无功,reactive power
1)reactive power无功
1.Risk-based assessment for reactive power source in electricity markets;基于风险的电力市场无功电源评估
2.Design of voltage and reactive power fuzzy control system for 10 kV substation;10kV变电站电压无功模糊控制系统设计
3.Design of voltage and reactive power integrated control system for substation;变电站电压无功综合控制系统的设计

1.arbitray phase angle power relay有功无功功率继电器
2.arbitrary phase-angle power relay有功-无功功率继电器
3.Analysis of Non-sinusoidal Reactive Power Algorithm and Reactive Power Compensation非正弦无功功率算法与无功补偿研究
4.automatic distributor of reactive power无功功率自动分配装置
5.induction type reactive power relay感应式无功功率继电器
6.A New Method on Optimal Real-Time Pricing of Active and Reactive Powers有功与无功功率最优实时定价新方法
8.Detection of Reactive Power Signal based on Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory基于瞬时无功功率理论的无功信号检测
9.Test of harmonic and reactive current based on instantaneous reactive power theory基于瞬时无功功率理论的谐波和无功电流检测
10.Wu - ming, Wu - gong, Wu - ji and Aesthetic Personality in Zhuangzi;无名、无功、无己与庄子的审美人格
11.The simulation object list indicates that the active reactive power compensation can carry on the compensation of reactive power very well.仿真结果表明,有源无功功率补偿器能很好地进行无功功率的补偿。
12.non-functioning islet cell tumor无功能性胰岛细胞瘤
13.reactive energy meter[varhour meter]无功电度表[乏时计]
14.reactive energy meter/varhour meter无功电度表/乏时计
15.Reactive energy metersGB/T15282-1994无功电度表
16.no-load compensating power capacitor无功补偿用电力电容器
17.Under excited reactive ampere limit (URAL).欠励磁无功电流限制(URAL)。
18.Comparision on different anaerobic power methods between deep jumping and wingate;纵跳法无氧功与Wingate无氧功的对比研究

1.Discussion on over voltage protection of reactive compensation device for aluminum smelters;电解铝厂无功补偿装置过电压防护的探讨
2.Development of composite control equipment for voltage reactive power in substation substations;电压无功综合控制装置的研制
3.Study of substation reactive control system based on the function of RTU;基于RTU功能变电站无功控制系统的研究
3)reactive power无功功率
1.Approach on man_made compensating reactive power;人工补偿无功功率方式探讨
2.Overview of the state of the art of static reactive power compensation technology;静止无功功率补偿技术研究进展综述
3.Summary of the reactive power s control in GuiGuang HVDC;贵广直流系统无功功率控制小结
4)imaginary power无功功率
1.Imaginary power compensation device of an electric shovel;电动铲运机的无功功率补偿装置
2.This paper analyzes discipline of transient power and loop on releasing imaginary power based on voltage and current of inductance loading in utilizing IG-BT bridge circuit power.分析了IGBT全桥变换电路实现功率变换时感性负载上电压、电流的瞬态变化规律及无功功率的释放回路,对TEM-Ⅱ型瞬变电磁法发射机阻感性负载三种工作方式的换相过程作了深入全面的讨论,进而提出几点注意事项。
5)wattless power无功功率
1.Improving power factor (meaning compensation of wattless power) of enterprise in using power is one of important subjects in economizing power.改善企业用电的功率因数 (即无功功率补偿 )是企业节约电能的重要课题 ,根据目前变压器运行的状况 ,提出了采用相应的技术措施以提高功率因数的必要性和可行性 ,达到节约用电的目
2.Compensation of wattless power is a kind of energy saving method in enterprise and design of architecture electric ensineering.无功功率补偿是工业企业及建筑电压设计中经常采用的一种节能方式。
6)reactive power in SVCSVC无功功率

无功1.没有功劳。 2.没有收获﹑成效。