1.Reliability fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of man-machine-environment system in stope;采场人-机-环境系统可靠性模糊综合评价
2.Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of working environment in stope;采场作业环境可靠性模糊综合评判
3.Fuzzy synthesis analysis on human reliability of stope;采场人员可靠性模糊综合分析

1.Collapse Stope Disposing and Mining Practice of Impaired Mined-out Area Residual Mining塌陷采场处理及采空区破坏残矿开采实践
2.Surrounding Rock Control Theory and Application Study of the Coal Face with Greater Mining Height;大采高采场围岩控制理论及应用研究
3.The Research in Large Tilt Angle Coal Seam Mining of Its Plank Moving and Controlling;大倾角仰斜开采采场顶板控制的研究
4.Choice of stope matting material for dry type back-filling mining method干式充填采矿法采场铺垫材料的选择
5.Expert system in identifying failure mode of hanging wall of room-and-pillar mining空场采矿法采场顶板破坏模式识别专家系统
6.Study of the New Method Disposing Gently Inclined Abandoned Stope and Ground Pressure Control at the Stope;缓倾斜采空场处理新方法及采场地压控制研究
7.Studies of Data Acquisition System and Design on Simulating Experimental Table of Stope Gas Accumulation采场瓦斯积聚模拟实验台的采集系统设计研究
8.Stope Roof-control techniques of the Seventh Difficult-excavated Ore Body in Dongxiang Copper Mine东乡铜矿Ⅶ号难采矿体采场顶板控制技术
9.Effective measures to control ore dilution ratio and mining loss rate in mine stope降低采场矿石贫化率和采矿损失率的有效措施
10.Study on the Rheological Model of Overburden Strata in the Mining Field and Mining Subsidence Prediction;采场覆岩移动流变模型及开采沉陷预计研究
11.Stope 3D monitoring and its mining index visible calculation大规模采场三维探测及回采指标可视化计算
12.Simulation Prediction of Stability in Large-Scale Stope Mining and Verification by the Monitoring Results大规模采场开采稳定性模拟预测与实测验证
13.Study on optimization of stope structure parameters due to disastrous complex group of mined area in deep mining灾害性群空区深部开采采场结构参数优化研究
14.Disposal method for wall compression in waste lifting stoping削壁充填采矿法采场内压帮的处理方法
15.a British term for `quarry' is `stone pit'.英国对'采石场'的术语是'采石场'。
16.To use(land) as a quarry.用(土地)作为采石场
17.She brought down the house.她博得了全场的喝采。
18.Adopt the strategy of a multioutlet market采取市场多元化战略

mining field采场
1.Analysis on the factors influencing stress-strain of mining field and mine roadway;影响采场和巷道应力应变因素分析
2.Study on energy store and release of mining field large area hanging arch system;采场大面积悬顶系统贮能及释放研究
3.The first weighting of mining field will result in serious underground pressure behavior which poses a serious threat to safety of staff and equipments.采场基本顶初次来压对工作面带来严重的矿山压力显现,对生产和人身安全造成严重威胁。
1.Ventilation resistance and ventilation isobar in the workings were measured with barometer.采用气压计混合读数法测定了综放采场区域的通风阻力及通风等势图。
2.Based on theory of porous medium seepage, the airflow in mine workings is regarded as a problem of unsteady flow.以多孔介质渗流理论为基础,视采场气体流动为非稳定流问题,将应用数学中的奇异摄动理论应用于采矿问题中,为采矿工程问题的研究提供了新的手段;为矿井安全工程、特别是实现自动监控提供了理论依据和计算方法,丰富了采场通风理论。
3.The impact load on the support induced in the hard roof, whenweighting, always brings about catastrophe in the workings.本文的研究结果也可用于支架选型、大流量卸载阀选型和坚硬顶板采场来压强度的预计。
4)flow field in the workings采场流场
5)large mining height workface大采高采场
1.The distribution laws of stress fields and plastic failure with the distance of coalface advance in the large mining height workface are simulated by means of FLAC3D software,and the stress value in each unit is obtained.通过FLAC3D软件对大采高采场工作面推进过程中煤岩内部应力场分布规律及其塑性破坏进行了模拟,并提取了各个单元的应力值,以此分析了大采高采场支承压力的分布特征,得出大采高采场支承压力分布规律。
1.Design and Construction on Side-slope Afforestation and Protection of Beijing Red Tuo Mountain Quarry;北京红坨山采石场边坡绿化防护的设计与施工
2.Study on Pollution-free Management of Scrap Quarry;废弃采石场无害化治理探讨
3.On quarry ecological reconstruction;采石场生态重建的有关问题

采场底部结构采场底部结构sill structure of stope  eaiehangd一bu Jiegou采场底部结构(5111 strueture of stope)矿石自崩落处借助重力、爆力或运搬设备,沿采场已采空间下运的.采场底部出矿巷道的组合。底部结构是采场结构的重要组成部分.它在很大程度上决定着采场的生产能力及其他技术经济指标。设计和选择采场底部结构的基本要求是,在保证出矿巷道稳定作业安全及需要的出矿能力的条件下,尽量降低底柱高度和采准工作量,简化结构,且易于施工。 底部结构随出矿巷道的类型、数量、规格、组合关系及出矿方法、装备而异。采场用深孔(中深孔)落矿时,底部结构通常由四部分组成:(l)受矿漏斗或受矿槽。即最上层(受矿水平)出矿巷道,用以汇集采场矿石于其底部的放矿口放人下部水平。(2)装矿巷道或嗣室。位于运输水平,用来将矿石装人矿车及其他运输容器中。(3)二次破碎巷道或中间出矿巷道(电耙道、铲运机装运巷道等)。位于受矿水平和运输水平之间。前者用来将大块矿石破碎到允许块度;后者则将受矿巷道放出的矿石集运到通往运输水平的溜井,并在其中进行二次破碎.(4)受矿水平、二次破碎水平及运输水平间转运矿石的巷道(漏斗颈、斗穿、出矿口、溜井等)以及通往出矿作业的联络巷道。采场底部结构也可以根据需要简化和变型。如当用浅眼落矿并在回采工作面进行二次破碎时,不设二次破碎水平,矿石由受矿巷道经斗颈、漏口流人运输水平的矿车。 底部结构可按不同特征分类,如按有无二次破碎水平、受矿巷道型式(漏斗式、堑沟式、平底式)、运搬方法和设备(重力、电耙、自行装运设备、震动放矿装置等)等。将各类巷道综合成多种结构,以适应不同的开采条件的需要。采场底部结构的发展趋势是简化结构,提高矿石的流通性,降低堵塞频率,采用大型自行出矿设备或连续出矿装备。 (史维祥)