非职务发明,non-service invention
1)non-service invention非职务发明

1."For any non service invention-creation, the right to apply for a patent Belongs to the inventor or creator. "非职务发明创造,申请专利的权利属于发明人或者设计人。
2.For a non-service invention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the inventor or creator.非职务发明创造,申请专利的权利属于发明人或者设计人;
3.On the Principles of Distinguishing between Service Inventions and Free Inventions:in the Perspective of Patent Law and Labor Law论职务发明与非职务发明的区分原则——从专利法和劳动法双重角度的探讨
4.Meanwhile, domestic patent applications for non-service inventions and creations totaled 754,000 in number.同时国内非职务发明创造的专利申请累计也达到75.4万件。
5.Article 7. No entity or individual shall prevent the inventor or creator from filing an application for a patent for a non-service invention-creation.第七条 对发明人或者设计人的非职务发明创造专利申请,任何单位或者个人不得压制。
6.No entity or individual shall prevent the inventor or creator from filing an application for a patent for a non service invention-creation.对发明人或者设计人的非职务发明创造专利申请,任何单位或者个人不得压制。
7."The duties are never well done," said she,"unless they are so divided."“除非职务划分得很明确,”她说,“要不职务从来就办不好。”
8.(3) any dispute over the award and remuneration of the inventor or creator of a service invention-creation;(三)职务发明的发明人、设计人的奖励和报酬纠纷;
9.Thinking on Perfecting our Country s Institution of Inventions and Creations at Professional Posts;对完善我国职务发明创造制度的思考
10.Economic analysis on percentage of income distribution of service invention职务发明收益分配比例的经济学分析
11.Chapter VI Reward and Remuneration of Inventors or Creators of Service Inventions-Creations第六章 对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人的奖励和报酬
12.Inventor,the Stand of Service Invention Protection System in the Super Scientific Era;发明人:超大科技时代职务发明保护制度的立足点
13.For a service intention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the entity.职务发明创造申请专利的权利属于该单位;
14.Principalship Invention and Its Right Adscription论职务发明及权利归属——对专利法的修改建议
15.Analysis of the right of patent application and patent right in service inventions-creations;职务发明创造的专利申请权及专利权辨析
16.The Ownership of Patent Right of the Post Invention and the Principle of Contract Priority;职务发明专利权归属中的合同优先原则
17.A service invention-creation under our country labor law field我国《劳动法》视野下的职务发明创造行为
18.On the Improvement of China’s Recognition and Interest Distribution of System of Service Invention我国职务发明认定和利益分配制度的完善

Non-duty invention非职务发明创造
3)service invention职务发明
1.Analysis of the right of patent application and patent right in service inventions-creations;职务发明创造的专利申请权及专利权辨析
2.Economic analysis on percentage of income distribution of service invention职务发明收益分配比例的经济学分析
3.The number and implementation rate of service invention patents are important indices for the measurement of the innovation capacity of enterprises of a country.职务发明专利的数量和实施率是衡量一个国家企业创新能力的重要指标。
4)service inventions职务发明
1.To draw a reasonable line between service inventions and free inventions,two aspects must be considered.科学界定职务发明与非职务发明需要从两个角度出发:从专利法角度来看,两者的划分应当坚持激励创新、促进技术成果实施的原则;从劳动法的角度来看,应当更加关注发明人的劳动者身份,通过法律的手段,充分保护作为劳动者的发明人的利益。
5)semi-employment invention准职务发明
6)Service Invention职务发明创造
1.Study on the Drain of Service Invention;论职务发明创造的非职务化流失
2.As the employment and use of labor force is separated,the current regulation on the right adscription of service inventions based on the traditional employment relations comes under attack.劳动力派遣是我国近年来发展较快的一种用工形式,其雇用与使用相分离的特点,给建立在传统雇用劳动关系基础上的职务发明创造权利归属规则带来了冲击。
3.A service invention is made by an employee in performing his or her duty and under the sponsorship of the entity he or she is working with.职务发明创造是受雇人在履行其职务时产生的体现单位意志的智力活动成果 ,包含劳动关系和职务发明创造关系两个法律关系。
