 加速科技成果转化
2.A Comparison between the Management of Scientific Research Productions and the System of Intellectual Asset Patent;科技成果管理与知识产权制度的比较
3.On Intellectual Property Rights in the Course of Science and Technology Results Management;科技成果管理过程中的知识产权问题
4.Strengthening the management of scientific and technological achievements and serving the work of uranium geology加强科技成果管理 服务铀矿地质工作
5.Study on the Management of the Scientific and Technological Achievements in Universities Based on Chaos Theory;基于混沌理论下高校科技成果管理研究
6.Innovation of Administrate System of Science-Technological Research Results in Universities;研究型大学科技成果管理体制改革——建立以科技成果转化为价值取向的统一管理体制
7.Study on the distributed coordination and interoperation of the management of the science results by the Web technique.;基于Web的科技成果管理的分布协调与互操作
8.Consideration on Improving the S&T Achievements Management in Universities Under New Situations;关于新时期推进高校科技成果管理的思考
9.The issue of intellectual property rights during the scientific achievement management;论科技成果管理过程中的知识产权问题
10.Management Informatization of Scientific and Technical Achievements of Land and Resources: Present Situation and Prospect;国土资源科技成果管理信息化现状与展望
11.The Scientific and Technological Achievement Management Information System for Yangquan Power Supply Company地、县供电公司科技成果管理信息系统的研制
12.The Managerial Innovation and Achievements Industrialization in Science and Technology;试谈科技管理创新与科技成果产业化
13.Strengthening Scientific Research Administration and Promoting the Transformation of Achievement;强化科研管理 促进科技成果转化
14.Perfect Registration of Scientific and Technological Achievements and Ad ministrative System of Science and Technology;完善科技成果登记制度 健全科技管理机制
15.The Study of the Knowledge Management of the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievement and Its Advice;科技成果转化的知识管理及对策研究
16.Legislation Concerning Promoting University Scientific Achievement Transformation and Study on Management Policy;促进高校科技成果转化的立法及管理政策研究
17.Effects of China s Current Sports Management System on Transformation of Scientific-Technologic Outcomes;我国现行体育管理体制对科技成果转化的影响
18.Mangagement and Environmental Construction for Scientific Achievement Transfer in Military University;军队院校科技成果转化工作的管理和环境建设

achievements of scientific research management in universities高校科技成果管理
3)scientific achievements management科研成果管理
4)scientific and technological achievements科技成果
1.Researches into the transforming patterns of scientific and technological achievements of common colleges and universities;地方高校科技成果转化模式研究
2.Study on Scientific and Technological Achievements Industrialization in China;中国科技成果产业化问题研究
5)scientific and technological achievement科技成果
1.The study on the condition and proposals about information communication of scientific and technological achievement between the military and the civilian;我国军民科技成果信息交流的现状及对策研究
2.Failure to follow regulations in appraisal of scientific and technological achievements and the countermeasures to prevent it;科技成果评价的失范现象及防范对策
3.In order to study the administration of the translation of the scientific and technological achievements in the Army Medical University, it is summarized in this article that the methods of the translation of the scientific and technological achievements in their university for these 2 years and brought forward main problems which should be hold for the readers.为探讨医科院校科技成果转化工作的管理 ,本文总结了该单位近 2年科技成果转化工作的做法 ;并提出了需要把握的主要问题 ,以飧读
6)science and technology achievements科技成果
1.Different kind of consideration on science and technology achievements spreading of universities;高校科技成果转化的另类思考
2.Study of science and technology achievements evaluation system in Fujian province;福建省应用类科技成果评估体系研究
3.The mature level is both the internal factor and the key factor of the conversion of science and technology achievements.科技成果成熟度是影响科技成果转化的内部因素 ,也是关键因素 。

科技成果重点推广计划是国家科委于1989 年试行、1990年正式在全国实施的一项科技计划。这个计划以组织工农业生产,企业广泛采用国家重大科技成果(一般指经省、部级评定的优秀成果)为基本活动方式。每年由该计划的管理部门发布《计划指南》,说明计划项目中推荐成果、提供成果的单位和项目范围,企业根据自己的需要选择欲采用的成果并提出项目申请,经逐级审批后,列入当年的计划。实施国家科技成果重点推广计划的资金,原则上是按照国家贷款。地区匹配和承担项目的实施单位自筹的方式解决的。国家贷款与地方实施单位自筹资金之间的比例,一般为1:2。