知识服务业,knowledge service industry
1)knowledge service industry知识服务业
1.The development of China s knowledge service industry is on the preliminary stage and each department has difference on the level of international competitiveness.中国知识服务业的发展还处于初步阶段,国际竞争力水平存在较大差异,中国要建立创新型社会,就要注重知识服务业的发展,要从战略高度制定知识服务业相应的发展规划,建立相应的支撑体系,发挥政府职能作用,培养和引进专业人才,发展壮大知识服务企业等。
2.The knowledge service industry has become the core-industry in cities of the metropolitan area in the world.知识服务业已经成为当今世界大都市圈中心城市的核心产业。
3.Analysis of knowledge service industry characteristic, Under the industrial chain angle of view discusses the development knowledge service industry the countermeasure suggestion from human resources, technological innovation, knowledge shift, knowledge conformity.基于知识服务业特征分析,在产业链视角下从人力资源、技术创新、知识转移、知识整合等方面探讨发展知识服务业的对策建议。

1.Research of Knowledge-Sharing Mechanisms to Knowledge-Based Service Industry;面向知识服务业的知识共享机制研究
2.Research on Mode for New Service Development in Knowledge Intensive Services基于知识服务业的新服务开发过程模式研究
3.Design and Study on Model and Platform for Agricultural Knowledge Service知识服务模型和农业知识服务平台设计研究
4.Knowledge transfer and its effects on innovation of knowledge intensive business service;知识密集型服务业的知识转移与创新
5.The Knowledge Innovation System of KIBS;知识密集型服务企业的知识创新体系
6.Economy s Service-based Development & Service s Knouledge-based Increase and Development of Our Service Industry;经济服务化、服务知识化与我国服务业的发展
7.The General Introduction to Knowledge-based Industry;知识服务产业刍议——知识服务产业定义、特征、功能及业务流程分析
8.Comparison of agriculture information service and agriculture knowledge service;农业信息服务与农业知识服务比较研究
9.The Research on the Knowledge Supply Chain Mode in the Knowledge-intensive Service Industry of China;我国知识密集型服务业知识供应链模式研究
10.Research on Knowledge Demand and Knowledge Service System in Agricultural Machine Industry;农机行业知识需求与知识服务系统研究
11.Research on the Development Mechanism and Function of Knowledge-based Service Industry;知识服务产业的发展机制与功能研究
12.The Concep and Classification of Knowledge-Intensive Business Service;知识密集型服务业的概念与分类研究
13.The Development and Policy of Knowledge-Intensive Business Service;知识密集型服务业的发展及政策措施
14.On Thinking of Developing Knowledge Service Trade Industry Of China;发展中国知识性服务贸易产业的思考
15.The effect of knowledge economy on information service and counter measures;知识经济对信息服务业的影响及对策
16.Research on Innovation Capabilities of Knowledge-Intensive Business Serivce Industry中国知识密集型服务业创新能力研究
17.Study of Knowledge Information Service's Business Development Based on the National Knowledge Innovative Network基于国家知识创新网络的知识信息服务业务拓展
18.A study on the selection of intellectual property protection methods in professional business services商务服务业知识资产保护手段选择的实证研究

knowledge-based service industry知识服务业
1.This paper firstly analyzes the importance and obstacle of knowledge sharing based on the features of knowledge-based service industry in terms of knowledge management.本文针对知识服务业的特点,从知识管理角度分析知识共享在其服务过程中的重要性以及知识共享的障碍。
2.The article analyzed the development of knowledge-based service industry and the actuality of ours,then brought forward the countermeasure.文章分析了知识服务业的产生与发展及其在我国发展的现状,在此基础上提出了发展我国知识服务业的对策建议。
3)knowledge-based services知识服务业
1.The content and importance of knowledge-based services to the economic development in metropolis are introduced.从新兴的知识服务业的内涵及其在大都市经济发展的重要性入手,详细分析了知识服务业在沈阳老工业基地振兴和发展过程中的作用。
4)knowledge intensive services知识服务业
1.The innovative process of knowledge intensive services resembles hi-tech manufacturing, and the development of knowledge intensive services can intensify national innovation system.知识服务业的创新过程与高科技制造业相似,发展知识服务业可以强化创新系统。
5)Agriculture knowledge service农业知识服务
1.Comparison of agriculture information service and agriculture knowledge service;农业信息服务与农业知识服务比较研究
6)knowledge service industry知识型服务业
1.This paper expounds the developing progress of knowledge service industry and illuminates the reasons for the rise of knowledge service industry.本文讨论了知识型服务业的兴起历程,阐释了知识型服务业兴起的原因。
2.The new developing leading industry emerging in new economic era---knowledge service industry is in one more and more important strategy position among national economy of 21st century, and task of improving the knowledge service industry quality management is becoming urgent affairs of the business administration circle of our country.新经济时代崛起的新兴主导产业———知识型服务业在21世纪的国民经济中将处于一种越来越重要的战略支配地位,提高知识型服务业的管理水平成为我国企业管理界的当务之急,其中的难点和重点在于建立和健全知识型服务业的质量标准。
3.The modern society development largely relies upon the sound high-tech industry and knowledge service industry.现代社会的发展必然依赖于高新科技产业和知识型服务业的高速发展。

服务业收费  旅店、照相、理发、浴池、洗染等服务行业服务收费的总称,是劳务收费中的经营性收费。    服务业收费的特点是:①劳动报酬在收费构成中所占比例大于一般商品;②服务业的技术和服务水平是构成质量差价的主体。    在中国,服务业收费由成本、利润和税金构成,并根据服务质量不同实行分等定价:①旅店等级,主要根据房屋建筑质量、客房设备、共用设施、服务水平和地理位置等划分,对不同等级的旅店规定不同的等级差价。涉外旅店还要参照国际上同等级饭店租金定价。②照相馆等级,主要根据设备条件、技术水平和服务项目多少划分。不同等级的照相馆其收费存在一定差价,彩照与黑白照、艺术照与普通照之间也保持一定比例的差价。③理发店等级,主要根据理发人员技术水平、理发设施条件等划分。④浴池等级,主要根据浴池的服务设施和卫生条件等划分。除了不同等级的浴池保持一定比例的差价外,盆浴、池浴和淋浴,雅座和普通座也保持一定差价。⑤洗染店等级,主要根据洗染设施和服务项目多少等划分。设备完善、服务项目齐全、具有一定社会声誉的洗染店的收费高于一般洗染店;价值较高的织物的洗染收费高于一般织物的洗染收费。