学术失范,academic misconduct
1)academic misconduct学术失范
1.In view of the common occurrence of collegiate academic misconduct, the Ministry of Education issued "Proposed Regulations of Collegiate Philosophy and Social Science Academic Research" to enhance the construction of study style and professional ethics, which is a good beginning of the improvement of collegiate academic environment.针对目前高校学术失范行为的屡禁不止,为加强学风建设和职业道德修养,教育部发布了《高等学校哲学社会科学研究学术规范(试行)》,这是高校治理学术环境的良好开端。
2.However,the problem of academic misconducts is becoming increasingly serious.随着我国高等教育的发展,在高校学术研究取得显著成就的同时,各种学术失范行为也日趋严重。
3.In China s recent years higher educational system, academic misconduct and its damage to our country s academic undertakings caused by the imperfect academic regulations has been drawing the attention to both the academic world and public society.在我国高等教育系统中,近年来由于学术规范不完善而造成的学术失范问题及其对我国学术事业的损害,日益引起学界和全社会公众的关注,完善学术规范、优化学术研究环境的呼声日益强烈。

1.The causes of academic anomie and the analysis on its preventative mechanism高校学术失范现象的动因与防范机制分析
2.On the Systematic Reason for and the Solution to the Academic Inappropriateness;论学术失范的制度原因及其解决途径
3.An Analysis of System and Ethics on Lack of Academic Standard;对我国“学术失范”现象的制度伦理分析
4.The Forms and Causes of Academic Anomie of Academic Journal;学术期刊中学术失范的表现形式及其成因
5.The Harm of Academic Corruption--On Legislating China s "Law of Academy";学术失范的危害性探析——兼谈我国《学术法》的制定
6.The Psychological Reasons of Scholarship Anomie and the Psychological Regulation of Scholarship Norm in Colleges and Universities;高校学术失范的心理动因及学术规范的心理调控
7.Science and Technology Cicles Misconduct Reason Analysis and Coutermeasure Researches;科技工作者学术失范的原因分析及对策研究
8.On the Cause and Disadvantage of the Academic Deviation from the Norm Viewed from the Angle of Editing从编辑视角看学术失范的原因及其危害性
9.STANDARDIZAION AND DISTANDARDIZATION:Thinking on the Problem of Academic Corruption(Ⅱ);规范与失范——关于学术腐败的思考笔记(二)
10.Academic Periodicals Deviating from the Norm and Its Institutional Reason;学术期刊的失范及其体制性原因浅议
11.The Reason and the Countermeasure on the disorder of Academic Morals in Colleges and Universities;当前高校学术道德失范的成因与对策
12.Profit-driven Misconducts of Some Academic Journals利益诱惑:部分学术期刊失范行为透视
13.The Construction of Chinese Academic Ethic from the Disorganization of Academic Morality从学术道德失范论中国学术伦理的构建
14.The Educational Root of and the Solutions to College Students' Academic Morality Violation大学生学术道德失范的教育根源与对策
15.The Nonstandard Study Ethics and Its Reconstructions in Educational Research in China;我国教育研究中学术道德的失范与重建
16.On the Path-dependence of Academic Dismorality in Higher School at Present;论当前治理高校学术道德失范的路径依赖
17.Discipline and Guidance:Two Ways to Prevent Misconducts in Academic Ethics in Colleges and Universities;高校预防学术道德失范的两条思路:约束与引导
18.Analysis of and Solution to Anomie,Violation,Infringement of Signature in Academic Dissertations;学术论文署名失范、违规、侵权的分析及应对

Academic anomie学术失范
1.The causes of academic anomie and the analysis on its preventative mechanism高校学术失范现象的动因与防范机制分析
2.Frequent acts of university academic anomie is the natural refraction of social thinking for quick success.高校学术失范现象的频繁出现是社会急功近利思想的自然折射、是学官制度带来的必然症候、是相关学术制度缺失的利益投机、是学者自律性迷失的庸俗表白。
3)academic misconducts学术失范
1.The role of keeping away the academic misconducts should be played by the editors of the learned journals;学报编辑要担负起防范学术失范行为的重任
2.There are unavoidably academic misconducts because of the information asymmetry of two parties,the incompleteness of contract and the limited rationality of human beings.社会与学术人员之间存在委托—代理关系,由于双方信息不对称、契约的不完全性及人的有限理性,学术失范是不可避免的。
4)academic disorganization学术失范
1.In this paper,by analyzing the presentation and exploring the causes of the academic disorganization,the author brings about suggestions against academic disorganization.学术失范是学术界不正之风的表现;在对学术失范的表现分析、原因探索的基础上,提出了防治学术失范的建议,以期对学术规范的建立有所启示。
5)academic corruption学术失范
1.China has made great achievement in science and technology,meanwhile there are problems of academic corruption.我国在科学技术研究领域取得巨大成就的同时,也存在学术失范的另一阴暗面。
2.This paper thoroughly analyzed the various academic corruptions in current Chinese scientific community and probed deeply into the subjective and objective reasons of these corruptions.学术失范不仅浪费有限的学术资源,而且败坏学术风气,阻碍学术进步。
6)against beneath science criterion反学术失范
1.Seeking quality and Innovating: the view points and choices of publishing activity which against beneath science criterion in the transaction of non "core magazine" species;求质与创新:“非核心期刊”类学报反学术失范出版活动的视点及选择
