硕士点,master program
1)master program硕士点
1.This paper systematically summarizes the current situation of college libraries master programs in China,and selects eight libraries in the ninth master programs authorized list published in 2003 to analyze,including admissions,training targets,directions of research and training years.文章系统介绍了我国高校图书馆硕士点分布现状,选取2003年全国第九批硕士学位授权名单中8所高校图书馆硕士点作为调查对象,从硕士研究生的培养年限、入学考试、培养目标、研究方向等方面进行调查,对今后高校图书馆硕士点发展趋势做了初步预测,为高校图书馆建设提供决策支持。

1.Construction of Masters Education in the English Field;新形势下英语硕士点建设的几点思考
2.SWOT Analysis on the Development of Universities Libraries Master Degree我国高校图书馆硕士点发展的SWOT分析
3.Understanding and Practice on Master Education in University Library高校图书馆硕士点建设的认识与实践
4.There are7 undergraduate,10 graduate and2 doctoral specialties and1 postdoctoral mobile research station.设有7个本科专业、10个硕士点、2个博士点和1个博士后流动站。
5.While new established, the postgraduate education (6 majors) has been making great progress, possessing 1/4 of total postgraduate majors of TUC.学院的研究生教育起步较晚但发展迅速,现有6个硕士点,占全校硕士点总数1/4。
6.It is located in Jiaodong Peninsula with beautiful environment and temperate climate.现有11个系和3个教学部,42个专业,7个硕士点
7.The Investigation and Analysis of Master Programs in China College Library;我国高校图书馆硕士点现状调查与分析
8.Cultivation of the Talents;造就英才──上档次 上水平 全力申报硕士点
9.The Problems and Solutions of Chinese Master of Public Administration in Development;我国行政学硕士点建设存在的问题与对策
10.Considerations about Education of Medical Graduate Students for Master Degree;有关医学硕士研究生培养的几点思考
11.A Few Reflections on the Co-education of Master of Engineering by University-enterprise Cooperation;对校企合作培养工程硕士的几点思考
12.Legum Magister(Master of Laws).法学硕士(法学硕士)
13.The Course Design of Dental Public Health at Uinervisty College London;英国口腔公共卫生硕士课程设置和考核的特点
14.Exhibiting Advantages of Key Specialty in Practicing Engineering Masters Education;发挥重点学科优势 实践特色工程硕士教育
15.Characteristics of the Recruitment and Entrance of 2007 National Masters Degree;2007年全国硕士研究生招考的特点及其启示
16.Current state and characteristics of the cultivation of Taiwanese postgraduates pursuing the master of physical education degree;台湾体育专业硕士学位研究生培养现状及特点
17.Some Thoughts about Improving the Educating Quality of Graduate Students;关于提高硕士研究生培养质量的几点思考
18.On the features of study and teaching methods of the post-graduates of agriculture extension;试论农业推广硕士的学习特点及教学对策

applying for master station申请硕士点
3)geology masters地质类硕士点
4)Doctorate and master degrees awarding units博士和硕士授权点
1.A Positivist Analysis on Master’s Dissertation of Educational Technology in Our Country;我国教育技术学硕士学位论文的实证分析
2.Degree Course Design for Master Students in Medicine Based on Constructivism;基于建构主义的医学硕士研究生学位课程设计
3.In recent years, many problems are appeared in in-service studying for master degree of secondary vocational education teachers.近年来,中职教师在职攻读硕士学位的过程中,出现了许多不尽人意之处,如学员学前背景、学前动机、学中态度、学中效果、学后质量等差异较大,影响了培养质量。
1.Analysis of the Negative Mentality of the Postgraduate in Selecting Career;硕士生择业不良心理探析
2.By using the methods of documentary,mathematical statistics,this paper has made an analytical study on the topics of 186 dissertations of Chinese basketball postgraduates from 2000 to 2006.运用文献资料法、数理统计法对2000-2006年我国186篇篮球硕士学位论文的选题进行统计分析和研究,总结归纳选题的特点,指出选题中存在的问题,并对未来选题方向进行了展望。
3.Now a series of problems such as too much administration,antiscientific contents and approaches of examination,unitary admission criteria,even some behaviors that violate morals and laws,exist in the course of our postgraduate enrollment and examination of,which damages our scientific selecting system for senior human talents.目前我国硕士研究生招生考试存在管理模式行政化、考试内容与方式不科学、录取标准单一等问题,甚至存在有违道德与法制的行为,破坏了我国高级人才选拔的科学性。
