1.Manual electric arc welding technology for oblique sprocket tooth;斜斗链轮轮齿的手工电弧堆焊工艺
2.Transfer case sprocket production through the sinter hardening process;用烧结硬化工艺生产汽车分动箱链轮
3.Manufacturing Tool Design of Cycloid Sprocket Teeth Form;摆线链轮齿形加工刀具的设计

1.Terminology of chains and chainwheelsGB/T9785-1988链条、链轮术语
2.A tooth of a sprocket wheel.扣链齿链轮上的一个扣链齿
3.Install the timing chain, crankshaft sprocket and camshaft sprocket with the timing marks aligne安装正时链、曲轴链轮和凸轮轴链轮,使正时标记对齐。
4.auger drive wheel螺旋推运器传动链轮
5.chain wheel type skylight control gear链轮式天窗传动装置
6.If chain is not satisfactory, remove camshaft sprocket attaching bolt and remove timing chain with crankshaft and camshaft sprockets.若正时链不令人满意,则拆下凸轮轴链轮固定螺栓,并拆下曲轴和凸轮轴链轮的正时链。
7.Inverted tooth chains and chainwheelsGB/T10855-1989传动用齿形链及链轮
8.Flat-top chains and associated chainwheels for conveyorsGB/T4140-1993输送用平顶链和链轮
9.Welded steel type cranked link mill chains and chain wheelsGB/T15390-1994工程用钢制焊接弯板链和链轮
10." Conveyor chains, attachments and chain wheels"GB/T8350-1987输送链、附件和链轮
11.Heavy-duty cranked-link transmission roller chains and chain wheelsGB/T5858-1997重载传动用弯板滚子链和链轮
13.Manufacturing Circular Arc Teech Contour and Chain Pit of Hoisting Coil Chain Wheel with Generating Principle采用展成法加工圆环链链轮圆弧线齿廓和链窝
14.Hammerblow handwheel adapters can be furnished with handwheel or chainwheel construction.锤击手轮接合器可以配置在手轮或链轮结构上。
15.Remove the camshaft retaining bolt and remove the sprockets and chain as an assembly.拆去凸轮轴固定螺栓,并拆去作为一个总成的链轮和链条。
16."Sprocket rim made from cast iron, chain guide is malleable iron."链轮是由铸铁制成,链条则是由可锻铸铁制成。
17.Short pitch transmission precision roller chains and chain wheelsGB/T1243-1997短节距传动用精密滚子链和链轮
18.Double pitch precision roller chains and chain wheels for transmission and conveyorsGB/T5269-1985传动及输送用双节距精密滚子链和链轮

chain wheel链轮
1.Machining the chain wheel of the lower pumping unit with a special cylinder - chain;圆柱链低矮式抽油机特制链轮的加工
2.The technological property of the chain wheel of the torsion-limiting device is analyzed.分析了限扭器链轮的工艺性 ,介绍了用冷挤压技术生产链轮的工艺流程及难点 ,提出了采用预应力控制模具精度的方法 ,其齿型参数达到国家标准 ,满足了图纸规定的要求。
3.The numerical simulation result for a big steel casting chain wheel,which has been disclosed large number of MT thin lines on its teeth and groove,showed that its imperfection was micro porosity,which was then verified by an metallographic analysis through getting slices in the tangential and cross section on the chain wheel′s imperfection site.对精加工后MT探伤出现大量微细磁痕的铸钢大链轮的原铸造工艺进行了凝固数值模拟 ,判定缺陷为 3~ 4级微小缩松 ,对缺陷部位进行纵横截面的切片金相分析印证了模拟结果的正确性。
3)sprocket wheel链轮
1.The method of the sprocket wheel techno-parameter is researched.介绍了YMZZJ型淤煤装载机链轮系统技术参数的选取,结构组成与特征等设计和分析过程,该链轮系统(包括输送链轮组与传动链轮组)不仅能够完全符合该装载机整体设计要求。
2.Sprocket wheel's process method was analyzed,and series sprocket wheel's milling cutter was designed.本文分析了链轮加工的常用方法 ,设计了专用链轮铣削刀具。
3.The importance on material selection of sprocket wheel of heavy and heavier scraper conveyor are showed.通过介绍重型及超重型刮板机链轮,阐述链轮选材的重要性,设计ZG45MnVTi链轮生产工艺过程,并将其应用在轻、中型刮板机中,通过实验数据和现场应用证明ZG45MnVTi在重型以上刮板机链轮中的应用是可行的、有效的。
4)chain sprocket链轮
5)sprocket gear链轮
1.According to test requirements, the sprocket gear test bench is design by ourselves.煤矿刮板输送机和大型转载机链轮在出厂前和检修后需要进行运转试验,目前许多厂家不具备试验条件。
1.This paper makes an analysis of the structural characteristics and the mechanical properties of detachable drag chains and chainwheels used in overhead conveyors, makes comprehensive comments on the defects and mistakes in these standards and makes suggestions of the principles for revising and improving these standards.对于悬挂输送机用可拆链及链轮的结构特征,力学性能作了深入分析 2。
