1.Influenced of coal pillar width on deformation and fracture of gateway surrounding rocks in fully mechanized top-coal caving mining;煤柱宽度对综放回采巷道围岩破坏场影响分析
2.Numerical simulation on stability of gateway under the influence of the thickness of immediate roof;直接顶厚度对回采巷道稳定性影响的数值模拟研究
3.Study on taking shotcrete precautions against gateway fire in fully mechanized mining with sublevel caving;综放开采回采巷道喷射砼防火技术研究

1.Surrounding Rock Control Study of the Coal Entry with Greater Mining-Height;大采高综采工作面回采巷道围岩控制技术研究
2.Research on Stability of Gateway under the Condition of Complex Constitution复杂构造条件下回采巷道稳定性研究
3.The Research and Application of Huge cross-sectional Road metal Mesh timbering大断面回采巷道锚网支护分析及应用
4.Location Optimization of Mining Gateway under Goaf in Seam with Closed Depth in Hexi Mine贺西矿近距离煤层采空区下回采巷道布置优化
5.Study on Deep Stope Drift Active Workings's Supporting of the Zhao Gezhuang Mining Iindustry Subsidiary Company;开滦赵各庄矿业公司深部回采巷道支护研究
6.Study of the Bolting Technique about Entry of Deep Shaft's Fracture Zones;断裂构造区域深井回采巷道锚杆支护技术研究
7.The Study of the Bolting in the Extraction Opening in the Soft and Especially Thick Isolated Island Fully Caving Face;松软特厚孤岛综放面回采巷道锚杆支护研究
8.The Supporting Study of Soft-Rock Composite Roof of Stoping Tunnel in Saqu Coal Mine;沙曲矿回采巷道软岩复合顶板支护研究
9.Study on Three-Dimensional Distribution and Controlling in Surrounding Rock of Mining Roadway;回采巷道围岩三维受力特征及其维护的研究
10.Study on Deformation Mechanism of Extraction Opening'surrounding Rocks and Support Technology;深井回采巷道围岩变形机理及支护技术研究
11.Support Technical Study of Roadway for Fully-mechanized Mining with Top-coal Caving under Complex Conditions;复杂条件下综放回采巷道支护技术研究
12.Research on Bolt-net-tight Wire Support of Gateway with High Geo-stress Sort Coal Seam;高应力松软煤层回采巷道锚网索支护研究
13.Research on Distortion Mechanism of the Gateway and Rock Bolting Measure of in High-pitched Seam;大倾角煤层回采巷道破坏机理及锚杆支护分析
14.Study on Roof Separation and Support Technology of Mining Roadways in Deep Mine;深井回采巷道顶板离层与支护技术研究
15.The Application Research on Bolt-Mesh Support Technology of Large Cross-Section Gateway in Sihe Coal Mine;寺河矿大断面回采巷道锚网支护技术应用研究
16.Research on Bolt and Tight Wire Coupled Support of Gateway with High Geo-stress Soft Rock;高应力软岩回采巷道锚杆(索)耦合支护技术研究
17.Optimization Study of Bolt Supporting Parameters for Extraction Roadway in Shishan Coal Mine史山矿回采巷道锚杆支护参数优化研究

