增长规律,Growth law
1)Growth law增长规律
1.As one of the important research themes of the dynamic laws in Webometrics, the growth law of the web information is still at the stage of exploring and there s wide discovery space.网络信息的增长规律作为网络计量学理论研究中动态规律探寻的重要研究主题之一,其研究尚处于探索阶段,具有广阔的发现空间。

1.Laws of stress increment in unbonded tendons in concrete beams and slabs at serviceability stage混凝土梁板中无粘结筋应力增长规律
2.Comparison of Increase Rules of Psychotherapy Literature between China and Other Countries;国内外心理疗法文献增长规律及其比较
3.Predictive analysis of the railway freight rising between west and east in China;我国东西部铁路货运量增长规律预测分析
4.Research on Laws of Performance Improvement in Decathlon Athletes of Different Levels;不同水平十项全能运动员成绩增长规律的研究
5.Study on the Low of Iodine Iucrease during the Development of Quail Eggs with High Iodine content;高碘鹌鹑蛋生产过程中碘的增长规律研究
6.Test Study on Concrete Strength Growing Rules in Winter at Cold Area寒冷地区冬季混凝土强度增长规律的试验研究
7.On the Growth of Stakeholders in Ecotourism Destination生态旅游地利益相关群的增长规律研究
8.Strength increase law of pile around soil and calculation of single pile bearing capacity桩周土体强度增长规律及单桩承载力的计算
9.Fractal increment regularity of dynamic subsidence on the ground induced by mining开采引起的地表动态下沉分形增长规律
10.The economic jump is an especial law in economic growth.经济跳跃发展规律是经济增长中的特殊规律。
11.The experiment indicates that the ratio increases systematically with increasing age.实验表明,比例随着年龄的增长有规律地增长。
12.Experiments show that the proportional increase is consistent with age.实验表明,比例随着年龄的增长而有规律的增加.
13.The Essence of Economic Growth behind the Rise and Decline of the Great Powers;大国兴衰现象背后的经济增长内在规律
14.An Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution;民族地区经济增长与环境污染规律的实证研究
15.On Relation Between Human Resource Flow and Growth of Talent Based on the Rule of Human Capital Production (Increment);基于人力资本生产(增值)规律的人才流动与人才成长关系研究
16.Development of marine industry:strategy and measure;培育海洋经济新增长点的运作规律、机理与途径研究
17.Analysis of Promoting the Productivity of the Firm with Economic Growth--A Production Model Based on the Increasing Returns Law of the Management Factor经济增长中企业生产率变化的要素分析——一个管理要素报酬递增规律下的生产模型
18.The Thesis Deatls with the Growth and Regular Growth of Dirichlet Series;狄里克莱级数的增长性与正规增长性

citation growth law引文增长规律
3)growing rule of strength强度增长规律
4)economy develped rule经济增长规律
5)tumor growth laws肿瘤增长规律
6)population increasing regulation种群增长规律

矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradiction  mQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主