1.Analysis on the Relationship Between Thermal Decomposition Properties and Combustion Stability of Propellants;火药热分解特性与燃烧稳定性间相关性的分析
2.A Technology of Making Low Temperature Sensitivity Coated Propellant;制造低温感火药的一种工艺方法
3.Investigation on the Composition Analysis of Propellant by SEC;定量体积排除色谱用于火药成分分析的研究

1.When powder is set fire to, it explodes.火药点火就会爆炸。
2.Companhia de Polvoras e Explosivos de Angola, SARL安哥拉火药炸药公司
3.Gunpowder, dynamite and gun cotton are explosives.黑色火药、甘油炸药和强棉药都是炸药。
4.To load(a firearm) with an insufficient charge.未给…装足火药给(火器)填充弹药不足
5.A gunlock in which powder is ignited by a match.火绳枪用火柴点燃火药的枪机
6.The explosive used to ignite a charge.起爆药,引火药,点火药用来引爆一定量炸药的爆炸物
7.launcher cartridge access发射架火药筒检查口
8.There remained for consideration merely the question of the explosive.剩下来的是火药问题。
9.Gunpowder first came in China.中国首先使用火药
10.The gunpowder went off unexpectedly.火药意外地爆炸了。
11.All the charges blew up at once.火药一下子都炸响了。
12.The barrel of gunpowder blew up with a loud noise火药桶轰然一声爆炸。
13.powder-actuated tool由起爆火药驱动的工具
14.nitro cellulose硝化纤维(素), 棉花火药
15.Small cavity for gunpowder in the lock of an old type of gun(旧式枪上的)火药
16.a smell of gunpowder penetrated the woods.森林中弥漫着火药味。
17.The invention of gunpowder is referred to China.火药的发明归于中国。
18.a charge of ammunition for a single shot.一次射击的火药计量。

1.Characteristics of the military revolution at powder火药化军事革命及其特点
2.An integrated plug setting device, which takes powder burning gas as its power and is conveyed by wireline, is introduced.介绍了一种以火药燃烧气体为动力,钢缆输送的一体化打水泥塞装置及工艺技术。
3.A system of auto-processing microimage of powder dimensions is designed.设计了一套火药尺寸的显微图像自动处理系统,它集图像处理、特征检测与定量分析于一体,对火药尺寸的显微图像进行自动识别,计算出火药的内径、外径和弧厚等药型尺寸的详细数值,结果可自动形成报表,显示或打印,也可存入数据库进行统计分析。
1.The Research of the Gunpowder Multi composition Prescription Technology of the Ming Dynasty;明代火药多成分配方的研究
2.Study on Field Desorption Mass Spectra and Desorption Electron Impact Mass Spectra of Four New-type Gunpowders;四种新型火药的场解吸和解吸电子轰击质谱研究
3.Research progresses of energetic adhesive system for gunpowder;火药用含能胶粘剂的研究进展
4)propellant charge火药装药
5)gun grain火炮火药
6)black powder黑火药<火>
