截流,river closure
1)river closure截流
1.On river closure of Chaijiaxia hydropower project;黄河柴家峡水电站施工截流思考
2.Construction and management of Huaihe river closure for Linhuaigang flood control project;临淮岗洪水控制工程淮河截流的建设管理
3.Construction of rock retaining sills at the river bed during river closure for the diversion channels of Three Gorges project;三峡工程导流明渠截流垫底加糙拦石坎施工

1.half-split flow半削裂流, 半截流
2.deep tunnel intercepting sewer system地下深层污水截流系统
3.Analysis and Study on the Environment and Economy Benefit of Intercepting Ratio in Intercepted Combined Trunk Sewer;截流干管截流倍数的环境与经济效益分析研究
4.Study on Intercepting Rate of Pollutants of Combined Intercepting Sewer during Rainfall降雨时截流式合流管的污染物截留率的取值
5.Specification for design of combined sewage intercepting well合流制系统污水截流井设计规程
6.Study on Large-scale Channel Diversion and the Key Technologies of Construction Closure大型导流明渠截流施工关键技术研究
7.Higher water head closure has become a trend with the development of river way closure.从河道截流的发展趋势来看,高水头截流已成为一种趋势。
8.dry weather flow interception scheme旱季截流计划;旱天污水流量较低时施行的污水堵截计划
9.To Block Up The Source And To Dam a River Must Work Along Many Lines堵源截流 多管齐下——对云南堵源截流工作成效的再认识
10.Stop-check valves are best suited for low to moderate velocity applications.截流止回阀最适用于低流速或中流速应用环境。
11.It guaranteed the closure of the dam across the Yangtze River.从而有力地确保了长江截流的成功。
12.The Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River and the Xiaolangdi Project on the Yellow River successfully completed damming.长江三峡和黄河小浪底工程成功截流
13.The closure work is the key link in the Three Gorges Project.大江截流, 是三峡工程建设的重要环节。
14.Guangdong Police smashed secret private banks in "dam up" action广东警方“截流”行动痛击地下钱庄
15.storm overflow well, intercepting well暴雨溢流井(截留井)
16.usable cross-section of the test channel试验流道的可用横截面
17.piston-type variable area flowmeter活塞式变截面流量计
18.base emitter cut off current基极-发射极截止电流

1.Research on stability of riprap influenced by boundary of riverbed during river closure;床面起伏影响下截流抛石稳定研究
2.Diversion and closure design of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station;洪家渡水电站导截流设计
3.Study on Measures of Reducing the Difficulty of River Closure;降低立堵截流难度的措施研究
3)chopping current截流
1.This modle incorporates all inherent features of circuit breakers such as arcing time,chopping current,dielectric recovery.这个模型融合了燃弧时间、截流,介质恢复强度及断路器的熄弧能力等所有本质特性。
2.In this paper, the chopping current characteristic of vacuum switchgear is studied numerically when it interrupts the current with harmonic components.用数值模拟的方法研究了真空开关开断含谐波的电流时可能出现的截流问题。
3.Li Tianhe once proposed a model to explain the reason why different materials have different chopping current level by means of the curves or graph to solve the model.在相同的电弧电流下的不同触头材料,截流水平越低阴极斑点可能存在的状态越多,因此提出了用相同标度下rt 平面上的阴极斑点可能的存在状态面积作为衡量真空电弧相对稳定性的标准。
1., interception, through fall and stem flow.植被对降雨的再分配主要有3种形式:截流、透流和干流,其中,只有透流能溅蚀地面。
1.Hydraulic experiments on tracing and forecasting were done with the entire hydraulic model of the cut-off of the Three Gorges Project during the whole processes of the cut-off of the second-project of river s cut-off and the third-project of open channel s cut-off of the Three Gorges Project.三峡工程整体水工截流模型在三峡工程二期大江截流及三期明渠截流实施期间, 两次全过程对截流施工水力学条件进行了跟踪预报水工模型试验。
2.With the excavation and gas drainage technology simultaneously at the coal wall drilling,the gas emission cut-off rate of the experiment gateway side wall in Chenjiashan Mine was over 75% and could effectively prevent gas content over the limit in thick seam gateway driving face.为了解决在中厚煤层煤巷掘进采用平面扇形布孔边掘边抽瓦斯技术治理效果不理想的问题,在陈家山煤矿进行了钻墙边掘边抽瓦斯技术的现场试验研究,钻墙边掘边抽钻孔克服了平面扇形边掘边抽钻孔由于受抽放有效半径的制约而不能控制厚煤层煤壁全厚的缺陷,采用了钻墙边掘边抽瓦斯技术后,陈家山煤矿的试验巷帮瓦斯涌出截流率达到75%以上,能有效防止厚煤层煤巷掘进面瓦斯超限。
6)voltage cut off or current cut off截压截流
