图书馆界,library circle
1)library circle图书馆界
1.The paper discusses the bad phenomenons in the academic research in library circle of China in recent years and the quality problems on the essays of publications,and points out the ways to correct them.阐述我国图书馆界近几年学术研究中的不良现象和刊物稿件上的质量问题,并指出改正的路径。

1.Modern Japanese Library Legislation and China s Library Industry;现代日本图书馆立法对我国图书馆界的启示
2.Impact Analysis of DMCA to the World's Libraries in Past Ten YearsDMCA十年对世界图书馆界之影响分析
3.Recent Situation of Information Equality Research in China Library Circle我国图书馆界信息公平研究近况析略
4.30 Years of Exchanges and Cooperation among Libraries across the Taiwan Straits海峡两岸图书馆界交流合作卅年述略
5.Cornell University Library is an antecessor and victor compared with institutions of the same trade in carrying out knowl-edge management.康奈尔大学图书馆是图书馆界实施知识管理的先行者和成功者。
6.The Impact of GATS on Public Libraries and the Counteract of Westward Country’s Libraries to WTO服务贸易总协定对公立图书馆的影响及西方图书馆界与WTO的抗争
7.Probe into the Cooperation among Libraries, Medical Researches and Psychologists in Bibliotherapy对“阅读疗法”中图书馆界与医学界和心理学界合作的探讨
8.is the third largest in the world,号称世界第三大图书馆,
9.The world's third largest library opens in Beijing.世界第三大图书馆在北京开馆。
10.In the liBrary there are maps of towns, countries, and the world.图书馆里有城市、国家和世界地图。
11.World Criminal Justice Library Network世界刑事司法图书馆网(刑图网)
12.there will be libraries in the electronic world.在电子世界也仍会有图书馆。
13.Study on the Current Situation of Web OPAC in Main National Libraries in the World;世界主要国家图书馆Web OPAC现状研究
14.The Satisfaction of Readers,the Ultimate Objective of Library Management;让读者满意是图书馆管理的最高境界
15.On Upholding Human-oriented Principle and Elevating Management Level of Library;坚持以人为本,提升图书馆管理境界
16.The Application of the Virtual World in Library Services虚拟世界在图书馆服务中的应用研究
17.User-friendly,A New Realm of Library Service人性化——公共图书馆服务的新境界
18.The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, and it certainly has the biggest catalog system, called LOCIS.国会图书馆是世界上最大的图书馆,它有着最大的目录系统,叫作LOCIS。

Library circles图书馆界
1.This article discussed criteria insufficiency of the library circles academic.本文从图书馆界学术规范缺失的表现、成因及防治三个方面,系统阐述了图书馆界学术规范缺失和防范的问题,并提出了学术规范缺失惩治的办法。
3)Library science field图书馆学界
4)Fields of Library图书馆业界
5)international library circle国际图书馆界
1.The paper introduces the principle and stand for proper treatment of copyright in international library circle in The Declaration of China Library Academy on Copyright on Internet Environment as well as the major documents basing on,and suggests that the key of copyright protection is to keep the balance of benefits among the obligee,the right holder and the user.介绍了《中国图书馆学会关于网络环境下著作权问题的声明》中对国际图书馆界有关合理使用原则立场的概括,以及概括所依据的主要文件;阐述了著作权保护的核心要义在于平衡权利人、权利持有人和用户的利益。
6)Virtual world library虚拟世界图书馆

发光地寄色界无色界天乘【发光地寄色界无色界天乘】  谓三地菩萨,明修八禅定行,同于色界四禅,无色界四空处,故云发光地寄色无色界天乘。(八禅定者,色界、无色界各四禅定也。四禅者,初禅、二禅、三禅、四禅也。四空者,即空处、识处、无所有处、非非想处也。)