1.The discussion on the hazards and control measures for the seepage in the earth Dam abutment;土坝坝肩山体渗水的危害及治理探讨
2.For those buildings with slices of raft,when the foundation slab is under groundwater level,seepage will occur because of survey,design,construction and some other causes such as natural disaster.部分采用片筏基础的建筑,当其地下室基础底板处于地下水水位以下时,由于勘察、设计、施工或其他诸如自然灾害等因素导致基础底板发生渗水现象[1]。

1.And water is leaking from the ceiling.天花板上也在渗水
2.applied N 15 to clover in lysimeters在渗水汁里给三叶草放
3.leakage of sewage into distribution systems,污水渗入给水系统,
4.The Microscopic Flowing Characters of Oil by Water in Low-permeability Oil Field Study低渗透油田微观水驱油渗流特征研究
5.The Study of Seepage Flow Law on Horizontal Wells Developing in Low Permeability Reservoir低渗透油藏水平井开发渗流规律研究
6.The ink had soaked through the thin paper.墨水已渗透了这张薄纸。
7.The spring oozes out of a rock.泉水从岩石中渗出。
8.How did the water soak through?水是怎么样渗进来的?
9.Snow had seeped away into the house through the roof.雪水从房顶渗进屋里。
10.Water has permeated the soil.水已渗遍那片土壤.
11.These old shoes let the rain in.这双旧鞋渗进了雨水。
12.water washable dye penetrant testing method水洗性着色渗透探伤法
13.water washable fluorescent penetrate testing method水洗性荧光渗透探伤法
14.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数
15.opportunity time地面水的可能渗灌时间
16.Water is straining through the sandy soil.水正从沙土中渗出。
17.The rain sank into the parched ground.雨水渗入焦干的土地。
18.The ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper.墨水很快渗入吸墨纸中。

water seepage渗水
1.Prevention and control of water seepage and sudden water inrush during tunneling;隧洞施工过程中渗水及突发涌水的防治
2.It could not be neglected of bridge diseases due to water seepage of bridge deck.桥面渗水对桥梁造成的病害是不容忽视的,许多桥梁的梁板混凝土剥离、桥面铺装层的损坏、伸缩缝的损坏等都与桥面渗水有关。
3.The destruction of water seepage on asphalt pavement is discussed.针对水损坏对沥青路面破坏的严重性进行探讨,分析了渗水处理方式的确定方法,并分类阐述不同情况下的处理措施,较好地解决了挖方段的渗水问题。
1.Analysis of the leakage in the underground workshopof Xianghongdian Pumped Storage Station;响洪甸抽水蓄能电站地下厂房渗水分析
2.According to leakage analysis and study on fully-hided glass curtain wall, this paper puts forward treatment measures in terms of design, material, construction and management.通过对全隐玻璃幕墙渗水原因的分析与研究,从设计、材料、施工和管理等多个方面提出了防治措施,以解决常见的玻璃幕墙渗水问题。
3.An analysis is made of the causes for house water leakage and the anti leakage measures some instances in this aspect are given to show how to build toilet s anti leakage wall to its proper height and in its proper location,and how to make efficient drainage.对室内渗水的原因、渗水的防治及措施进行了剖析 ,并结合工程实例介绍了卫生间墙面防水处理的高度、位置以及对囤积水的排除。
4)water penetration渗水
1.The leak proofing and maintain measure of apron slope water penetration;散水坡渗水的防漏及维修措施
2.Causes of water penetration on aluminum compound window and its solution;某小区铝塑复合窗渗水原因分析及解决办法
3.A new construction method for dealing with the water penetration of pipe culverts;解决圆管涵渗水的施工新方法
5)seepage water渗水
1.Through a practical example, this paper analyses the cause of seepage water of basement, and puts forward a plan to deal with it.文章结合实例分析地下室渗水的原因,提出处理方案。
2.According to the chemical analysis for the water in Baoquan reservoir, the seepage water and the white crystalline matters in the corridor of the dam, this paper presents the preliminary analysis for the chemical composition and contents of the seepage water of the dam and dam foundation.根据1996年对宝泉水库库水和坝体廊道内渗流水及白色结晶物的化学分析结果,浅析大坝坝体和坝基渗水的化学成分及含量,结果表明:宝泉库区水对混凝土无侵蚀性,库水经坝体后有碱性物质被水溶出,其主要成分有KOH、NaOH、Ca(OH)2。

混凝土建筑物渗水处理混凝土建筑物渗水处理seepage treatment of concrete structure 凌空面且有侧向稳定问题,可在凌空面上穿过坝体向山体钻水平向排水孔(在防渗帷幕下游),孔深一般深入基岩内3一5米,作为坝体与岸坡接触面的排水孔,这对降低岸坡坝段侧向水压力是十分有效的。对于非岩基岸坡的绕坝渗水,可根据十料的物理化学特性,渗透性能及可灌性,采用粘土、粘土水泥或水泥灌浆;或采用开挖,浇筑混凝土刺墙的处理型式;也可以在上游面设置岸坡防渗铺盖、下游设反滤排水的型式。- 结构缝渗水处理混凝土建筑物由于施工等问题容易造成结构缝止水设施失效而渗水,处理前应详细调查渗水部位、高程、范围和失效原因。对沥青止水结构,应先采用加热补灌沥青止渗,当补灌有困一难或无效时,再采用其它处理措施。也可在结构缝上游补做止水,即将橡皮等具有弹塑性的材料用环氧等胶粘剂贴于结构缝面上,或在坝面加镶铜片(或镀锌片),其工艺与结构见混凝土建筑物裂缝处理。灌浆是最常用的处理结构缝渗水的方法。事先应调查伸缩缝宽度,并研究混凝土温度情况,根据缝宽选择适宜的灌浆材料和灌浆季节,用水泥灌浆或化学灌浆示地下建筑物、隧洞衬砌、涵洞(管)及渡槽等建筑物结构缝止水的修补,可采用环氧胶粘剂粘贴橡皮、氯丁橡胶片或塑料止水带等柔性材料;沥青与沥青麻布分层贴补,外层用预缩砂浆钢丝网找平保护;骑缝灌浆嘴灌注弹性聚氨酷或丙凝等化灌材料;填塞沥青麻丝或石棉水泥。此法宜用于预料涵管管头封闭不严的情况,在缝内回填沥青。 接触带渗水处理水工建筑物混凝土与基岩或地下建筑物混凝土衬砌与围岩接触带,因混凝土浇筑后的收缩而形成缝隙,成为渗水通道,渗水将影响接触带混凝土的强度及寿命、渗水压力还影响结构的受力条件,一般均采用灌浆处理。当接触带为斜面或竖直面时,灌浆孔应布置在低部位,而在高部位布置排气、排水的检查孔,浆液由低部位灌入,逐渐上升到高部位,从排气检查孔返出新鲜浆液后,关闭检查孔,在最大灌浆压力下并浆。如接触带高度甚高,一可按纵缝灌浆要求,分若干层进行灌浆。接触带为水平面时,可按固结灌浆方格形或梅花形分次序逐渐加密的方法布孔灌浆,以便根据水泥耗量是杏逐次减少而确定接触带灌浆是否达到密实。接触带如有出露面,在灌浆前应进行钻孔、埋管、弓}渗,对散渗处应使用麻刀及速凝水泥等进行细致的封堵,使接触带灌浆时,能检查行浆情况,并能形成压力并浆,「保证灌浆质量。