1.Alkali peeling and whitening process of polar coral fleece in one bath;摇粒珊瑚绒碱减量/增白一浴法实践
2.One bath one step whitening process of polyester/cotton fabric;涤棉混纺织物一浴一步法增白工艺
3.Bleaching and whitening of bobbin linen;亚麻漂白、增白筒子纱加工工艺

1.VBL Fluorescent whitening agent VBLGB/T10661-1996荧光增白
2.Application of Flour Brightener and Effective Factors of Brightening Effect;面粉增白剂的应用及增白效果的影响因素
3.A Study on the Measurement of the Brightening Effect of Fluorescent Brightener on Paper纸张染色测定荧光增白增白强度的方法研究
4.The Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Enhancement of Optical Brightener for Baculovirus Infection;光增白剂对杆状病毒增效机理的研究
5.Study on a Synergistic Effect of Three Fluorescent Brighteners on Hyphantria cunea NPV三种荧光增白剂对HcNPV增效作用研究
6.Through the absorption of UV and reflection of visible light, fluorescent brightening agents(FBA) can enhance the whiteness and brightness of fabrics.荧光增白剂通过吸收紫外光与发射可见光,使织物增白和增艳。
7.The main types,whitening mechanism and enviromental & ecological toxicology of fluorescent whitening agent(FWA)were introduced.介绍了荧光增白剂的增白机理、基本结构类型、毒理及生态安全性。
8.Method of instrumental measurement of whiteness of fluorescent whitening agentsGB/T9338-1988荧光增白剂的白度测定方法(仪器法)
9.identification of fluorescent brightening agents classes on textiles纺织品荧光增白剂的白度分类测定方法
10.Study on Enhancing the Whiteness of Kaolin by Bleaching and Calcining铁染高岭土的漂白及煅烧增白工艺研究
11.leukemic adenia白血病性淋巴腺增生病
12.leukemic reticulosis白血病性网性细胞增多
13.leukemic erythrocytosis白血病性红细胞增多
14.You need more protein to build you up.你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质.
15.Effect of Cell Proliferation on Rat Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell Reduced by Albumin白蛋白对肾小管上皮细胞增殖的影响
16.The presence of an abnormally large number of white blood cells with single nuclei in the bloodstream.单细胞增多症血液中单核白血细胞的异常增多
17.Study on the Properties of Thoughening and Strengthening of Polypropylene with Muscovite and Low Density Polyethylene;白云母、LDPE增强增韧PP复合材料性能的研究
18.Wide-Spectrum Synergy of Recombinant Enhancin;昆虫病毒重组增效蛋白的广谱增效活性

4)increasing whiteness by removing carbon除炭增白
5)chemical whitening化学增白
1.Taking light calcium carbonate as an example,in order to make its manufacturers understand the measures——how to enhance the product′s whiteness from theories to practice,this paper fully expatiated on various effecting factors of chemical whitening,process of chemical whitening,establishmen.以轻质碳酸钙为例,为了使生产企业从理论到实践对提高白度的途径有所了解,对化学增白的影响因素、化学增白程序、制定化学增白方案的原则、实验室试验筛选最优方案、工业试验的方法进行了全面阐述,并提出几点行之有效的注意事项,以保证化学增白达到预期效果。
6)fabric brightening织物增白
1.Influences of optical brighteners on whiteness,detergency and fabric brightening effect of laundry powder;荧光增白剂对洗衣粉白度与去污及织物增白的影响

增白  利用光的补色原理增加纺织物白度的整理工艺过程,又称加白。经过漂白的纺织物,仍含有微黄色的物质,加强漂白则会损伤纤维。运用增白剂能使蓝光和黄光相补,在对纤维无损伤时可提高纺织物白度。增白方法有上蓝和荧光增白两种:①上蓝:在漂白的纺织物上施以很淡的蓝色染料或颜料,借以抵销黄色。由于增加了对光的吸收,纺织物的亮度会有所降低而略现灰暗。②荧光增白:荧光增白剂是接近无色的有机化合物。上染于纺织物后,受紫外线的激发而产生蓝、紫色荧光,与反射的黄光相补,增加织物的白度和亮度,效果优于上蓝。荧光增白剂还可用于浅色纺织物,用以增加色泽亮度。荧光增白剂有多种类型:直接染料型用于纤维素纤维;酸性染料型用于蚕丝、羊毛、锦纶等纤维;分散染料型用于涤纶、醋酯等纤维;阳离子染料型用于腈纶。工艺方式有浸染法、轧染法和热溶法等。荧光增白也可以结合漂白、上浆或防皱整理同浴进行。