国内论文产出,Domestic paper output
1)Domestic paper output国内论文产出
2)foreign paper output国外论文产出
3)paper output论文产出
1.Exploration to the construction of research staff in higher normal university from the perspective of the characteristics of paper output;从论文产出特点探析高师院校科研队伍建设

2.Analysis on Efficiency of Science Article Output Based on the DEA;基于DEA方法的科学论文产出效率分析
3.Quantitative Analysis of Output of Funded Theses Published in Journal of Information《情报杂志》基金论文产出的定量分析
4.An age distribution of productivity of scientific papers for highly cited scientists高被引科学家论文产出力的年龄分析
5.Empirical Study on Relationship between Output of Scientific Paper Supported by NSFC and Patent Output of University Faculty in China我国高校教师受基金资助论文产出与专利产出关系的实证研究
6.Impact of Sci-tech Basic Inputs on the Output of Papers;科技基本投入对论文产出的影响研究——以中国国际论文为例
7.The University's Productivity of Scientific Articles--Taking the Articles Produced by the Authors at Nanchang University from 2005 to 2007 as an Example从科技论文产出看高校的科研产出能力——以南昌大学2005-2007年论文为例
8.Statistical and Analysis of the Paper Output of Changsha Communications University from 1996 to 2002长沙交通学院1996~2002年论文产出统计分析
9.Study on the Impact and Productivity of Scientific and Technical Papers at Anhui Medical University;安徽医科大学科技论文产出力与影响力研究
10.Knowledge Innovation and Transfer:A Study on Output Efficiency of Academic Papers in Colleges and Universities;知识创新与转移:高校学术论文产出的效率研究
11.The co-integration analysis on NSFI input and S&T paper s output;自然科学基金投入与科技论文产出的协整分析
12.Analysis on the Outputs of Scientific Papers in China Based on Scientometrics;基于科学计量学的我国科学论文产出分析
13.Quantitative Analysis of Output of Foundation Projects in Management Sciences;管理科学基金项目论文产出的定量分析
14.Exploration to the construction of research staff in higher normal university from the perspective of the characteristics of paper output;从论文产出特点探析高师院校科研队伍建设
15.Report of Productivity and Impact of Scientific Articles Produced by Authors in Harbin Medical University;哈尔滨医科大学学术论文产出力与影响力研究
16.Bibliometric Analysis of Output and Collabration of China's Scientific Literature中国科学论文产出与合作状况的计量研究
17.Analysis of factors Related to the Quality and Influence of Medical Academic Papers医学学术论文产出力及影响力相关因素分析
18.Using Gini coefficient to reflect the inequality degree of S&T publications in China and other countries比较研究各国科研机构论文产出的基尼系数

foreign paper output国外论文产出
3)paper output论文产出
1.Exploration to the construction of research staff in higher normal university from the perspective of the characteristics of paper output;从论文产出特点探析高师院校科研队伍建设
4)S&T papers国内论文
5)Net domestic product(NDP)国内净产出
6)productivity of scientific paper论文产出力
1.An age distribution of productivity of scientific papers for highly cited scientists高被引科学家论文产出力的年龄分析

产出产出  【产出】生产单位生产的货物和提供的服务。绝大多数货物和服务的产出通常是在生产完成时记录。然而,生产过程无论长短,只要持续两个或两个以上的核算期,都必须计算出每一个核算期完成的“在制品”,以便能衡量每一核算期所生产的产出。除了某些服务的生产者,如金融中介机构、批发商和零售商,其产出有自身的特点之外,作为产出生产的货物或服务,必定由它们的所有者在生产期内以下列一种或多种方式进行处置:①可以被出售(按有经济意义的价格出售);②可以同其他货物、服务或资产进行易货交易,可以提供给他们的雇员作实物报酬,或用于其他的实物支付;③可以在最终出售、易货交易或其他使用之前,进人生产者的存货;未完成的产出是以新增在制品的形式进人生产者的存货;④可以提供给同一企业内的其他基层单位使用,作为后者的中间消耗;⑤可以被其所有者留作自身的最终消费或固定资本形成;⑥可以被免费提供或以非经济意义的价格出售给其他机构单位。