情报市场,information market
1)information market情报市场
2)market intelligence市场情报
1.Nowadays, 90% of the global top 500 enterprises have established their own well-defined market intelligence analysis systems, as it is of great significance for the survival and development of enterprises to do effective analysis of market intelligence.目前,90%的全球500强企业已建立完善的市场情报分析系统,有效地分析市场情报对于企业的生存和发展具有十分重要的意义。
2.Nowadays, 90% of the global top 500 enterprises have established their own well-defined market intelligence analysis systems.目前,90%的全球500强企业已建立了完善的市场情报分析系统。

1.Vertically integrated companies block access to essential market information, she says.她还说,纵向整合的公司阻拦其它公司获取重要的市场情报
2.Study on Information Resources of Heilongjiang Ecological Tourism Consumption,Fashoin and Target Market;黑龙江生态旅游消费流行与目标市场情报资源研究
3.Job market information helps to make markets work better.职业市场的情报有助于使市场更好地运转。
4.As regards quotations, we change constantly, according to update market.我们的报价经常会随市场行情变动。
5.Our quotations are in line with the world market.我们的报盘符合世界市场行情。
6.I will keep you advised of the state of the market.我将随时向你报告市场行情。
7.We got red-hot tips on the stock market.我们得到了有关股票市场的最新情报。
8.Improve College Libraries Management for Market s Needing;高校图书情报管理工作的市场化策略
9.Report on China s bond market performance in 2007;2007年债券市场运行情况分析报告
10.The Position and Function of Competitive Intelligence in Market Economy;竞争情报在市场经济中的地位和作用
11.Observe Newspaper Selling in Nanjing:Finding Report of The Newspaper Sellers is Nanjing;南京报纸零售市场透视——南京市区报摊零售情况调查
12.We regret to say that your quotation is out of line with the prevailing market at this end .遗憾地说,你方报价与此地市场行情不一致。
13.Market is very firm and rising, and we is today quoting :市场行情稳定,并呈上升趋势,今日报价为:
14.What do you think of after you review the world market report?看过世界市场行情的报告后,您的想法是什么?
15.Attention should be paid to the Combination of Surveying Economic Market Conditions with the Work of Science aad Technical Intelligence.科技情报调研要注意结合经济市场的调查
16.Talking about the Market Oriented Reform of University Library s Information Work;论高校图书馆情报工作市场取向的改革
17.As the market is firm with an upward tendency, we would suggest in your interest that you accept our offered price.由于市场坚挺,行情看涨,为了贵方利益我方建议贵方接受报价.
18.Take supplier used record, arrange supplier file once half a year, and report it to the DOSM.有关供应商使用情况,应在每半年整理档案时,向市场销售总监汇报。

market intelligence市场情报
1.Nowadays, 90% of the global top 500 enterprises have established their own well-defined market intelligence analysis systems, as it is of great significance for the survival and development of enterprises to do effective analysis of market intelligence.目前,90%的全球500强企业已建立完善的市场情报分析系统,有效地分析市场情报对于企业的生存和发展具有十分重要的意义。
2.Nowadays, 90% of the global top 500 enterprises have established their own well-defined market intelligence analysis systems.目前,90%的全球500强企业已建立了完善的市场情报分析系统。
3)marketing informatics市场情报学
4)Market condition report市场情况报告
5)market intelligence report商情报告;市场预测报告
1.The paper introduces the research , industry volume ,market, distribution as well as the analysis of future market of abamectin.介绍和评析了阿维菌素近几年的国内外生产及市场情况,并预测了其未来发展前景。
2.It also points out the development direction of the industry by analyzing the zinc oxide production,consumption and market in recent years.介绍了我国氧化锌工业现状,指出了我国氧化锌工业生产中存在的几个问题,通过对近年来氧化锌的生产、消费及市场情况的分析,指出了我国氧化锌行业的发展方向。
3.This paper introduces application, process and market of bisphenol A in the world, and its producers at home.介绍了双酚—A的用途,国内外双酚—A的生产情况,我国主要生产厂家,国内外双酚—A的消费构成,详细介绍了双酚—A的生产工艺,最后分析了市场情况及发展趋势,并提出了建议。

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。