1.Analysis on production reliability of dragline with the variation of average coal seam thickness;煤层厚度变化下拉斗铲生产可靠性分析
2.Influence adaptability of dragline to variation of coal seam thickness during mining operation period of large surface coal mine;露天煤矿拉斗铲作业对煤层厚度变化影响
3.Reliability of dragline stripping and semi-continuous mining coal system under the thick overburden厚覆盖层下拉斗铲剥离与半连续采煤系统的可靠性

1.Optimal Research on Coal Conveying System in Dragline Stripping System;拉斗铲无运输倒堆工艺下运煤系统优化研究
2.Effect of Dip Angle of Coal Seam on Dragline Stripping System煤层倾角对拉斗铲倒堆工艺的影响研究
3.Adapability Analysis of Dragline Mining System Under Conditions of Changing Stratum Thickness岩层厚度变化下拉斗铲工艺适应性分析
4.The open cast method is an advanced stripping technology with low operation cost.拉斗铲倒堆剥离是一种先进的开采工艺,机械化程度高,开采成本低。
5.Reliability of dragline stripping and semi-continuous mining coal system under the thick overburden厚覆盖层下拉斗铲剥离与半连续采煤系统的可靠性
6.an excavator whose shovel bucket is attached to a hinged boom and is drawn backward to move earth.铲斗连着铰链向后拉能移动泥土的电铲。
7.Research in Intelligent Control of Scraper Bucket对铲运机铲斗进行智能化控制的研究
8.air driven rockerloader压气式铲斗后卸装载机
9.bucket wheel suction dredger斗轮铲式抽吸挖泥机
10.draglines and Backhoes拉铲挖掘机与反铲挖掘机
11.The big steam shovel lowered its scoop into the ship and pulled it up with a load of gravel.那个大汽铲把铲斗放低,伸到船上,铲上一堆小石子。
12.winch drawn rake cowshed cleaner绞车牵引铲斗式牛舍除粪器
13.We have only got to go on fighting to beat the life out of these villains.我们唯有继续战斗,以铲除这些恶徒。
14.Research of Application of Dragline Stripping Technology in Opencast;露天矿索斗铲倒堆工艺开采方法研究
15.Analysis for Fracture Stick of 395B Power Shovel and Its Repairing Process395B电铲斗杆断裂分析及修复工艺
16.A receptacle on various machines, such as the scoop of a power shovel or the compartments on a water wheel, used to gather and convey material.斗各种机器上的容器,如铲土机的铲斗,水车的戽斗,用来收集、传送物料
17.Ruggam felled him with his shovel.拉根一铲子把他打倒在地。
18.Application of Pro/E in Design of Drag-Shovel Turning Gear;Pro/E在拉铲回转齿轮设计中的应用

draw bucket拉铲斗
3)bucket link铲斗拉杆
4)Pull shovel handling拉斗铲倒堆
5)bucket tilt link铲斗转斗拉杆

斗帐【斗帐】 (物名)帐形如覆斗。故以为名。汉刘熙逸雅六曰:“帐张也,张施于床上也。小帐曰斗,形如覆斗也。”佛本行集经十五曰:“作瓶天子化作一尸,卧在床上,众人举行,复以种种妙色刍衣张施其上,作于斗帐。”起世经四曰:“妇女,丈夫命终,作种种斗帐幰盖而普周匝。”