社会场域,social field
1)social field社会场域

1.Texts in the Social Site: Visual Angle of Analyzing the Jade Culture in the Traditional Society社会场域中的文本:解析传统社会玉文化的视角
2.Hierarchy and social network: the relationship of power and exchange in social contexts;等级制和社会网络社会场域中的权力与交换关系
3.Rule Discourse and Pattern: an analysis on the mediation of dissension in local society;规则、话语与范式:乡土社会场域下的纠纷解决
4.The Human World:From Society to "Field"--Educational Significance for Social Conversion人的世界:从社会到“场域”——教育的社会转换意义
5.A Sociological Study on the Disadvantaged Group of Teachers in One School Field;学校场域教师弱势群体的社会学研究
6.the field theory finally points to the sociology of reflexive and practice theory.场域理论最终指向反思社会学与实践理论。
7.On Coordinated Development of Regional Commodity Market and Construction of Harmonious Society;区域商品市场协调发展与和谐社会建设研究
8.Nation,Civil Society and Market:Sample as Indian Education;国家、公民社会与市场:以印度教育领域为例
9.The Function and Indraft of Market Mechanism in the Area of Social Security;社会保障领域中市场机制的引入及其功能定位
10.Socialist Market Economy in the Ken of the Global Economy;经济全球化视域中的社会主义市场经济
11.Making the "rules" in the school field -- A perspective of sociology;学校场域中的“规则”打造——一种社会学视角
12.The News Interview Techniques under the Harmonious Society和谐社会话语场域下的新闻采访技术初探
13.Analysis of College Students' "Certificate Craze" from the Perspective of Bourdieu Sociological Theory布迪厄社会学理论场域下大学生“考证热”透析
14.Elite of Rural Communities and Independent Supply of Rural Public Goods--Based on the Field of "Acquaitances Society";乡村精英与农村社区公共产品自主供给——基于“熟人社会”的场域
15.Field Transposition and Inter-Field Containment: Negotiating Pierre Bourdieu s Socio-Cultural Criticism;场域转换与隔场遏制:布尔迪厄的社会文化批评理论述评
16.market in socialist society社会主义社会的市场
17.Regional Commission on Social Affairs区域社会事务委员会
18.A region, realm, or dwelling place conceived to be below the surface of the earth.下层社会设想在地球表面下面的区域、王国和居住场所

social science field of philosophy哲学社会科学场域
1.In the social science field of philosophy,pure scientific capital and systematized scientific capital are opposing to each other.在哲学社会科学场域中,纯科学资本与制度化科学资本是两种性质对立的科学资本。
3)community areas社区场域
1.The author argues that the autonomous power of the urban development areas,market economy,middle class and government reform lay the foundation of enhancing the open degree of community areas.本文从社会角度出发,分析探讨了开发区社区场域的开放性。
4)regional society区域社会
1.in small towns in regional society,analyzed the position of P.通过文献资料调研和逻辑分析的方法,研究了小城镇体育在区域社会中的发展背景,分析了小城镇体育在由“二元结构”向“三元结构”转换过程中所处的地位,进一步论述小城镇体育的龙头作用、桥梁作用、加速器作用、精神文明建设作用、产业结构调整作用以及辐射作用。
2.Using the research methods of literature and investigations, this paper has made an analysis of the relationship of mutual promotion and development of physical education institutes and regional society.采用文献资料及调查研究的方法,对体育院校与区域社会的互动发展关系进行分析。
3.The special features of regional society and regional colleges have detgermined the special features of regional colleges serving the community,which include the set scale of service;the short diameter of service;root units as the object of service;the low sci-tech content of the service;the simple structure of the service organization;heavy service duty and low economical profits.区域社会和区域高校的特殊性 ,决定了区域高校社会服务的特殊性 :服务范围确定 ,服务半径小 ,以基层为主要服务对象 ;社会服务的科技文化含量低 ,服务实体的组织结构简单 ;社会服务的责任大、任务重、经济效益
5)social field社会领域
1.Protecting Owners Right under System Constrains:On the autonomy realm of thesocial field from the perspective of protecting owners right;制度限制下的维权运动——从业主维权看社会领域自治空间
2.Good faith brings into play broadly in social field.阐述了诚信重要的道德功能,它集基础道德功能、商业道德功能、政治道德功能于一身,在社会领域广泛地发挥作用;认为它既是基础性的道德原则,又是市场经济的“黄金”定律,还是党和政府行为的基本准则。
6)Local Society地域社会
1.Reform Activities of TCM Circle and Local Society in Tianjin during the Beiyang New Policy;北洋新政时期天津中医界的改革活动与地域社会

高级农业合作社、供销合作社、信用社“三合一”高级农业合作社、供销合作社、信用社“三合一” [高级农业合作社、供销合作社、信用社“三合一”】把供销合作社和信用合作社都合并到高级农业合作社的称谓。其优点是精简了机构,统一了领导,节省了一些费用开支。缺点是和高级农业合作社里附设信用部一样,高级农业合作社随意挪用信贷资金,破坏了信用组织的生命力,影响信用部组织与调剂农村资金余缺功能的发挥。