期刊评价体系,periodical evaluation system
1)periodical evaluation system期刊评价体系
1.Through the interpretation of the book of Core Periodicals and Periodical Evaluation,this paper points out that the current core periodicals and periodical evaluation system have been twisted,and probes into how to establish the scientific and perfect core periodical selection and evaluation system.通过对《核心期刊与期刊评价》一书的解读,提出了现行的核心期刊和期刊评价体系已经发生扭曲的论点,并探讨如何建立科学完善的核心期刊遴选和评价制度。

1.Drawbacks and Countermeasure in the Journal Assessment System--Taking the assessment of "Core Journals" as an example期刊评价体系的弊端与应对措施——以“核心期刊”评价为例
2.The Relative Issue Research on Evaluation System of the Science and Technology Periodical and Impact Factor;科技期刊评价体系及影响因子相关问题研究
3.Current situation of the evaluation system and standardized management of core journal in China;我国核心期刊评价体系现状及其规范化管理
4.The Current Situation, Problems and Solutions About the Evaluation System of Chinese Core Journals我国核心期刊评价体系的研究现状、问题及解决途径
5.Research on the Evaluation Index System of Open Access Journals;开放获取期刊质量评价指标体系研究
6.Construction of Evaluation Indexes System for Electronic Journal Databases电子期刊数据库评价指标体系的构建
7.Study to the Index System for Synthetic Evaluation from Academic Level of Medical Journal;医学期刊学术水平综合评价指标体系的研究
8.Research on the Resource Evaluation of Chinese Aggregator Databases;中文电子期刊数据库评价指标体系研究
9.Thoughts on setting up a target system for evaluating maganize quality;建立期刊质量评价指标体系的若干思考
10.Study on Relationship among Different Benefit Mainstays in Academic Journal Evaluation学术期刊评价中不同利益主体关系研究
11.Research on the construction of academic journal evaluation system and related issues学术期刊评价方法体系构建及相关问题研究
12.The Design and Construction of the Quality Evaluation Index System for Open Access Journals因特网环境下期刊论文评价体系设计与构建
13.Exploring on the Evaluation Index System of Full-Text Electronic Journal Databases全文电子期刊数据库的评价指标体系探析
14.Research on Academic Quality Assessment and Its Evaluation System of Open Access Journals in Biomedicine生物医学类开放存取期刊学术质量评价及其评价体系研究
15.Analysis of evaluation system and results of Chinese sports core journals;中国中文体育类核心期刊(2004年版)评价体系与结果分析
16.Research on Management Information System of Journal Evaluation;中国学术期刊评价管理信息系统研究
17.Attribute Interval Recognition Model for Comprehensive Index System Quality Evaluation for Natural Science Academic Journals;自然科学学术期刊质量指标体系属性区间识别综合评价模型
18.Establishment of a scientific evaluation system to eliminate misunderstanding of evaluating the quality of academic papers建立科学评价体系 走出“以刊论文”误区

journal evaluation期刊评价
1.Research on Management Information System of Journal Evaluation;中国学术期刊评价管理信息系统研究
2.Actuality and development of scientific journal evaluation;我国科技期刊评价工作的现状与走向
3.It also compares the differences of MIS journal evaluation in China and western countries.鉴于目前我国对期刊评价方法单一且缺少小专业方向如管理信息系统(MIS)的期刊评价,本文对中国MIS期刊做了一次调查。
3)evaluation of journals期刊评价
4)journal assessment期刊评价
1.The notion of core journals,which was introduced into China 30 years ago,has definitely enhanced the theoretic building and academic development of journals in China,but it has also yielded several negative effects on academy and journal assessment."核心期刊"概念漂洋过海传入我国,已风风雨雨30余载,既推动了我国期刊理论建设和学术发展,又在学术与期刊评价等方面滋生出诸多负面效应。
2.The paper starts from the origination of journal assessment,discusses the development of the theory of journal assessment and advances that the assessment on the quality is implied by that on quantity.文章立足期刊评价的起源,讨论了期刊评价理论的形成与发展过程,认为期刊评价将质的评价隐含于量的评价之中,在量化过程中牺牲了大量的质的特征,而质的评价的信度则应由量的充足度来保证。
5)periodical evaluation期刊评价
1.The theory and practice of periodical evaluation both at home and abroad has been experiencing 30-year exploration and practice and formed a set of mature theoretical system and evaluation system.国内外期刊评价的理论和实践研究都经历了30多年的不断探索与实践,逐渐形成了一套比较成熟的理论体系和评价体系。
6)evaluation of periodicals期刊评价

财务评价指标体系财务评价指标体系appraisal system of financial indices  部委颁发的《国有资本金效绩评价规则》中,确定对工商类竟争性企业的基本评价指标有8项,修正指标有16项。现将这些指标按财务效益状况、资产营运状况、偿债能力状况和发展能力状况四个方面归类列于表1中(国有资本金效绩评价仅列了8项基本指标,修正指标列于表2中)。 指标的计算方法以上三次颁发的评价指标共27个,由于部分指标重登,实际为20个。各类指标的计算公式和作用如下。 评价封务效益状况的指标(l)销,利润率一雨馨偎畏黯火100%式中,销售收人净额~销售收人一销售退回、折让、折扣。该指标反映企业销售收人的获利水平。(2)资本金利润率- 利润总倾实收资本总额X 100%该指标反映投资者投人的资本金的获利能力。(3)资本(金)收益率-净利润实收资本X 100%该指标反映企业运用投资者投人的资本金获得收益的能力。(4)净资产收益率- 净利润平均净资产X 100%式中,平均净资产一(期初净资产十期末净资产)/2.该指标反映企业净资产获得收益的能力。(5)总资产报酬率~利润总倾+利息支出 平均资产总倾X 100%式中,平均资产总额一(期初总资产+期末总资产)/2.该指标反映企业用全部资产获利的能力。(6)销售利税率~ 利税总倾销售收人净倾X 100%该指标反映企业销售收人获取利税的水平.(7)成本费用利润率- 利润总倾成本费用总倾X 100%该指标反映企业成本费用与利润的关系.(8)资本保值增值率-期末所有者权益总倾期初所有者权益总额 X 100%该指标反映企业所有者权益的保值增值情况。(9)社会贡献率一企业社会贡献总额 平均资产总额X 100%该指标反映企业对国家或社会做出贡献的水平。企业社会贡献总倾,包括工资(含奖金、津贴等)、劳保退休统筹及其他社会福利支出,利息支出净额,应交增值税、产品销售税金及附加、所得税及其他税收,净利润等。(1。)社会积累率一箭瞿器镖义100%该指标反映企业对社会贡献的总额中有多少比例用于上交国家财政。