1.Problems that occurred after the 370 kt/a PVCproduction facility put into operation and the solutions;37万t/a PVC装置开车后出现的问题和解决办法
2.The Faults in Formed Blanking Die of Zn-based Alloy and the Solution;锌基合金模具成型后缺陷及解决办法
3.The familiar quantity problem and solution about the all plastics obstruct burnable of the belt conveyer adoption smear and shave method to produce;全塑阻燃输送带涂刮法生产常见质量问题及解决办法

1.settlement of a question对某问题的解决办法
2.a possible out可能的出路[解决办法]
3.You discover new ways of feeling comfortable with a pending partnership.对未决的感情你找到了新的解决办法
4.They have mediated a compromise settlement经调解他们已找到了折衷的解决办法
5.Time Interval Averaging: Theroy,Problems,and Solutions;时间间隔平均法:理论,问题和解决办法
6.The Causes and Solutions of Conflicts between Investors and Principals in Non-Government Colleges;民办高校投资者与校长冲突成因及解决办法
7.This is the only solution imaginable.这是唯一能想出的解决办法
8.Settlement would require ceding some Egyptian territory.解决办法将要求埃及让出一些领土。
9.Scientists are still a long way off a cure.科学家还远未找到解决办法.
10.Scientists are still a long way off (finding) a cure.科学家还远未找到解决办法
11.Many were skeptical about this solution.许多人对这一解决办法表示怀疑。
12.Mary is sceptical about the solution .玛丽对这个解决办法表示怀疑。
13.no visible solution to the proBlem.对这问题没有显然的解决办法
14.The solution is signal compression.解决的办法是压缩信号。
15.solution to financial troubles解决财务困难的办法
16.cast around for solutions to the problem.寻找解决问题的办法
18.One way or the other, they must be solved. New problems must be solved by new means.总得找出个办法来,新问题就得用新办法来解决。

1.Common faults of injection products of K materials and their solutions;K料注塑制品的常见缺陷和解决办法
2.Problems and solutions of combining new with old gas-cleaning system;新、旧煤气净化系统并网过程中出现的问题与解决办法
3.Simple Talking about Reasons for Influence on Evenness of Asphalt Pavement of Freeway and Solutions for them;浅谈影响高速公路沥青路面平整度原因及解决办法
3)solving method解决办法
1.It puts forward practicable solving method through the practice of this project,which greatly enhances the social benefit and economic benefit of the heating system.以某工程采暖系统设计形式为例,阐述了在分户热计量采暖系统中可能存在的设计及施工问题,并通过在该工程中的具体应用,提出了可行的解决办法,从而极大地提高供热采暖系统的社会效益和经济效益。
2.By analyzing the result,puts forward the solving method.分析了韩桥变电站由于35kV线路故障,导致10kV电容器保护动作的原因,并根据分析的结果提出了相应的解决办法
3.Introduce the problem exsiting in the operation of drawing conveyer for 114m 2 pressure liner cooler and solving method.介绍了安钢烧结厂 114m2 带冷机刮板运输机运行中出现的问题及解决办法
4)solving methods解决办法
1.This paper points out noticable problem and provides relevant solving methods to the appearance error during daily measurement working,according to the acid rain observing professional standard.根据酸雨观测业务规范,针对日常测量工作中容易出现的误差,指出应当注意的问题及提出相应的解决办法
2.Dangerous incidents often happened during hand digging pile foundation are put forward due to digging pile equipments,artificial and natural factors,then,pointed out solving methods on the basis of the factors.提出人工挖孔桩施工中由于挖桩设备、人为因素及自然因素引起的安全问题,并根据这些因素提出具体解决办法
1.Defect and resolvent of HITACHI 7080 biochemical analyzer;日立7080生化分析仪的缺陷及其解决办法
6)solving methods of the problems问题解决办法

《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》Resolution of Political Settlement of Issue on Kosovo  ntiGuanyu Zhengzhi Iieiue KesuowoVde Jueyi《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决宝(Resolution ofPolitieal Settlement oflssKosovo)联合国安全理事会批准科和平计划的第1244号决议。1999年6日通过,同日生效。决议由序言、21文及2个附件组成,主要内容有:①库夫联盟共和国立即停止在科索沃的暴镇压行为,从科索沃撤出所有军警札事部队;科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族武装立IL一切进攻行动并实行非军事化。②索沃部署一支国际安全部队,负责阴生新的敌对行动,维持并在必要时强行停火,监督南联盟撤军并阻止其返巨散阿族武装,创造一个各项善后工作顺利展开的安全环境。③在科索沃设个国际民事机构,负责过渡性行政管卫立临时民主自治机构并监督其发展,旨在使科索沃实现高度自治的政治又支持经济重建和人道主义救援,建立警察部队以维持治安,确保所有难民离失所者安全返回家园。 1999年3月24日,以美国为首配西洋条约组织打着“维护人权”的旗握未经联合国安理会授权的情况下,对盟发动科索沃战争。6月3日,南联盟接受国际社会提出的科索沃和平计划 On沃10正拉和军停科发执解以一建进志方流冷叨﹃孔11一牡欣月淤叶断岁胜难邢一犷淮改程助时大在联布点卜﹄,山n﹃J少王、J典峨麟麟属︽﹄撰翼罐耀犷妙一全翻安理会在讨论科索沃问题(1999.6) 新华社很,国方案。]0日,安理会通过俄罗斯和西二才南达成的决议草案。当日,北约宣布暂偌 联盟的轰炸,科索沃战争结束。;)子蓄咪