社会公信力,Social Credit
1)Social Credit社会公信力
1.On the Dilemma of Non-profit Organization s Social Credit in Our Country;对非营利组织的社会公信力困境探析
2.When it comes to establishing social credit, individuals, enterprises and governments are usually the focus of attention, while the construction of social credit of newly developed non profit organizations (NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION,NPO) has been ignored.本文试图通过对一些非营利组织信用失真问题进行分析 ,提出在该类组织发展的初始阶段 ,必须高度重视自身的社会公信力建设 ,并用切实可行的制度来保证不失

1.On the Dilemma of Non-profit Organization s Social Credit in Our Country;对非营利组织的社会公信力困境探析
2.On Promoting CPC s Social Public Trust at the New Time;论新时期中国共产党社会公信力的提升
3.On the Image Strategy in the Credibility Building-up of the Private Higher Learning Institutions;论民办高校社会公信力建设中的形象战略
4.A Study on Government s Ability of Bublic Credit and the Construction of Harmonious Society;试论政府公信力与社会主义和谐社会的构建
5.The Social Psychoanalysis of the Decline of Public Belief in the Propaganda of Advanced Characters;先进人物宣传公信力弱化的社会心理分析
6.It is the key to structuring the harmonious society to improve government s public trust;提高政府公信力是构建和谐社会的关键
7.On the Public Trust of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and Its Construction Experience and Enlightenment论瑞典社会民主党公信力建设的经验及启示
8.On the Construction of University's Social Credibility in a View of Harmonious Society试论和谐社会视角下的大学公信力构建
9.Social Public Informatization社会公共领域信息化
10.Information Equity and University Students Information Ability Training of the Ethnic Region in Harmonious Society;和谐社会中信息公平与民族地区大学生信息能力培养
11.Harmonious society is a society embodying democracy and legality, fairness and justice, honesty and friendship, vigor and security, maintenance of social order and concord between the nature and man.和谐社会是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。
12.Procuratorial Power in Civil Field--The New Request of Harmonious Society on Procuratorial Power from the Core of Public Trust;市民社会视野中的检察权——以公信力为核心探索和谐社会对检察权的新要求
13.Strengthening the Enterprise Reputation Management Strength to Construct the Good Faith Society;加强企业信用管理 着力构建诚信社会
14.On the Capability of Applying Network Information of Editor in Information Society;论信息社会编辑运用网络信息的能力
16.Social Ethics: the Core of the Construction of Social Mondi ty;社会公德:公民道德建设的重要“着力点”
17.The Effee of Super Highway of Information and Satellite Communication on Society of Information;信息高速公路和卫星通信对信息社会的影响
18.The Sociological Study of Law on Company Power and Social Responsibility;对公司权力与社会责任的法社会学研究

university social public confidence大学社会公信力
3)public social power社会公权力
1.As the product of power multiplying and country socializing, public social power originates from the society.社会公权力作为权力多元化与国家社会化之产物,其萌生于社会,是人民所保留的社会自治权。
2.The power of professional organization, which originates from the contract agreement of its members, is a kind of expression in the category of public social power.行业组织权力是公权力范畴中社会公权力的一种表达形式,其权力来源于成员之间的契约约定。
4)citizen society's power公民社会力量
5)Social information capacity社会信息能力
1.A Study on the Function Mechanism of Social Information Capacity;社会信息能力的作用机制研究
6)platform for social public logistic information社会公用物流信息平台

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决