1.Study on the causes of space truss collapse accident of one club's auditorium;某俱乐部观众厅网架垮塌事故原因分析
2.Reasons analysis for collapse of Bahe big bridge of Lunhai railway;陇海铁路灞河大桥垮塌分析
3.The reasons analysis and consideration of a rural self developed workshop building construction collapse accident某村镇自建厂房施工垮塌事件原因分析及思考

1.Calibration of logging data from mudstone washout intervals and its application in Chunxiao Field春晓气田泥岩垮塌测井数据校正及应用
2.Research on mechanical mechanism of interlayer collapse in solution mining for salt cavern gas storage盐穴储气库水溶造腔夹层垮塌力学机制研究
3.Application of Weighing Retaining Wall in Reinforcing Subgrade of Mountain Highway衡重式挡墙处治山区公路路基垮塌病害实例
4.Cause Analysis & Countermeasures to Urban Bridges Collapse Accidents城市桥梁垮塌事故的原因分析与对策建议
5.The reasons analysis and reinforcing planning of a side slope supporting engineering collapse某边坡支护工程垮塌原因分析及加固方案
6.The reasons analysis and consideration of a rural self developed workshop building construction collapse accident某村镇自建厂房施工垮塌事件原因分析及思考
7.Analysis and the Treatment on Side-slope Collapse Accident of an Edifice in Changsha长沙亚商国际大厦边坡垮塌事故分析及治理
8.Cause analysis on the caving of tunnel lining in the mountainous area after the early deformation by sinking and measures for control山区公路隧道初期支护变形下沉垮塌的成因分析与防治措施
9.A Quantitative Plate of Collapsed Karst Cave Depth and Its Application in Geological Prediction and Evaluation of Carbonate Reservoir埋藏岩溶洞穴垮塌深度定量图版及其在碳酸盐岩缝洞型储层地质评价预测中的意义
10.The dam break and an impetuous torrent of water sweep away the town.堤坝崩塌了,奔腾的急流冲垮了镇子。
11.a limp shirt collar;软塌塌的衬衫领子;
12.Of breaking me down, you mean.你是说,让我垮掉。
13."The Fuehrer has broken down!"“元首已经垮了!”
14.The Baggy Yellow Shirt                松垮的黄衬衫
15.Babbitt was frightened by Ted's slackness.特德的松松垮垮叫巴比特担心。
16.Go to pieces变成碎片或身体垮掉,精神垮掉
17.When a big man's body started going, it fell apart quickly.个子高大的人,身体原是一垮就垮的。
18.If America goes down, the free world will go down, too.如果美国垮台了,自由世界也就垮台了。

collapse and impact垮塌冲击
1.Based on the fact that there are a lot of interlayers, especially gypsum interlayers in salt seam in Penglai Concession, this paper elaborates the harm that the inevitable collapse and impact have done to single well operation due to the conspicuous reversed trumpet cavern caused by fallen sands accumulation and accumulation coverage.针对蓬盐矿区盐体夹层多,特别是石膏夹层多的特点,结合各卤井实际情况,阐述了沉砂堆积和堆积覆盖所致倒锥特别突出,以至垮塌冲击成为必然对单井生产的危害,进而提出宽阔井底在单井生产中的作用和简单可行的技术手段。
3)falldown period垮塌周期
4)gravitational collapse重力垮塌
1.Orogeny and gravitational collapse along the convergent plate boundary and their mechanical origin:a case study on the Yarlung Tsangpo-Himalaya belt;板块汇聚带的造山和重力垮塌作用及其力学成因:以雅鲁藏布江-喜马拉雅山汇聚带为例
5)extension collapse伸展垮塌
1.Post-collisional delamination,extension collapse and underplating can also cause mountain uplift.碰撞后的拆沉作用、伸展垮塌、底侵作用等同样可以引起“造山”隆升,拆沉与底侵作用引起深部物质交换,伸展垮塌引起浅部物质迁移,这些作用使垂向物质密度发生变化,均衡补偿引起造山隆升。
6)wellbore collapse井眼垮塌
1.The influence of wellbore collapse on the measuring instrument of electromagnetic wave & resistivity and its compensating method.;井眼垮塌对电磁波电阻率测量仪的影响及补偿方法
