终审,final decision
1)final decision终审
1.This paper discusses the necessity, methods and attention issues in sci-tech periodicals to set up fast review system in the respects of quickly initial evaluation, quickly peer reviews and quickly final decisions, etc.从快速初审、快速复审和快速终审等几个方面论述科技期刊半月刊建立快速通道审稿制的必要性、方法和注意事项,以期为办科技期刊半月刊提供一些参考。

1.In deciding cases the Chinese courts follow the system whereby the court of second instance is the court of last instance.中国法院审判案件,实行两审终审制。
2."Registrar, Court of Final Appeal"终审法院司法常务官
3.On "Final Adjudication Not Final" of Civil Adjudication at Law & Sociology Respective我国民事审判“终审不终”的法社会学视角
4.Ananalyze on There Examines Trials in Final;浅析我国实行三审终审制度的必要性
5.Some Ideas on Reforming the System of the Third Instance as the Final in Capital Cases;死刑案件实行三审终审制改造的构想
6.An analysis of the defects and means of perfection of the two-tierjudicial system for civil cases;浅析民诉中两审终审制的缺陷及完善
7.Article10 In trying cases, the People's Courts shall apply the system whereby the second instance is final.第十条人民法院审判案件,实行两审终审制。
8.apply the systems of collegial panel, withdrawal of judicial personnel and public trial and a system whereby the second instance is the final instance实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度
9.The system of one instance, the final, shall be followed in the cases handled according to the procedure prescribed in this chapter.依照本章程序审理的案件,实行一审终审
10.The Build of Three-level Court and the Reform of Retrial Procedure in China;我国三审终审制的构建与再审制度的改革
11.Cases are heard in an open court, and a collegial system, a challenge system, a system whereby the court of second instance is the court of last instance, and a trial supervision system are practised.办案实行合议、回避、公开审判、两审终审和审判监督等制度。
12.The Commercial Press Chinese Languages jourrals and Final Lised;商务印书馆语言学期刊方阵及其终审与终校
13.The power of final adjudication of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be vested in the Court of Final Appeal of the Region.澳门特别行政区终审权属于澳门特别行政区终审法院。
14.the first cases were heard by our ultimate appellate court, the Court of Final Appeal;终审法院,即香港的最终上诉法院,审理了首批案件;
15.a judgment or ruling by the people's court of second instance is one of final instance.第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。
16.Analysis on the Feasibility of Three-tiered System in Capital Cases;死刑案件建立三审终审制的可行性分析
17.The Two-tier Trial System and the Safeguarding of the Plaintiff s Proceeding Rightsin Administration Litigation;两审终审制度与行政诉讼原告诉讼权利保障
18.The Supreme People' s Court is the highest trial organ in China whose judgment of the first trial is final.最高人民法院是中国的最高审判机关,其一审判决即终审判决。

first instance as the final instance一审终审
1.According to both of the regulation that between "demand" of a lawsuit and "supply" of the civil procedure and the requirement of carrying out the aim of the procedure efficiency value , the civil procedure law have the necessity to extend the scope of the apply of the first instance as the final instance on the base of the existing lawmaking .基于诉讼案件对诉讼程序的“需要”与诉讼程序“供给”之间的规律和实现诉讼效率价值目标的需要,民事诉讼法有必要在现有立法基础上扩大一审终审的适用范围。
3)the third instance as the final三审终审
1.In light of this, it is required to reform the current system of trial grade, and to implement the third instance as the final.因此 ,应改革现行的审级制度 ,实行三审终审
4)the second instance as the final两审终审
6)final lised终审与终校
