1.The modern architecture takes functionalism as its main character, which is the inevitable result of pursuing cost in modern industry society and emphasizing products economy and efficiency in construction activity.现代建筑以功能主义为主要特征,功能主义的本质就是现代工业社会追求成本与效率,在建筑活动中崇尚经济性与高效性的必然结果,在建筑创作上表现为功能理性主义和结构理性主义两种倾向。
2.Studied immune milk production by implanting an Antigen Release Devise(ARD) and evaluated the efficiency of implantation in 40 adult and healthy Holstein cows.对奶牛埋植抗原缓释剂ARD(antigen release devise)生产免疫乳的高效性进行评价,随机选择40头成年健康荷斯坦奶牛,试验组20头奶牛于右侧髋内淋巴结处埋植3种释放时间不同的ARD,分别在埋植当天、14 d和28 d释放抗原,通过ELISA检测血清和乳清中特异性抗体的效价及消长规律。
3.In this way ,we can reach safety, efficiency and net-storm controllability in internet management.介绍了TCP/IP协议中三个基本参数即IP地址、子网掩码和网关地址 ,并应用之来实现对同一网络环境中的计算机进行逻辑子网的划分 ,从而达到在网络管理中实现安全性、高效性和网络风暴的可控制

1.Genetic Analysis for Fe-efficiency Trait of Malus Xiaojinensis;小金海棠铁高效性状的遗传效应分析
2.Discussion on Improving the Effectiveness of Teachers Performance Management in Universities;提高高校教师绩效管理有效性的探讨
3.Give examples of high and low directive behavior and high and low supportive behavior.列举高效和低效的指导性行为,以及高效和低效的支持性行为。
4.Optimize Supplier and Cooperator Enhance Benefit and Efficiency;优化供方与合作者提高有效性和效率
5.A Strategic Analysis of How to Improve the Validity of Communication about Performance Among Organizations提高组织绩效沟通有效性的策略分析
6.Purposefulness, Effectiveness and Initiative in Moral Education in Colleges and Universities;高校德育工作的针对性、实效性、主动性
7.Study on Age Hardening High Speed Steel (Ⅰ)--Properties of Age Hardening High Speed Steel时效硬化高速钢研究(Ⅰ)——时效高速钢的性能
8.Explore Strategies to Enhance the Effectiveness of Teaching High School Biology;探索提高高中生物教学有效性的策略
9.The Effectiveness of Improving Ideological and Political Education in Universities;提高高校思想政治教育实效性的探析
10.Make Mathematics Teaching More Effective in Higher Vocational Colleges;提升高职高专数学课堂教学的有效性
11.How Does the University Enhance the Validity of Its Ideological and Political Education;高校如何提高思想政治教育的实效性
12.Strategies in Raising Teaching Efficiency of Senior Middle School Maths;提高高中数学教学有效性的策略探究
13.In the New Era Some Meditation on Creating Actual Effect of the Virtue in College;新形势下提高高校德育实效性的思考
14.Discussion on Improving the Teaching Effect of Basic Law at College;提高高校法律基础课教学有效性初探
15.Actual Views on Improving Teaching Result of "Two Courses " in Higher Schools;提高高校"两课"教学效果的现实性思考
16.The Research on How to Improve Actual Teaching Effect in Accounting Course of Higher-Vocation School提高高职会计课堂教学实效性的探究
17.Regulation effects of PP333 on extension of tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea)多效唑对高羊茅扩展性和根系特性的调控效应
18.Objective To enhance the therapeutic effect of hypertrophic pharyngitis.目的 :提高慢性肥厚性咽炎的治疗效果。

high efficiency高效性
1.The construction of the high load websites should start from the malfunctions in the websites,apply the technique of load balance,and choose the proper detecting methods of the load balance calculation and the web system status,so as to realize the reliability,high efficiency and extendability of the web service.从引起web站点的故障出发,结合负载均衡技术,通过选择适当的负载均衡算法和网络系统状况的检测方式,建设起高负载的WEB站点,从而实现WEB服务的可靠性、高效性和可扩展性。
3)function of high decomposition高效降解性
4)efficiency design高效性设计
5)high efficient design设计高效性
6)high economic efficience经济高效性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-