民间科学家,folk scientist
1)folk scientist民间科学家

1.They want to control the technology without any interference from civilian scientists.他们想占有技术 且不想有民间科学家来干预
2.Time and Space:A Narratological Analysis of Scientific Ethnography;时间与空间:科学民族志的叙述学分析
3.The Contrastive Analyses on Science and Technology Awards in Non-governmental and Governmental Sectors;我国民间科技奖励与国家科技奖励的对比分析
4.The Two Projects of Promoting the Discipline Construction of Folk Literature and Art推进民间文艺学学科建设的两项工程
5.Review of Yugur Folk Literature and Writers' Literature裕固族民间文学和作家文学研究综述
6.This scientist advised farmers to choose the best seed - heads.科学家建议农民选出最好的种子穗。
7.Citizen's scientific quality is the basis of country's development.公民科学素养是国家发展的基础。
8.The original of the Hakkas:The views of nature science试从自然科学角度探讨客家民系本质
9.The Historian and Philosopher of Science Wandering in the Humanity and Nature:Foucault;徜徉于人文与自然之间的科学史家与科学哲学家——福柯
10.Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Marine Science and Technology海洋科学和技术政府间专家组
11.Scientists have been modifying food for some time.科学家改良食物已经有很长时间了。
12.unversed in the jargon of the social scientist.对社会科学家之间的行话不熟悉。
13.The scientist counted down to blast.科学家倒数数至发射时间。
14.African Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Marine Science and Technology非洲海洋科学和技术政府间专家组
15.He is the first scientist studying outer space.他是第一位研究外层空间的科学家。
16.Folk Culture and Writer s Literature: Shaking Hands Between Two worlds;民间文化与作家文学:两个世界的握手
17.State Law and Non-governmental Law in Legal Economics法律经济学视角下的国家法和民间法
18.Several Basic Questions about Subject Construction of Folklore;试论民间文学学科构建中的几个基本问题

colonialist scientists殖民地科学家
3)Hakkas folk literature客家民间文学
1.What is Hakkas folk literature? Analyzing discussing and defining the Hakkas folk literature, I put up with it the importance of studying, according to the folk literature s development regulation and studying stadu at present.什么是客家民间文学?笔者遵循民间文学一以贯之的发展规律,结合当前的研究状况,对客家民间文学进行分析、探讨并加以界定,提出对其研究的重要性。
4)science fans民间科学爱好者
1.How and why science fans developed out of sudden in the early 1980 s, in China, thanks for the social envirenment, public perception of science at that time,the misunderstanding of scientific activities by mass media,and the paranoid tendency of."民间科学爱好者"是一个在科学共同体之外从事所谓科学活动的特殊群体,与"业余科学爱好者"相比,其最大特征是不能与科学共同体进行正常的交流。
5)Hakka Folks客家民间
1.Resources Investigation and Exploitation of Chinse. Herbal Medicine for Medicated Diet in Hakka Folks;客家民间药膳中草药资源调查和开发利用
1.Chinese traditional folk-furniture composes the important part of Chinese traditional furniture, which is created by common people and is highlighted by their daily lives and plain vernacular spirit of creation.中国传统民间家具是中国传统家具的重要组成部分,是普通百姓的创造性劳动,体现出了浓郁的生活气息和质朴的原创精神。

德国科学家发现植物也有“化学武库”  德国马普协会科隆植物研究所的科学家发现,为了抵御外来侵害,保护自己的生存,植物自身都拥有一个“化学武器库”,能帮助植物防止病毒、细菌和霉菌的侵蚀。保尔舒尔茨莱福特领导的研究小组,通过对南芥属植物的实验发现,植物中存在着一道迄今尚不为人所知的防御线,就如同拥有一个“化学武器库”,它依靠一种名为Snare的蛋白,来控制对“武器库”中弹药的输送。一旦有细菌进入植物物体,Snare蛋白就马上从“武器库”中调集出化学毒剂,送到被细菌侵入的部位,将细菌迅速杀灭,而且,该化学毒剂还不会伤害植物的自身细胞。通常,外来细菌被杀死后,化学毒剂仍会短时间存留在植物受侵蚀部位。研究人员说,其实,植物的这种防御机理十分古老,估计在两亿年前就已经存在了。科学家们的下一步目标,是弄清植物的整个防御机理,并分析出植物“化学武器库”中所有化学毒剂的成分。(源自:呼伦贝尔森防信息网)