陕西高校,Shaanxi universities
1)Shaanxi universities陕西高校
1.Two aspects analysis of the scale and the structure indicates that Shaanxi universities and the economic development have not realized mutual promotion or positive cycle,but brought the phenomenon of coexisting of high human capital storage quantities and backwardness economic development.从规模和结构两个方面的分析表明:陕西高校与经济发展并没有实现相互促进和良性循环,而是造成了较高的人力资本存量与落后的经济发展并存的现象。

1.Sci-Tech Human Resoures Potential Releasing of Shaanxi Universities Research;陕西高校科技人力资源潜能开发研究
2.Shanxi university intellectual property talent cultivation mode research;陕西高校知识产权人才培养模式研究
3.Evaluation Systems for the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements in the Universities of Shaanxi Province;陕西高校科技成果转化评价体系研究
4.The Network and Information Innovation of Scientific Research Management of Colleges in Shaanxi;陕西高校科研管理网络化、信息化创新
5.The Thoughts on Physical Education Industrialization of Shaanxi Higher Institutes;关于陕西高校体育教育产业化的思考
6.Problems and Solutions in the transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements of Institutions of Higher Learning in Shaanxi Province;陕西高校科技成果转化的问题及对策
7.Research on Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Key Provincial Laboratories of Shaanxi Higher Learning Institutes;陕西高校省级重点实验室绩效综合评价研究
8.Coordination Analysis on Shaanxi Universities and Development of Regional Economy;陕西高校与区域经济发展的协调性分析
9.Studies on the Initiation of Orienteering Courses in Shanxi Province Academic Institutions;陕西省高校设置定向运动课程的研究
10.Study on the Clothing Consumer Behavior of University Students in Shaanxi Province;陕西省高校大学生服装消费行为研究
11.On Reform Patterns of Normal Colleges in Shaanxi Province;陕西高师院校综合化改革模式的选择
12.SWOT analysis and development strategies for universities and colleges in Shaanxi province;陕西普通高等学校SWOT分析及发展策略
13.The Determination of the Characteristics of the Running of Colleges and universities in the Non-central Cities in Shaanxi;陕西非中心城市高校的办学特色定位
14.The Research on Salary Incentive for Teachers in Shaanxi Vocational Colleges陕西高职院校教师薪酬激励管理研究
15.Analysis and Research on Shaanxi Higher Vocational Colleges Appraisal Work;陕西高职高专院校评估工作分析与研究
16.A survey of the current situation of construction of high performance sports teams in common institutes of higher learning in Shaanxi province;陕西省普通高校高水平运动队建设现状调查
17.Current Situation Analysis on Shaanxi Vocational Colleges Journals;陕西省高职高专院校学报的现状与分析
18.The Research of University Financial Risk Evaluation and Forecasting Model on Shaanxi Province;陕西省属高校财务风险综合评价与预警研究

colleges in Shaanxi province陕西省高校
3)shaanxisenior colleges/universities陕西本科高校
4)universities and colleges in Shaanxi province陕西普通高校
5)Partial Shaanxi universities陕西省部分高校
1.Based on the assessment of physique and analysis of national standard,it is found that college students from grades 2006 and 2007 in Partial Shaanxi universities are in good physical condition,but it is lower than the national average condition.对陕西省部分高校2006级和2007级学生体质与健康达标进行测试、分析,得出陕西省部分高校大学生的体质状况较好,但低于全国平均水平。
6)private colleges in Shaanxi陕西民办高校
1.The organizational transition of private colleges in Shaanxi——Based on the cases of four private colleges in Shaanxi;陕西民办高校的组织转型——以四所民办本科高校为例

陕西方言笑话—陕西方言短信笑话1、树上各咎着两只巧,一只乖巧一只哈巧。哈巧对乖巧社:“你朝过挪一哈.”乖巧社:“挪不成,再挪奏载哈起咧!”哈巧社:“末四,载哈来饿搂着你。”乖巧害臊滴社:“哈松!” 2、曾经有一段黑巴实的爱情摆在老子的面前,哎!搞忘了珍惜.当老子失去后才晓得可惜呀!算拉!老子再找一个斗是拉撒.. 3、请高声朗读:卧似梅闻花,卧似深井冰.卧似打春绿,卧似牢木竹.喂?看懂了吗! 4、张艺谋高喊:俺红,饿想你,饿想你想的睡不捉;陕城美女高喊:涨一谋,饿想你,饿想你想的想睡觉! 5、希奇希奇真希奇,发现意投达春绿,春绿头脑有问题,不吃不喝不休息,要问春绿在哪里,正在埋头看消息! 6、曾经右倚份真诚地干情拜灾饿面浅,饿莫气拯西,挡饿史气塔地时候,饿干倒后会.人师间贼搭地通酷摸锅愚呲 7、一个女孩深情地对她的男友说:“锅,垒四轻山袄四六水。”(淮安方言:哥,你是青山我是绿水。) 8、请高声朗读:卧似梅闻花,卧似深井冰.卧似打春绿,卧似牢木竹.喂?看懂了吗! 9、入过伤舔给饿挤灰让饿从来椅回地花,饿灰对那个女娃奢饿哀馁,入过匪要吧这端干情假伤歌椅接先地花,饿希枉是椅弯撵 10、暗石绿,暗石竹,暗石透春绿,暗石透春竹。 11、人和咬井都施马省的,补同的人施人塔马的,咬施咬塔马的(人和妖精都是妈生的,不同的人是人他妈的,妖是妖他妈的) 12、饿是煮!饿是答烂煮! 13、有一妇女过河,不小心鞋子掉到了河里,她大叫俺的孩子掉河里了。 14、昨天夜了个,我又把你整生气了,我现在向你赔个不是,别在瞎寻思了 15、逆给饿电石减,饿突阿突阿奏洗冠了!(你给我点时间,我吐啊吐啊就习惯了!) 16、甲:我想获副啦,遂有豁垒。乙:我直达有豁垒,哈是归附、不怕的瞥。