科普资源,science popularization resources
1)science popularization resources科普资源
1.Integration of Science Popularization Resources in Jiangxi Province and Its Innovative Study;江西省科普资源的整合与创新研究
2.The development and share of science popularization resources is one of the key of science popularization in our country.科普资源的开发与共享已经成为我国科普工作的重点之一,如何界定科普资源因而成为工作开展前亟待解决的问题。

1.A Preliminary Study of Resource Evaluation and Factor Designing for Enterprise Science Popularization;企业科普资源评估与因子设计的初步研究
2.Science Education Resources Sharing in Advanced Industrial Countries:Practices and Implications工业发达国家科普资源共建共享的经验与启示
3.Building Platform of Resources for Science Popularization Research Promoting the Development of Science Popularization;搭建科普研究资源平台、促进科普事业发展
4.Application of General Surgery Database in Clinical Teaching;普通外科学专业资源库在临床教学中的应用
5.Study on Characteristic Evaluation and Sub-area of Popular Science Tourism Resources in Shangdong;山东省科普旅游资源特色评价及其分区研究
6.Study of the Popular Science Tourism Left behind by the History and Culture of Jilin Province;吉林省历史文化遗存类科普旅游资源的开发
7.Integrating Resources to Seek New Development and Extending Services to Establish a New Image--Random Thoughts of Yongkang Science Center Anniversary整合资源求发展 延伸服务树形象——永康市科普中心建成周年随想
8.On the Development and Utilization on the Information Resources of the Personnel Archives in Ordinary Colleges and Universities普通本科院校人事档案信息资源开发利用之我见
9.Scientific analysis and evaluation is the prerequisite of exploiting travelling resource in Qiqihar for traveling resorts in Qiqihar Statistics and analysis is done.对齐齐哈尔旅游资源普查结果进行科学分析与评价,是进行齐齐哈尔旅游资源开发的前提。
10.On Evaluation of Undergraduate Teaching and Optimized Utilization of P E Resource: in the Light of Some Universities in Hunan Province;本科评估中体育设备资源优化配置及应用——以湖南省已评普通高校为例
11.Scientific Committee on Water Research水资源研究科学委员会(水资源委员会)
12.On the Green Exploitation of Natural Resources in Mining Areas of China;论矿区资源绿色开发的资源科学基础
13.Ocean Science in Relation to Non-Living Resources非生物资源海洋科学
14.Rehabaid Centre复康专科及资源中心
15.External Relations and Resources Mobilization Section对外关系和资源调动科
16.Information Technology Education Resources Centre信息科技教育资源中心
17.General Studies Education Resources Centre常识科教育资源中心
18.Natural Resources, Science and Technology Division自然资源、科学和技术司

package of science popularization resource科普活动资源包
3)popular science resource sharing科普资源共享
1.In this paper, a series of basic theories about popular science resource sharing is analyzed initiatively.本文对科普资源共享一系列基础理论问题进行了开拓性的探究分析。
4)popular science tourism resources科普旅游资源
1.Based on summarization of classifying popular science tourism resources,the author puts forward classifying system of popular science tourism resources in Shandong Province,then appraises their features from type and spatial distribution.在综述科普旅游资源分类的基础之上,提出了山东省科普旅游资源的分类体系。
5)popular science teachers科普师资
1.Cultivation and training of juvenile popular science teachers by normal institutions needs first of all to define the necessity and renew scientific view, instruction view and teachers quality view.当前,师范院校对青少年科普师资的培养和培训,需要以明确迫切性和更新科技观、教学观和教师素质观作为前提;职前培养,需要从目标设定、专业设置、课程和教学等方面入手加强改革;探索在职培训的有效途径,需要明确培训的特点、原则并优化培训模式。
6)investigation of resources资源普查

《中国自然资源科普丛书》《中国自然资源科普丛书》Popular Series of China Natural Resources  zhongguo ziran ziyuan kePu eongshu《中国自然资源科普丛书》(彻u坛;%26南ofChinaNa£u月皿IRe30~)本丛书是普及资源知识的中级读物。由中国自然资源学会组织有关30多位中、青年科学家编写,由科学普及出版社出版。这套丛书原计划由13本组成,现已出版的有:①《林木葱郁—森林资源))(张华龄、陈安吉等);②《大地明珠—湖泊资源》(王洪道、林利新);③《凝固的水库—冰川资源》(王宗太、苏珍);④《祖国的旅游胜地—旅游资源集锦》(过宝兴、王洪清);⑤《天府之国—海岸带资源》(巴逢辰);⑥《自然资源—生存和发展的物质基础》(程鸿、姚建衙等);⑦《中国能源资源》(霍治国、李世奎等)。 丛书系统、全面地介绍了中国自然资源的数量、质量、分布、优势和不足之处;分析了各类资源开发、利用现状和发展前景;阐述了资源同人口、经济和环境生态之间的协调和矛盾关系,以及资源在国家现代化过程中的作用和地位;提出了中国自然资源开发、利用、整治、保护和管理的对策和途径。 (T树玲)