mining gateway回采巷道
1.Coupling support technology with bolt/steel mesh/anchor for deep mining gateway in Jining No.2 Mine;济宁二矿深部回采巷道锚网索耦合支护技术
2.Practices on floor heave prevention and control technology of mining gateway in Wuyang Mine;五阳煤矿回采巷道底鼓防治技术实践
3.Practices on bolt support for mining gateway under geological conditions of broken surrounding rocks;围岩破碎地质条件回采巷道锚杆支护实践
3)mining roadway回采巷道
1.Stability analysis of the mining roadways with bolt supporting;锚杆支护在回采巷道中稳定性分析
2.Study on the strata and fracture features of surrounding rocks and the bolting effect in actual mining roadways;回采巷道围岩结构与裂隙分布特征及锚杆支护机理研究
3.Theoretical determination of bolt pre-tightening force on the bolt combined effect in the roof of mining roadway回采巷道顶板锚杆组合作用下锚杆预紧力理论确定
1.The spot observation research on the surrounding-rock deformation laws of roadway in fully-mechanized sub-level caving mining face;综放回采巷道围岩变形规律的现场实测研究
2.Research on Destruction Mechanism and Supporting in Roadway of the Steep Coal Seam of Taiping Coal Mine;太平矿急倾斜煤层回采巷道破坏机理与支护研究
3.The roadway deformation mechanism and establishment of mechanical model of thick seam回采巷道基本顶结构建立及其力学稳定性分析
5)actual mining roadway回采巷道
1.Confirmation of reasonable pillar's size in actual mining roadways;回采巷道合理煤柱尺寸的确定
2.The bolting with wire mesh is commonly used actual mining roadway of the thick coal seam, and in some cases the cabling reinforcement should be considered.采用锚网支护方式维护厚煤层放顶煤沿底回采巷道时,多数需要考虑锚索加固问题。
3.Expounded support key problems of soft rock actual mining roadway and probed into the support pattern along with improvement support methods for mining roadway.阐述了软岩层回采巷道支护的关键问题, 对不同岩性的回采巷道支护方法及改进方向进行了初步探索。
6)gate-road in the bottom slicing下分层回采巷道
1.Study on the affecting factors of rational layout location of gate-road in the bottom slicing;下分层回采巷道合理布置位置影响因素研究
2.The following conclusions can be drawn: stress distribution curves in the bottom slicing,and failure process and displacement characteristics of side coal-wall of gate-road in the bottom slicing.利用非线性有限元数值计算方法,模拟了上分层回采巷道开挖、上分层回采及下分层回采巷道开挖三个过程,经过分析得出了下分层煤体内应力分布曲线、内错式下分层回采巷道两帮煤体破坏过程及两帮位移分布特征;室内相似材料模拟试验结果显示了底板岩层竖直应力分布规律及采空区上覆岩层破坏形式。

回采率  在计算的区域(或计算范围)内采出的工业储量与报销的工业储量(即该区域的工业总储量)的百分比叫回采率;损失的工业储量与报销的工业储量的百分比叫矿石损失率。这两个指标从数量上表示地下资源的利用程度。根据计算范围的大小,可分为工作面(见回采工作面)、采区(矿块)、阶段和全矿回采率。中国矿山管理部门对不同矿床的回采率都有相应的规定,以保证资源的充分回收。非煤地下矿山常用有用成分回采率,即采出工业储量中的有用成分含量与报销工业储量中的有用成分含量的百分比来表示资源的利用程度。有用成分损失率为损失的有用成分含量与报销工业储量中的有用成分含量的百分比。    矿石损失 分设计损失和生产损失两类。前者主要是矿山设计中规定不采的各种保安矿柱。后者包括矿山生产期间因地质变化采不出的部分矿体或煤层,维护采场、巷道及地质构造破坏所保留的矿柱,因深孔位置布置不当未崩下的矿石,出矿过程遗留在底板和充填料中的损失,因废石大量混入,停止放矿留在崩落采场的损失,运输过程中的洒落损失和其他管理不善造成的损失。矿石损失除降低资源利用效果外,将增加每吨采出矿石的开拓、采准、折旧和管理等的摊销费用。大量矿石损失将缩短矿山服务年限,并可能造成冲击地压和自燃发火等隐患。    矿石贫化 采矿过程中采出的矿石因混入废石,使矿石品位降低的现象。矿石贫化将增加运输和加工费用,降低矿石加工部门的生产能力和回收率。如废石中含有有害杂质,将降低最终产品质量。    矿石损失率和贫化率 在露天开采中,两者一般在5%以下,低于地下开采很多。不同地下采矿方法的损失率和贫化率也相差很大,如充填法可能降至5%以下,而分段和阶段崩落法常大于15%。有的采矿方法如分段和阶段崩落法,减少矿石损失时,则贫化增大。20世纪50年代以来,各国广泛采用高强度、低成本的地下采矿方法开采较贫的矿体,损失和贫化指标都较高。    贫化率可根据工业矿石品位和采出矿石品位直接算出。如能直接测定采出矿石量、损失矿石量和混入废石量,可直接算出回采率和废石混入率,如不能直接测定,则用下式间接计算:     式中:Q为工业储量,c为工业储量的品位,T为采出矿石量,a为采出矿石的品位,b为混入废石的品位。在设计中,多根据条件类似的矿山来选用采矿方法的损失和贫化指标。设计规定不采的矿石,损失指标可直接算出。    降低矿石损失和贫化指标的措施 加强地质测量工作,提供可靠的地质资料;正确选择采矿方法及其构成要素;合理圈定保安矿柱;选用正确的开采顺序;及时回采矿柱和处理采空区;合理选用覆岩下的放矿方案和放矿制度;注意减少采场中和运输过程中的粉矿损失;加强生产管理和统计工作。