百度百科,Baidu Baike
1)Baidu Baike百度百科
1.Comparative Analysis of Wikipedia and Baidu Baike维基百科与百度百科比较分析

1.An empirical study on the relationship among baidupedia users' participating behavior and motivations百度百科用户参与行为与参与动机关系的实证研究
2.Research on Automatic Acquisition Method of Agriculture Specialized Vocabulary Based on Baidu Encyclopaedia基于百度百科的农业专业词汇自动获取方法研究
3.walking dictionary [ encyclopedia ]活字典[百科全书]
4.Encyclopaedia Britannica《不列颠百科全书》
5.Encyclopedia of China《中国大百科全书》
6.GSE (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)《苏联大百科全书》
7.Of, relating to, or characteristic of an encyclopedia.百科全书的百科全书的,关于百科全书的或百科全书的特点的
8.A centennial look at the change of the compilation of textbooks in China;我国教科书百年回眸——教科书编审制度的演变
9.centigrade heat unit百度热量单位;百分度热量单位;百分温标热单位
10.Amplify the Speed Quality Function in the 100 meter Race with theAssistance of Modern Science and Technology Information;运用现代科学技术信息放大百米速度素质功能
11.Contemplation on the Imperial Examination System;回首百年话科举——论科举制度历经的沧桑及对现代高考制度的影响
12.Do as he told you and you will find every attempt successful and you will shoot with great accuracy.包你百用百灵,百发百中。
13.a [one] hundred percent,百分之百,100%
14.When the relative humidity reaches 100 per cent the air is saturated.相对湿度为百分之百时空气即呈饱和。
15.a walking dictionary,encyclopedia,etc活字典、活百科全书等
16.Buritanika Kokusai Daihyakka-jiten大英国际大百科辞典
17.Cyclopedia of American Horticulture美国国艺学百科全书
18.the first installment, of a new encyclopedia新百科全书的第一册

Baidupedia users百度百科用户
1.Taking the typical instance of peer production-Baidupedia as example,we constructed a SEM model of Baidupedia users\' participating behavior and participating motivations.本文以百度百科为对象,构建了百度百科用户参与动机与参与行为关系的结构方程模型。
1.The Golden Key to Open the Network Information Resources——Baidu Search Engine;打开网络信息资源的金钥匙——百度搜索引擎
2.Google and Baidu Digital Library Project and University Library s Countermeasures;Google和百度数字图书馆计划及高校图书馆的对策
1.Study of Liliaceae resources in Hanzhong area of Shaanxi province;陕西汉中地区百合科植物资源研究
2.Research on Flora Of Liliaceae in Shandong;山东百合科植物区系研究
3.The diversity and evaluation of Liliaceae medicinal plants resources in Qinling Mountain;秦岭地区百合科药用植物资源多样性及其评价

百度1.百事;各种制度。 2.犹百刻。指时间。 3.多次。