引文源,citation source
1)citation source引文源
1.This paper gives the statistical analysis on the citation data and the quantity and the distribution ratio of the various kinds of the citation sources of <Book and Information Work> from 2003 to 2004,, and analyzes the papers that include the network citations.对《图书情报工作》2003至2004年的引文数据和各种类型引文源的数量、分布比例等进行了统计,分析了含有网络引文的文章。
2.Based on the analysis of citation source of sam-ple papers,a study was made on the characteristics and needs of sample papers to access reference papers.对教师论文的引文来源做分析,得出写论文时获取参考文献的特点和需求,并分别用布拉德福区域法和计算法确定引文源期刊的布拉德福离散系数和核心期刊数,综合比较得出核心区期刊。
1.Redress of the Quotation in General Paraphrase of Words in Dunhuang Bianwen;《敦煌变文字义通释》引文商补
2.Statistics and analysis of papers, authors and quotations of Journal of Tianjin Polytechnic University in 2000-2004;《天津工业大学学报》2000~2004年载文、作者及引文统计分析
3.A Statistics analysis of papers—loading and quotation of Jinggangshan Normal Co llege Journal(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)from2000—2003;《井冈山师范学院学报》(文科)2000—2003年载文、引文统计分析

1.in loc. cit.ar. =in loco citato (=in the place cited)【拉】在上述引文中,
2.New Tools of Citation Analysis:Citation Map引文分析的新工具——引文关系图探析
3.Visualization of Technology Tracking Based on Patent Citation:Co-citation,Cross-citation,Extra-citation and Self-citation基于专利引文的技术跟踪可视化研究——共引、互引、他引、自引
4.Formatting Quotations: When quoting material, integrate the quoted passage into the body of your own text using quotation marks if the passage is not longer than four lines.引用的格式:引用材料时,如果所引文段不超过4行,就用引号将引文包含在你自己的文本中。
5.To give a quotation, as from a book.引用(如从一本书中)举出一段引文
6.All quotations from Latin texts are given in translation.所有引自拉丁语本的引文都经过翻译。
7.I finally tracked down the reference in a dictionary of quotation我终於在引语词典中查到了那段引文
8.I finally tracked down the reference in a dictionary of quotations.我终于在引语词典中查到了那段引文.
9.I finally track down the reference in a dictionary of quotation.我终於在引语词典中查到了那段引文
10.Discussion on Citation Norms Taking Chen Li s Citation Methods as a Good Example;从《引书法示端溪书院诸生》谈引文规范
11.The Application of Quotations, Quotation Marks and Other Punctuations;引文、引号及其相关标点符号的使用
12.Statistical Analysis on Papers and Citations in Journal of Educational Studies during 2005-2008《教育学报》2005-2008年引文与引证分析
13.Sci-tech Analysis and Evaluation Based on Citation Index基于引文索引数据库的科技分析评价
14.index file descriptor record索引文件描述符记录
15.index file pointer record索引文件指示字记录
16.His essays were noticed.他的文章很快就引起了注意(引人注目)。
17.Query does not reference the full-text indexed table.查询未引用建立了全文索引的表。
18.Examples of Classics Citation in Ancient Medical Books;引用文字 形式多样——古医书引经举要

1.Redress of the Quotation in General Paraphrase of Words in Dunhuang Bianwen;《敦煌变文字义通释》引文商补
2.Statistics and analysis of papers, authors and quotations of Journal of Tianjin Polytechnic University in 2000-2004;《天津工业大学学报》2000~2004年载文、作者及引文统计分析
3.A Statistics analysis of papers—loading and quotation of Jinggangshan Normal Co llege Journal(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)from2000—2003;《井冈山师范学院学报》(文科)2000—2003年载文、引文统计分析
1.A statistic analysis of papers and citations on Chines Journal of Anatomy in 2003;《解剖学杂志》2003年载文和引文的统计分析
2.Statistics on papers and citations published in Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT)from 1998 to 2002;《哈尔滨工业大学学报》载文、引文统计分析
3.Statistical Analysis on the Articles and their Citations of the Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Technology;《陕西工学院学报》论文及引文的统计分析
1.A statistic analysis on articles and references in a Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong Institute;《重庆交通学院学报》载文及引文统计分析
2.The number of references, languages, kinds of references, the years distribution of references of total 376 papers published in Journal of Building Materials from 1998 to 2002 are concerned.以《建筑材料学报》1998~2002年发表的376篇论文为统计样本,对其引文量、引文语种、引文类型、引文年代分布等进行了统计与分析。
1.An Analysis to Articles, Citations and Authors of the Journal of the Library Science in Jiangxi During 1998~2003;近六年《江西图书馆学刊》载文、引文及作者分析
2.Statistics and analysis of the citations in the recent five years Academic Journal of Changsha University of Electric Power(social science edition);《长沙电力学报》(社科版)近五年引文统计分析
3.A Statistical Analysis of Papers and Citations in the Journal of Library in 20072007年《图书馆》载文及引文统计分析
1.A Statistical Analysis on Papers,Authors and Quotations in Library Development from 2004 to 2005;《图书馆建设》2004-2005年载文、作者及引文统计分析
2.By applying the principle of bibliometrics,the paper has analyzed the situation of paper,authors and quotations in Library Development in 2005.运用文献计量学的方法,对2005年出版的《图书馆建设》载文、作者及引文情况进行统计分析,在此基础上作者提出了进一步改进《图书馆建设》质量的一系列措施。
3.Through the statistical analysis of the papers,authors and quotations delivered in《Library Tribune》from 2004 to 2005,this paper studies the characteristics of those papers,authors and quotations.本文对《图书馆论坛》2004~2005年的载文、作者和引文进行数据统计与分析,研究其载文特点、作者特点及引文特点。

引文  著书或撰文时,从其他书籍、文章或有关文献资料中摘引文辞。引文的主要作用,一是用来论证有关本书主题的著者自己的见解,或是用以介绍他人的思想观点及某一方面的情况。引文有明引、泛引、暗引、节引诸种方式。明引是具体指明文辞出自何人 、何书 、何篇、何卷(页),如《尚书·盘庚上》:"迟任有言曰:'人惟求旧,器非求旧,惟新。'"指明引文是古贤人迟任的话。在学术著作中,一般都需注明具体出处。泛引是泛指文辞出自某一地区或某一方面的人,如《论语·子路》:"子曰:南人有言曰:'人而无恒,不可以作巫医。'善夫!"所谓"南人"即属泛指。暗引是引其原文,而不指明出处,如清人王士祯《戏仿元遗山论诗绝句》之二:"五字清晨登陇首,羌无故实使人思。"暗引钟嵘《诗品》:"'清晨登陇首',羌无故实。""清晨"句又是暗引晋张华诗。节引是删节改动原文而加以引用,如《戏仿元遗山论诗绝句》之四:"挂席名山都未逢,浔阳喜见香炉峰。"即节引孟浩然《晚泊浔阳望庐山》:"挂席几千里, 名山都未逢。泊舟浔阳郭,始见香炉峰。"行文时对引文的处理有以上诸种方式,不管哪一种方式,为了便于读者查考,都可以注明具体出处,或者作者自注,或者旁人作注。注明出处时,用脚注或篇后注,或用夹注,各随其便。